Sunday, February 28, 2010

RSS Feed Tips for the Beginner!

RSS Feed Tips for the Beginner!

A logical question I'm often ask is....."what are RSS feeds anyway"? We see this term on many web sites; "subscribe to this RSS feed". RSS is the three letter acronym for Really Simple Syndication or Rich Site Summary. An RSS feed allow you to get real time information every time new content is posted to a particular web site that you have an interest in....and you receive the latest updates on that particular subject, product or service directly from the web site source to your desktop. What a convenient way to stay informed about your favorite online authors, writings, weather, news, products or services and other areas of interest you may have.

You will save an incredible amount of time by using an RSS feed. You won't have to surf the web for updated information, it will be automatically forwarded to you until you decided you no longer want such a service. You can cancel at any time. This will save a lot of junk from hitting your e-mail in box and wasting time going through a ton of worthless e-mails. You choose which feeds you want to review on a regular basis and turn it on and off at will. Your e-mail address will be required, however, the RSS aggregators does not use your e-mail address to send any updates. One great feature you will is spam free. Your e-mail address is kept private and safe from e-mail brokers and spammers.

If and when you want to unsubscribe from the RSS feed you merely delete the RSS feed information from your aggregator. If you are enjoying the latest news on a given subject and your interest changes, just unsubscribe. There is a definite advantage here for you the subscriber and/or the site owner where the feed is coming from. You are in control and when your interest changes you have helped the site owner because they will now only be providing information to those individuals who are truly interested in their product or services, giving the web owner more time to laser focus on people who have a true interest in their business opportunity.

If you are a writer with interest in the same information category as the RSS feed, you can republish the article from another web site or information source. When using other peoples articles please give that author credit for their work. By putting the authors entire article as written in quotes and giving that author credit for the informative article, you can republish that article in your own blog, forum, e-mail etc. You get the point content and information on your web site complimenting your products or services. Use this feature wisely and you will find that RSS feeds are a great way to promote your business as well.

Some advantages and disadvantages must be considered when using feeds like this. Normally, the feeds will be text only without a bunch of photos or graphics. This will save you a lot of time in your reviews of the feed and if you want pictures and graphics you can always visit the business web site for that information. Some web based aggregators may provide other than just text. Choose wisely.

If you haven't used RSS feeds in your business before, it's well worth a try. Do your research regarding RSS feeds and see if feeds will works for you. You need to make sure your web site supports RSS feeds. Most aggregators are very user friendly, so it should be rather simple to set up this process even though you may be a bit computer challenged. Check it out and see if you are comfortable with this type of system working for you.

When reviewing a web site and you like what you see....and you decide to keep up to date on the sites new products, continued articles and so forth, you can look for the RSS or XML button somewhere on the site. Normally it will provide you with a simple code with subscription instruction that follow. This code will contain the URL address of the web site of interest. When you get it all set up the information you receive from the site will be in real time.

There are some distinct advantage for the web owner. This provides the web owners time to laser focus targeted leads for follow up. This will provide more time for the follow up simply because you are now focusing on only the individuals who are interested in a specific product or service, thus eliminating the normal hit and miss operation your may be accustom to. The focus here can develop into a very powerful marketing strategy. By contacting networking organizations, sporting stores or club, this process could develop into a lucrative business venture.

By using your imagination here, you will probably come up with a dozen or more different ways you may want to consider. The sky is the limit here and may be an avenue you've never considered before, but well worth pursuing now. Good Luck!

The eBiz Solutions Team is standing by to assist you in your marketing ideas. Call today for your free 30 minute consultation.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
Skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Popular Link on the Internet!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Search Engine Algorithms and You!

Search Engine Algorithms and You!

SEO which is the acronym for Search Engine Optimization is a complex process the search engines uses to analyize your web site to see if your site has earned the right to be indexed by the search engines. Not all web sites meet the criteria of the search engines to qualify or stay qualified....for any given period of time. Each search engine has a different set of guidelines for this process. Meeting the qualifications of Google may not be what Yahoo or Bing are looking for, for you to earn high page for your web site.

Each of the search engines uses literally hundreds of checks and balances to establish whether your web site will qualify for indexing in their systems. Understanding the differences of what each search engine are looking for and working with those guidelines....will you achieve good page ranking with the search engines.

There are no regulations in place for SEO Consulting Firms who claims to be SEO gurus. There are more and more individual claiming to be the most knowledgeable in SEO practices. All titles of these organizations are self imposed, however, there are certain unfair practices known as the black hat SEO.

It is recommended that when searching for an SEO company to represent your business opportunity....that good page standings of past projects may represent the quality of work done by that organization. In other words where does that company stand with the search engines. What is their page rank...have they proved they can do the job you need to promote your business opportunity in a timely fashinon?

Another area of interest is the number of links of the organization. Does it even have any links? If so....are these links pointing to the target web site and what is the quality of those links. Are those links good links or are there broken links included in the total. These are just some of the questions you need answered before you commit to hiring someone just because they are cheap and say they are the expert in search engine optimization. A legitimate company can give you a printed report of their link popularity. Ask for it!

When considering the process of Search Engine Optimization you may not understand any of the complex strategies of this ever changing aspect of online marketing. This is where a professional who specializes in top positions with the search engines really comes into play. SEO is a complex process and for the average lay person they can't fathom the process. Most admit it's not worth learning or pursuing the ongoing studies required to keep up with the changes that occur on a regular basis. Learning this process in a long and grueling journey and just about the time you think you have all the information to do well....the rules and engine algorithms change. Unless you live with this process daily and are on top of this game every day, something critically important is going to be overlooked and may cost you dearly in search engine rankings. Once you loose momentum with your page rank positions it seem like it takes forever to regain your previous acceptable positions again. A qualified pro lives this process and can help you in this ever changing world called internet marketing.

There are no legitimate guarantees that can be declared for page rank positions with the search engines. The different algorithms of the various search engines will prohibit any site to be indexed and page ranked using a broad brush approach. The guidelines and the criteria the search engines uses is not available to the general public, so any consulting company that says other wise is misleading you. Guidelines with all the search engines are closely guarded secrects that only a trusted few employees of the search engines staff even have a clue of how it all works. We all get the same information....and that information comes only when it's made available by the individual search engines.

The successful outcome of any SEO campaign is accomplished by trial and more trials over an extended period of time. What works for some SEO Campaigns may not work for another project. Flexibility in this process is an acquired virtue. Using some of the old proven techniques as well as new changes of the search engine the only way to generate a positive outcome for your marketing campaigns. This whole process does not happen overnight....the secret to a successful SEO campaign is consistency and using all the marketing tools the ability of the SEO professional to meld all of these ingredients together and present your business opportunity to the search engines correctly. Once this information is all put together in the search engines algorithm then and only then will the search engines point your optimized web site to the potential clients when a search query using your keywords and phrases is made by the user.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
Skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Are You Marketing Challenged...Need Help?!?

Are You Marketing Challenged...Need Help?!?

If you're just getting started on the internet....getting started on the right foot is imperative....and learning the process of marketing your business opportunity on the internet is a prerequisite to become successful on line! Learn some simple yet effective tips from the professionals that will help accelerate your learning process!

Most of us have been through the process of searching the web for that unbelievable program that will make us an overnight millionaire. You know....the one where you can retire on some tropical island and drink those exotic island drinks all day while laying on the beach getting a suntan. That program that is the most wonderful thing since sliced bread! The one that you don't have to advertise, make phone calls or do any recruiting. All you have to do is check your back statement every morning to see how much money your made while you were sleeping last night. That type of advertising lies....insults my intelligence.

How much money have you wasted on that kind of to good to be true junk? Everyone I talk to has been through the same ridiculous fantasy. I was in a meeting the other day and one of the individuals in the meeting had spent over $10,000 buying junk programs that was hyped supposedly make them get rich quickly. They had not make one nickle with all that wasted money. If you don't remember anything else in this article today, remember this one statement....There is NO legitimate get rich scheme that will make you rich overnight!! It takes work and dedication to be successful on the internet just like any other business. Everything else is a outright lie.

By putting together a fancy web site with a lot of flash and hyped up content will ruin your chances of success on the internet. The search engines are not interested in flash, pictures and junk content and they will punish you for this type of site. They may even ban you from the internet. The Search Engines are interested in one thing....and that is good keyword rich relevant content about your products or service. By writing articles with good keyword rich content on a daily basis, search engine like Google will push your site to higher and higher page ranking.

I reviewed a survey the other day, stating that more than 78% of the people who are doing a search for a product or service will Google the topic for information about a business or individual before they will do business with them. Most people won't go past page one or maybe page two of Google in researching their interest. If you're not positioned on page 1 or 2 of the search may never be found on the internet.

By consistently writing new articles with good keyword rich content, Google will position you in their rankings so that people will find you quicker than if you just have a lot of glitz, glamour and moving text on your web site. I reviewed a site the other morning for a potential client who couldn't understand why his site (which was well designed and looked good) was going nowhere. When I reviewed the source code which is where the search engine look....there was NO keywords....NO meta tag description....and NO links. Plus there had been NO new content added to the web site since the site was built in June of 2005. It doesn't take a take a rocket expert to figure out what's wrong with that picture. However, if you don't have the expertise to investigate the source, how would anyone ever know to look at the inner structure of the web site. You wouldn't. Without proper training you probably don't have a clue where to look either. This is where professional help can be the difference between success and possible failure. Don't go this road alone....get the help you need, when you need it.

If you need assistance, the eBiz Solutions Team is standing by to assist you in your marketing endeavors. Call today for your 30 minute's Free!!!

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
Skype: larrylmiller121

>The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Gain Knowledge by Writing!

Gain Knowledge by Writing!

Writing articles is sometimes an arduous task that we all despise from time to time. Most of us say "I can't write" so therefore I don't waste my time. One of the great secrets of learning to writing. Writing good content requires research, therefore, in your research you will gain an incredible amount of vital information about a particulat subject. With this knowledge you will be prepared to write informative articles about your products, services or maybe a blog regarding your favorite sporting event.

Most of us have had an opportunity to watch some of the Vancouver 2010 performances in the last couple of weeks. What fantastic performances and dedication of success we've seen. Do you think this was the first time these athletes ever put on a pair of skates or others who skied the downhill at speed nearing 100 miles per hour....o you think this was their first competition? Absolutely not....every single one has been practicing since they were able to walk in most cases. These athletes spend hours and hours everyday of the week honing their skills to perfection. Every single individual has a coach that is working with them to make them live, breath and train for an event that only last for maybe 5 minutes or so. What drives these athletes to put their bodies thru intense pain just to win? Gold...Silver...Bronze Medals and the pride of being the best in the world. They have just generated a reputation for themselves that will follow them for the rest of their life....letting the world know that they were the best....even though it was only for about 5 minutes of fame.

Writing requires the same regiment, dedication and training to become successful in learn to write by writing. Write like you talk....and the words your trying to convey will come across in a sincere and acceptable manner to your audience. Get a coach if necessary, but keep up with your training by writing...and writing until you have honed your skills of writing to perfection in your mind. This dedication will reflect in your writings and you will see more and more people subscribing to your way of thinking.

One suggestion would be to read an article by one of the great writers on any can think of. Try making an outline of that article....then write an informative article of your own....talking about the same thought you just studied. You will be amazed how much content you can write after you've taken the time to study a particular subject and put into your own words. You may have to re-write your article more than once. So What? Write it and re-write it until your comfortable with the flow of information about your subject matter. Write as you saw and understood the subject of interest. Sharing information is a tremendous way to become popular on the internet. You become an authority, an expert if you the person who is gleaning information from your writings. You are getting your 5 minutes of fame. Just as the athletes have earned their right to participate in an event, you to must earn the right to become a recognizable authority on the internet about your product or service.

Consistently writing articles with keyword rich specific content and posting those articles on the internet is one of the keys to unlock the power of successful marketing. Individuals surfing on the internet are looking for straight forward information about a product or service they may have an interested in. The first impression will normally determine whether you will get their business or if that potential client will become a client of your competition. One chance is normally all you will get to impress a potential client, so make that opportunity the very best you can with full and fair disclosure of information.

Brief, precise, keyword rich, relative information is what people are looking for. Don't try to hype a product and go on and on about your opportunity being the latest and greatest widget. This is a major turn off! Shoppers don't like questionable content and false promises when looking to purchase an item online. Shoppers are looking for straight forward information....about their interest at that moment. Nothing more and nothing less.

The potential client will normally follow the cycle of human behavior. They will scan the content looking for keywords that will trigger additional interest in what they are already looking for. It is a good practice when writing to make your keywords stand out so the potential client can find those keywords quickly. You can bold or italics your keywords if you like. This also indicates to the search engines these are keywords. You must submit short articles with keyword specific meaning, to stimulate that individual's attention to the point of purchasing what you have to offer. Throwing a lot of hype and repetitious information will bore the user very quickly. Thus driving the user elsewhere to purchase the product or service of interest.

One suggestion....which is recommended by the experts is the....the 3 to 4 second rule. Get the potential clients Attention....spark an Interest....create a Desire ....and influence that individual to take Action. A decision will always follow this process. The decision to purchase a product or service from you is the goal here....or they will go elsewhere if the information is boring or questionable. Be very specific....informative....and truthful, the rest will fall into place. Shading the truth will always come back and bite you where it hurts the most. Don't succumb to taking the fateful path of shadowing the truth....always tell it like it is....even if it hurts.

The eBiz Solutions Team is standing by to assist you in this process. Call today for your free 30 minute consultation.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L. Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
Skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Visualization Will Become a Reality!

Visualization Will Become a Reality!

Have you ever dreamed of having a successful online business? Most of us have, at one time or another. However, statistics show that less than 5% of individuals using the internet actually make money. This computes to 95% of the people who are online end up spending money....not making money. People are spending their money on junk and get rich quick schemes that don't work. They are chasing the mythical pot of gold at the end of a rainbow....only to find it doesn't exist.

Why do so many people fail on the internet? It's really a simple answer. They believe all the hype of getting filthy rich, then spending the rest of their life laying on the beach on some beautiful island and never working again. Be realistic folks. Who do you know that has accomplished this incredible feat? Nobody! Human beings dream of getting something for nothing and that's exactly what they get....absolutely nothing.

You're not alone in your desires to become successful in life. All of us have that desire at one time or another. The difference in those who become successful and those who fail is quite elementary. Visualization! You must visualize your become successful. If you don't visualize're destined to failure. Success breeds success....failure is generated by hanging with people who are failures

I had the honor of being a student of Butch Hamilton and train with the "Master" himself in marketing strategies. I read one of Butch's articles recently on Visualization Marketing. What an eye opener. Butch stated "I believe that visualization is the first step in achieving desired success. It is simply the act of thinking about what you wish to accomplish". That article was absolutely powerful and helped me so much in my attitude and direction and has helped me to become the success I am today.

I applaud the statement Butch made "what we think is what we become". How true this is. If we visualize success in our life....success will happen. Conversely, if we think we are going to fail....that's exactly what will happen in your life. You are what you think!

There have been numerous articles and books written about this concept. It's nothing's just we don't follow through on good advise most of the time. A book written many years ago....Think and Grow an excellent example of this theory. Positive thoughts breed success. On the other hand negative thinking not only affects you, but is contagious to everyone around you. Negative thoughts can be the death of your actions today....or your opportunity of success tomorrow.

You are the only one who can change your negative thoughts. Surround yourself with positive individuals and see the immediate difference it will make in your life. Positive thoughts build confidence....and will create good things happening all around you. Negative thoughts will....immediately destroy success. A person with a negative attitude will drag you down quickly and you will become just like individuals you hang with.

The art and science of online marketing is all about visualizing your success. Don't just think about it. Do it! This process is not an overnight happening. Depending on your abilities and efforts you put into your dreams today....will forever impact the development of your success.

Change your attitude....think positive....and visualize where your online journey can lead you. Whatever obstacles you must overcome....make it happen, commit to make that change immediately. If you're around negative people....get new friends. If you need to get training....find the information to change your situation immediately. There are professionals who can help you in your "quest for success." Visualize where you want to be in the next twelve month, and then pursue that goal with all the abilities you can can make it happen.

Another quote from Butch that pretty well sums it up. "When I speak to others about visualization....visualization can act as the opposite just as effectively. If you are consistently thinking that you cannot be successful, cannot make money, cannot pay your bills and that you cannot achieve any type of success, then you will be exactly right." When you talk to yourself about visualizaing your can be your own best friend, or your worst enemy." It's your future that's a stake make the right choices....or suffer the consequences of your bad choices. Visualize success, work hard to accomplish your goals and you will reap the rewards of a job well done.

Good luck in your personal visualization process. The eBiz Solutions Team is standing by to assist you in your desires for success. Call today for your free 30 minute consultation.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller   SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-595-4405
Skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Sitemaps For Your Web Sites!

Sitemaps For Your Web Sites!

If your just in building a web site or maybe just rebuilt your current can you get your efforts seen by the general public and the search engines. In addition to your normal promotion activities there is one thing that will help you to gain the exposure you're trying to generate. Many of the search engines have or are in the process of putting more and more credence on using sitemaps in your web site.

You can talk to any webmaster and they will have their own spin on how sitemaps play in search engine optimization and site recognition. A sitemap is nothing more than a road map of your web site showing search engines and the users where to find specific information. This is an excellent tool for finding your information by both the search engines and the consumer who may be searching for information about your product or service.

In yesterdays article we discussed the Robots.txt files and it's function which is telling the engines what to index...or not to index. The difference here is clear that the sitempas are an excellent way to communicate with the search engines and potential clients of what is in your web site. There is nothing in the search engine guidelines that says you must have a Robots.txt file or a sitempap feature in your web site, however, it has been my experience that both of these functions has enhanced the popularity of my web site visibility with the search engines and consumers.

To get the maximum benefits out of the sitemap it's best to create two different sitemaps for your site. One for the search engine spiders and the other one for the visitors who come to your site. Having two sitemaps, each having a specific function is not regarded as duplicate content with the search engines.

Better visibility and easy navigation for the search engines are just a couple of benefits of the sitemap. By using sitemaps you are notifying the search engines of any changes to your web site. This is an immediate notification, however, the search engines may not get around to spidering your site....from a few minutes to even a day or so. That's OK, just let the robots, spiders and the search engines do their job.

By submitting your sitemap to the search engines, you will add one more promotion addition to external links you already have in your site to get the search engines to your site for indexing. By using the sitemap it will help find broken internal links for you to repair before submitting your site to the search engines. If your site is relatively new.... the sitemap will definitely help the search engines find the information they need in your site to index your site correctly.

Not all search engines require a sitemap, however, you will have a leg up on the competition when all the search engines adopt the sitemap as a integral part of optimization. It really doesn't hurt to have an extra advantage when promoting on line.

There is a rather simple process you can follow when creating sitemaps. There are several sitemap generators offered on line that will help you get started in the right direction. This author does not recommend any particular sitemap generator. First you must generate a sitemap either with a generator or by hand, and upload the sitemap to your site. Once you have done these two simple steps then notify Google and other engines about your sitemap. If you don't know how to do this procedure then do some research and learn the process.

Many webmasters will merely list all of the URLs listed on a web site and place them in a text file and then upload to their site. It's totally up to you since creating a sitemap is optional.

It is my opinion, sitemaps are an effective method of keeping the search engines as well as the users informed about your web site. If you don't understand this concept....then do your research and learn as much as you can. Once you are more familiar with the sitemap structure and its function, you will probably start using sitemaps in all of your opportunities.

The eBiz Solutions Team is standing by to assist you in your online marketing endeavors. Call today for your free 30 minute consultation.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller    SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
Skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Understanding and Using Robots,txt Files!

Understanding and Using Robots,txt Files!

We all get a bit excited when the search engines visits our web site frequently and indexes our content. However, there are certain things that we don't want the search engines to spider because of private information that we don't want the world to see. Another scenario would be that we may have more than one version of a page on our site. We can tell the search engines in our robot.txt file which page to crawl and which ones to ignore. We definitely don't want both of these pages to be crawled and end up with the search engine nailing you for spam because of the duplicate content in the two similar versions of one page.

Another reason you may want to tell the spiders not to spider a page would be to save some bandwidth by excluding some of the images, style sheets or javascript. With the robot.txt file you can be very specific about what you want spidered and not spidered.

What does Robots.txt file really mean? The robots.txt is a text file (not html) you put on your web site to inform the search robots which pages of your site you would like crawled and which ones you don't want the spiders to crawl. Placing a robots.txt file in your site is not mandated by the search engines, however, the search engines will normally follow your instructions you would put in this file. This process is similar to putting a sign on your web site saying "Do Not Enter" on an unlocked door. This file is not a fire wall so the search engine may still spider your site.

Another way you could tell the engines which files and folders to not spider would be with the use of a robots metatag. Some engines don't read metatags, so the information in the robots metatag would not be seen at all by certain engines. The preferred way to be specific to all the engines would be with the use of the robots.txt file....not robots metatags.

Where you position your robots.txt file is vitally important. It must be in the main directory or the search engines will not find the file. The engines do not search the whole site, they look in the main directory and if they don't find the file there, the engine would assume that such a file does not exist. As a result, then the engine would index everything they find in your site. Even though this file is not required by the engines, if you don't put the file in the right place the search engines will likely index the entire site, including your private information you wanted to keep confidential.

The structure of the robots.txt file has little to no flexibility. Learning the function and structure is pretty simple if you do a bit of study and learn it's function and purpose. There are program that are available online that will help you in this process. By filling in a few blanks and a click of the mouse you can construct a very effective text file that will be very specific to the search engines. Don't attempt to get creative here, it will hurt you in the long run.

When you start trying to manipulate these files and try to allow different engines or directories you can get into trouble rather quickly. Make sure you type your commands very carefully...check and double check your spelling, positioning of colons, slashes and make sure the spelling of the engines is correct. Even though this file is rather simple in it's intent, making simple mistakes can be devastating. This may be where it would be wise to use some form of a validator to check your entries for accuracy. This author does not recommend or endorse any particular product here. Do your research...then decide if this type of validation system is for you. Good Luck in your marketing endeavors.

The eBiz Solutions Team is standing by to assist you with any questions you may have. Call for your free 30 minute consultation today.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
Skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Target Keywords for Your Web Site!

Target Keywords for Your Web Site!

Everyone who has sat down and designed a web site and tried to optimize the site runs into the same challenges with Keywords and Keyword Phrases. What keywords or keyword phrases should I use and how popular are those keywords in any given category are questions we all ask. Without the use of relative keywords in your source code and content of your site, you probably won't get to far with trying to obtain good page ranks with the search engines. You probably won't get ranked at all. Relative keywords and keyword phrases are imperative if you want to succeed online.

There are certain recommendations that apply here for choosing the right keywords or phrases for you to accomplish a successful marketing campaign. Getting the right keywords is probably one of the most crucial parts of any campaign you may be involved in. To perform this function effectively, you will spend hours or even a couple of days searching for the right words, putting them in a priority list, using other research sources, figuring out what your competition is using for their good page rank and more. However, without this step of the process being very precise in it's final format, you may spend an incredible amount of time later on. It's better to spend the time up front than trying to repair the problem later on.

After you've made a long and detailed list of the keywords you feel best describes your business opportunity, then start narrowing that list down to the most targeted keywords that apply to what your web site is all about. The goal here is to laser focus your keywords to best describe your site and gain top page ranks with the top search engines. If doesn't make a difference whether you like Google, Yahoo or MSN, the keywords will be what each of these engines are looking at.

If you have several competitors that uses some of the keywords you've chosen, your journey to top position with the search engines may be difficult to achieve. Don't get discouraged here, even though you may have to work a bit harder you can still accomplish your goals if you try hard enough. There is only one top position on any search term you look for, however, getting a ranking on page one is fantastic, page two being good, or page three just fair, you can possibly get some better positions with less popular keywords or keyword phrases. Remember, keywords are critical for success and the end result is well worth the efforts put forth in this vital part of the search engine optimization process.

Many sites with lower page ranks can get high traffic from the search engines. Like anything else....the higher you rank the farther you can fall. Sure I love the page one, position one with the search engines, but I have learned to be content with a lower page ranking and by working hard, keeping a presence on page one with maybe two or three positions on the first page.

To give you an example...this morning like every other morning I checked to see where I stand on Google for a particular keyword phrases I started promoting about 4 months ago. It is a very competitive keyword phrase. Out of 375 million listing primary business site was NOT #1....Bummer Right? Not necessarily....because one of my 3rd level domain sites was Page #1...position #1 on position #5 was an article I wrote a couple of months ago and in position # 8 was one of my blogs I post to everyday.....What? Three page ranks for my opportunity on page #1 of Google! All of these page #l ranking positions was pointing to my primary business with links from each of these sites. I think you're beginning to see the point here. I got a Gold...a Silver...and a Bronze Medal, all in the same day. Sure a #1 position with my primary business would have been great, but tell me which scenario will give me the most online exposure when promoting my business opportunity. I think the answer is obvious.

The key here is to be persistent. Every single day I write at least one article linking to my primary business opportunity. I post that article on numerous blogs, hand index the URLs to the search engines and promote the my information in various other venues using the intenet as my only source of promoting. Folks, I'm just a retired country boy that does the same process over and over everyday with new keyword rich content in articles sharing information about how to promote an online business. If I can be successful online, so can you if your put forth the effort to learn the process and be willing to do whatever it takes to do it right.

Learning how to search for the best keywords and taking the time to use those keywords in my writings has been a never ending challenge but well worth the rewards that it affords. You to can earn "Top Positions in Google" and other search engines by following the process we've been talking about here today. If you don't know how to do this process, then buckle down and do some research about this crucial process of finding the right keywords before you just throw something out there on the internet regarding your opportunity.

If you have any questions or need some personal mentoring, the eBiz Solutions Team is standing by to assist you in your online marketing journey. Call today for your free 30 minute consultation.

"Let's Build Your Online Business Together"

Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
Skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Optimizing for the Search Engines!

Optimizing for the Search Engines!

Trying to optimize your web site to rank well in the three major search engines can be a daunting task. Each of the big three have different algorithms they use to rank your site. We will discuss some of these differences with our primary focus on Yahoo in todays article.

There was a time when Yahoo was the most popular search engine on the internet. When Google came on the scene it was clear that these two search engines were looking at totally different methods of calculating rankings within their systems. At one point if you ranked high in Google you couldn't rank high in Yahoo, so optimizing your site had to be done in two opposing configurations in your web site.

The other major player in the top search engines popularity was and still is MSN. In todays marketing, ignoring anyone of the big three search engines is a hugh mistake. Each of these engines has a very distinct function they play in web site optimization and must be addressed if you want to attain top positions on the big three. (Google, Yahoo and MSN (BING)

There are various reports of how much of the market share each of these giants share in the overall figures for popularity. Google has taken a good percentage of the market because of the precise search results that Google displays when you do a "Google It" search. However, depending on what search results you need for different type of marketing results, keep in mind the valuable information given by Yahoo and MSN.

All of these search engines use a different algorithm in their process which in turn will give different results. These algorithms change on a frequent basis, so don't try to understand all the little details factored into each of their formulas. By knowing there are some differences in the structuring of each of these search engines and that there will be different outcomes in the search results you will be able to compare the differences and learn very quickly which of the results for a search query best fits your requirements for optimizing your business opportunity.

All the major search engines use robot spiders to search the pages of the internet to gather information and then indexes that data into their databases. A recent report states that Slurp (the Yahoo spider bot) is the second most active spider crawler on the internet. Like all other spiders if there are missing links, missing pages and other required information such as meta tag descriptions, lack of keywords...just to name a couple of items, then the information is incomplete and the results of the search engine will be low or even non existent.

It is imperative to have your web site optimized as much as humanly possible to get the search engines to give your site high page ranks. If you do a half way job on your web site optimization then don't expect to earn high positions with any of the search engines.

Another difference is Google and Yahoo is the sand box theory we talked about in a recent article. The Google sand box may last for a month or two or even longer. However, the Yahoo sand box for the most part is for a shorter period of time. Optimize your web site correctly and follow the rules and guidelines and avoid being put in the sandbox if at all possible.

In some of the recent changes in the algorithm of the major search engines one very important issue you must take into consideration is the linking and back linking in your web site. It appears that Google puts more importance on the links and back links than Yahoo and MSN, however, Yahoo focuses more on the page factors such as keyword density in the title, the URL, and the headings.

Even though there are considerable differences in the way each search engine determines their page rank of your site there is one distinct factor that is common to all the search engines. The keywords in the title and in the URL are treated by the engine as one of the most important factors considered. Note...If you don't include some keywords in the title and the URL, you will never gain a top 10 position with the search engines. Be cautious here but don't over do it....anymore than 3 or 4 keywords could create a negative deduction on your rankings.

Keywords in filenames also score well with Yahoo, however, with Google there is little importance put on this function. Keyword density is important to Yahoo but on the other hand Google may ban your site if the keyword density is over 7-8%.

There are numerous other factors that may change your positions on any one of the search engines. Do your homework here and be familiar with as many of the contributing factors in the search engine algorithms as possible. Knowledge here is important for you to gain top positions on Google, Yahoo, MSN and other popular search engines. Learn as much as you can about this process and use your knowledge to your advantage to earn top page rank for your business opportunity.

If you have questions or need some personal mentoring, the eBiz Solutions Team is standing by to assist. Call now for your free 30 minute consultation.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
Skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Web Site Optimization Process

Web Site Optimization Process Offered by the eBiz Solutions Team!

Step by Step Process for Search Engine Optimization (SEO):

BLM Traders goes through a proven, step by step Search Engine Optimization (SEO) process analyzing your web site for ways to enhance your online presence. Results of this analysis is what must be done to optimize your web site with the search engines algorithms and for your web site to earn Top Positions on Google, Yahoo, MSN (Bing) and other search engines.

If you want to gain top positions of recognition this process must be implemented into your site. For each of these items that does not meet the engines algorithms, there are points deducted from the default scores, and your site is ranked according to your final score. Higher scores mean higher page rank with all search engines. There are no shortcuts permitted with the search engines when optimizing your web site.

Site Analysis

     • Keyword Library and keyword Builder

          The most time consuming and difficult parts of optimization is Keyword Research. We create or modify a keyword library database and use them for your web sites. We will generate hundreds of relevant keywords and phrases for your business.

     • Built-in Search Engine Optimization Features

The comprehensive Search Engine Optimization (SEO) suggests ways to improve your Web ranking on all major search engines. A simple report which identify key areas that need to be improved for SEO.

     • Meta Tag Generator

          With our meta tag generator we will suggest modifications of your websites keywords, description tag and web title for your site to obtain max SEO.

     • More Reliable

          With our new engine database design covers two level category selections. We will look at both the sub-category and the main category and then make sure the best category is chosen.

     • Doorway Page Generator

          We use software that can generate a Doorway Page with your keywords. Doorway pages can help you get higher rankings for "Spider" search engines.

     • URL Verification

          This smart search function helps us to verify your URLs to make sure that they are correct and all of your web pages are working correctly.

Site Submissions

     • All in One Automatic Search Engine Submission

          We will submit your website to 480+ major search engines all over the world.

     • Manual Search Engine Submission

          Engines like AltaVista, DMOZ etc. do not accept auto-submission unless you enter right submission code or choose the correct category.

     • Scheduled Search Engine Submission

          We can schedule your Search Engine Submission task to run the submission automatically at a specific time with specific intervals. It is extremely important that you continues to notify the search engines of any changes that you have made to your website… so they can update changes into their database.

     • Froogle Submitter

          We has the ability to submit and manage your products to Google's Froogle shopping site. Listing your product in Froogle extends the reach of your products or services to millions of new buyers.

     • Engine Builder

          As we add new search engines to our software this unlocks the limitation of engines we can submit to.

Link Building

     • Link Popularity Check

          Link popularity is one of the best ways to retrieve and measure your website's overall visibility. It allows us to see the number of incoming links to your website (number of links that point to your web site) and it also plays an important role in ranking your site in search engines like Google.

     • Internal Link Analysis

          We perform an internal link analysis regarding your website linking structure to comply with search engine standards. This will help to increase your link popularity.

     • External Link Analysis

          The External Link Analysis feature checks your external links which will increase your link popularity.

     • Article Submitter

          We can submit your articles to popular eZine websites and use this to get more traffic to your site.

     • Link Directory Creator

          The Link Directory creator allows you to easily create a list of relevant directories where you can submit your website and help to increase your link popularity.

     • Link Popularity Checker

          We will check your websites link popularity. Having links coming to your website is an important part of search engine optimization so we can check them regularly.

     • Link Partner Management

          We will organize all your web site link partners. We can add a new link partners, edit existing partner details and tracks to see if your web site has been linked by your link partners. This is an important part of SEO strategy!

     • Reciprocal Link Creator

          We create more potential link partners from search engines based on your specified keywords. This allows us to get relevant links to your website and it will send "personalized" reciprocal link invitations to all potential link partners.

     • Link Tracker

          The link tracker will track your link partner's web site to verify that your web site URL has been linked by your link partners. This will make sure that your website is definitely placed on their website.

     • Link Page Creator

          This creates link pages automatically for your reciprocal link partners. It allows us to add your link partner's web site to your link pages.

     • Reciprocal Link Invitation

          This will allow us to send "Personalized" reciprocal link invitations to your potential link partners. We can send a single invitation or send it in bulk with a "Personalized" message to all link partners.


     • Search Engine Optimization Reports

          We provide a comprehensive detailed report on where your website can be improved so that it will rank higher in the search engine. The report will scan your website for the correct location of keywords in Meta tags, Titles as well as Website content. Staying informed is important to your online success.

     • Website Submission Reports

          The website submission report offers a great way to keep track of all the search engines that we have submitted your website to.

     • Keyword Ranking Reports

          We provide information as to where your website is ranking in all the major search engines. We can generate a comprehensive report which we can store for comparisons and future references.

     • Scheduled Website Ranking Reports

          We can schedule ranking reports that can be run regularly which can be sent to you at a specified email addresses. This allows you to keep track of exactly where your website stands with the search engines.

     • Page Rank Checker

          The Google Page Rank checker calculated where you could rank under particular keywords in the Google search engine. This allows us to check all the URLs within your website.

     • Enhanced Web Ranking Report Creator

          We can check your web site position on all the major search engines and tell you exactly where your website is ranking. Just another feature to keep our customers informed.

     • Network support

          This is mainly designed for SEM or SEO companies who we provide SEM/SEO services.

Thank you in advance for your consideration in allowing the eBiz Solutions Team to be a part of your profitable online experience.
Call today for your free 30 minute consultation.

Private Line: 321-594-4405
Skype: larrylmiller121

Keywords:    SEO, Search Engine Optimization,Top Positions on Google,Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting,Keyword builder,marketing,optimization,eBiz Solutions Team,BLM Traders,site optimization,link popularity,page rank,web ranking,doorway page generator,meta tag,Froogle Submitter,link popularity,links,page rank,website ranking,link directory,Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting,
Top Positions on Google,Yahoo,MSN,Bing

Links           Marketing Articles           Yellow Page Link Directory           Automated Submissions          FFA's          Automated Marketing Tools

SEO Analysis Report Process          eBiz Solutions Team at BLM Traders           ©2004-2010 All Rights Reserved

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Home Based Business - Time Management

Home Based Business - Time Management

Most of us have had the desire to have our own home based business. There are advantages of working from home like saving on gas and avoiding traffic jams, not having to listen to some grouchy boss giving you a hard time because he had a bad night at home. Each of us have a bit different take on this subject, however the basis for a successful home based business opportunity is the same for all of us. We want to talk today about some guidelines that will help with some questions you may have on how this all works.

You must be a self starter and be able to control your time. Without time management system it is next to impossible to succeed in any home based business. To begin with you may have to sit down every morning and physically make a list of duties you need to get done. Once you get the list made, then put those chores in a priority format.

I try to put my chores in three different categories. First thing every morning I have at least 30 minutes of devotional reading. This clears my mind from all the mundane things in life. Never forget your spiritual values and beliefs. Then comes the things I need to devote to the family. Don't squeeze the family out trying to start your new venture. You need to devote a given amount of time to the promotion of your new business. Your normal job requires at least 8 hours of commitment to the job. You may have to devote a bit more time in the beginning of this venture, however, don't forget about yourself. Now would be a good time to position these duties in priority in your list you created earlier.

I prefer to get my emails out of the way first. There will some items in the email that will need to be taken care of rather quickly. Put those chores in your list. Once you include these things in your list, then put your list in order with the highest priorities forst to the lowest priorities. Now within this list you may want to put the most time consuming chore first and get it out of the way while your energy levels are still high. I like to write any article the first thing in the morning before all the distraction of the day takes all my attention. I try to get all the critical items out of the way before lunch if possible.

Many of our task can be scheduled either daily, weekly or monthly. Once you identify your tasks, then set your priorities.

When setting up your personal priority schedule be very realistic in your commitments. Give yourself plenty of time to complete your duties and give yourself some extra time for any distractions that may occur. Try to take a short break after each chore, grab a cup of coffee and let your mind relax and re-coup from the concentration pressures you may have developed from your previous chores.

Don't procrastinate about getting a particular chore done. The self motivation and the discipline we talked about earlier in this article is definitely important here. There are some chores that you may be able to incorporate with another chore within a timed frame you've set up...That's OK...Here you may want to drink a cup of coffee at the same time you're proofing an article you've written. Use your own good judgement. The main thing here is to set yourself on your schedule and follow that regiment until you are forced to change it. The main point here is to get in a routine and then re-assess your chores as needed.

Working in your own home based business has so many advantages and benefits. Once you experience the peace of mind and accomplishment with your new venture, you'll wonder why you didn't do it sooner. Good luck to you in your home based business venture.

If you have any questions or need some personal mentoring you can contact the eBiz Solutions Team for a free 30 minute consultation.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
Skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Building Back Links!

Building Back Links!

We've touched on backlinks in some of recent articles. In todays writing we want to pursue the benefits of backlinks a bit more and discuss how quality backlinks are important to your online success. We've all heard how important quality backlinks are to any successful search engine optimization strategies when promoting our business opportunity, but most of us hasn't taken the time to learn the very basics of what linking and backlinking is all about.

Since backlinks are created from another web site and points to your site you may or may not have any control of where those links came from or the quality of the backlinks. If you know the webmaster of the other site, it would be possible to contact that individual and construct the links and backlinks to benefit both sites. This scenario is an exception rather that the rule.

Most people believe that the more backlinks they have pointing to their site the better it is for their popularity. This again may or may not be the case. Sites with similar topics to your site are the most valuable kind of backlinks. This is especially true if the anchor text contains your keywords.

There are many different ways to build backlinks the natural way. To name just a few, getting listed in directories, participating in blogs and forums and of course posting in article directories. A word of caution here....inter-linking from one site to another site owned by the same business for the purpose of spam linking is a with the search engines. Any kind of illegal content is a Purchasing links in bulk or linking to link farms is not acceptable. Use extreme caution here to avoid search engine sanctions for participation in questionable practices.

Do some research and find a place you can generate quality backlinks. Many webmasters use a backlink builder tool that will give you a list of sites by simply entering one of your prime keywords and the tool will give you a list of sites where you can post to articles, message boards forums etc.. Once you acquire this information, this is where your work begins. You must visit each of the suggested sites and post your content with a backlink to your site in their own information format. This author does not suggest or endorse any particular backlink builder tool. This is just a suggested method of finding places to generate backlinks. Do your research and see if this type of system may work for you.

It is important to generate backlinks by getting listed in web directories like, DMOZ, Yahoo just to name a couple. This will get you some free quality backlinks which will get you noticed by the search engines as well as the general public. This is not going to be an immediate process, it's going to take time. Some of these ideas will take weeks or maybe even months for the search directories to index you in their recommended categories. Just be will happen in due time....if you followed their guidelines for inclusion into their program.

If you find a forum or blog that you enjoy, you may want to participate in posting to this type of opportunity. Often search engines will index forums and blogs that continually provide quality content. Having a Google blog of your own is an excellent way to get accustom to blogging. This is time well spent for creating links and backlinks. With forums your post can be very short, however, posting to directories will take some time and a thought process when writing your information. Writing and posting articles is a rewarding method of building a following of search engines and potential clients.

Using RSS feeds is a good way for people to link to your site or blog just to keep up with the quality information you present. These contacts can become loyal customers in a relatively short time. When other sites publish your RSS feed, you will acquire a backlink from that site and your popularity base has just expanded considerably.

If you have something newsworthy you can do a press release and get some good results this way. If a person views your press release and likes what they see, they may want to offer a reciprocal link to your site. This is an excellent way to gain popularity with the search engines as well as with other sites with similar content.

Avoid linking to any type of suspicious or questionable site. Linking in any fashion to such sites is a disaster waiting to happen. Getting a lot of links in a short period of time will look suspicious to the search engines so build good quality links and avoid a large quantity of questionable links for now.

There are a few practices that should be avoided here. Avoid link exchanges. Some webmasters may offer a barter put a link on my site and I'll put a link on your site. Be aware of the ratio between outbound and inbound links. Avoid link farms...the search engines frown on link farms. Your site could be banned from the internet just by being involved with one forbidden activity. Use good common sense here, and you should be OK.

By properly cultivating the various ways of generating quality links and backlinks and avoiding the areas we pointed out above, you should be able to build an effective linking and backlinking systems that will adhere to the search engine guidelines and get the recognition you deserve to have a quality search engine optimized site that will draw potential customers to your site like a huge magnet.

If you have additional questions or need some personal mentoring you can contact a member of the eBiz Solutions Team for assistance at the contact information below.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
Skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link of the Internet!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Understanding Back Links!

Understanding Back Links!

Sometime during our internet business career most of us has heard the term "backlinks" at one time or another. Most people don't understand the importance of using backlinks effectively in their overall marketing strategy. Once you understand how to use valuable function, it will become clear why the search engines considers backlinks as an integral part of Search Engine Optimization. The search engines have guidelines for us to follow in order to get the maximum exposure without getting into trouble with the engines.

What is a "backlink"?? Backlinks are links that are pointed back towards your web site. The number of backlinks pointing to your site indicates to the search engines the popularity of your web site. The more relevant backlinks to your site the more important your site becomes to the search engines. Google will give more credit to web sites that have good quality backlinks and will give that site more relevancy when a search query is made for keywords that appear in your web site.

The number of quality inbound links to your site is what the search engines uses to calculate the relevance of your site to a particular keyword. Getting inbound links is important, however, the quality of these links is more important than the link itself. Here is where quality links far out weighs the quantity of links on your site. Keep in mind that links from a site that has content related to your site are considered by the search engines more relevant than just a link. Thus, a site with unrelated content is considered by the engines to be less relevant. The higher the relevancy of the inbound links to your site, the better the search engines like it and will reward you with higher page rank because of the higher quality of those links.

Search engines are attempting to level the playing field and are looking for links that are generated per their guidelines of quality and are built over a period of time rather than using spam techniques for quick recognition. Webmasters has brought much of these changes on themselves because of questionable practices and the use of link farms. The search engines do not recognize link farms and the use of link farms could get you banned entirely from the web.

We must keep in mind the main reason for good quality back links is to draw visitors to our web site. Unless you can draw visitors to your web site, visitors will probably never find you. This is done with the help of the search engines using the quality backlinks pointing to your site. Visitors need some direction that will guide them to your web site for their consideration of your business opportunity. Once the visitor views your site the quality of your information in your offering will be the deciding factor of whether the visitor becomes your customer....or not.

Many webmasters are deceived about reciprocal linking and how it should work. Google is one of the engines that has put specific filters on reciprocal linking. The concept here has been for a webmaster to place a link on another site and that site would put a link back to the webmasters site. Many times the link exchange was not relevant and the search engines would discount the effectiveness of the exchange. Here the inbound link was not relevant and was ignored by the engines, but the outbound link still got counted. This process diluted the relevancy of the exchange. Many sites have been dropped by the search engines for this type of questionable practices.

Use extreme caution if your going to use reciprocal links. With the new filters being implemented by the search engines, sites may be penalized for linking to a questionable web site. With this new algorithm it may be wise to be a bit more particular with who we choose to exchange links with. Do your research concerning the sites your going to exchange links with. If there is any questions about the relevancy of that site....don't exchange your link with them. Better here to be safe than sorry.

In summary: Definitely use links to gain popularity with the search engines. Understand the purpose of linking, back linking and reciprocal linking and use your strategy of linking in your site by following the search engines guidelines for maximum exposure. If you don't know how to use linking to your advantage with the engines, then take the time and learn this remarkable marketing concept that will boost your exposure to internet visitors who are searching for your product or services.

The eBiz Solutions Team is standing by to answer your questions. If you need assistance give the team a call for your free 30 minute consultation.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
Skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Avoiding Duplicate Content!

Avoiding Duplicate Content!

The search engines have implemented filters to catch duplicate content. Duplicate content has become a major issue with the search engines. In some cases the search engines will consider duplicate content as spam. Duplicate content as determined by the search engines is defined by the experts as "any deceitful attempt to deliberately trick the search engines into returning inappropriate, redundant or poor-quality search results".

If your pages are an exact replica of other pages or sites you may be penalized by the search engines in their algorithm process to determine your page rank. In this process the engines use a filter that removes the duplicate content pages from the search results. If you are in question on how these filters work, you owe it to yourself to take the time and learn how this process works.

If we understand what the term "duplicate content penalty" may help us to avoid some serious problems before they occur. In fact the penalty phase we mentioned is a misnomer. In this process the search engines actually deduct points from a page in an effort to come up with an overall relevancy score.

It is important to know the difference between filters and penalties. By understanding the difference between these two functions, we may be able to understand a bit better what actually is considered by the search engines as duplicate content.

Web sites with identical pages would be considered duplication of content. The search engines may also consider identical pages as spam. Be careful here because once the search engines determine that you are trying to spam them, some serious things start to happen. There has been cases where a web site has been banned for one year or more. To re-establish your site is nearly an act of congress. It is a vicious process to get this situation corrected. Sometimes it can never be resolved.

A good example of where the duplicate content filter takes effect would be some affiliate sites with the same look and feel may be targeted for duplicate content and spam. You should consider building a unique splash page here with a link to your affiliate site and promote the splash page instead of the affiliate site.

Doorway pages can be vulnerable here as well. Landing pages are sometimes mistaken for doorway pages. Unless you know exactly what the function of a doorway page plays in marketing and how to construct the doorway pages, you may be wise to bypass the doorway page part of promoting all together.

Sometimes re-writers can get you in trouble. We've all seen the advertisements about writing one article and the re-writer will generate 1,000 different versions of the article. Be careful here folks...the search engines frowns of this activity. Remember in our recent articles the emphasis we put on writing fresh, keyword rich, relevant content? Don't get caught in the re-write snare just to save a little time...I guarantee it will come back and bite you very quickly.

If you are promoting a manufactured product that is being advertised with identical content by thousands of other distributors, you may be considered as a spammer. This type of duplicate content may be a little harder for the search engines to find, however, it is still considered as spam. It is best to rewrite the product description and then publish to the internet.

Many times when you write an article and someone picks up your writings for publishing, there could be a problem here as well. This could be considered as duplicate content by some of the search engines. Most search engines will consider who was the original source of the information so a problem does not occur. If you copy someone else's articles or content, make sure you put it in "quotes" and give the original author the credit for the writing. By following this advise you should avoid any problems with duplication.

When the search engine robots crawl your web site, it reads the content of your pages and stores the information in their databases. The engines then compares your information with other sites with like content and determines which is the original content source, and then filters our the duplications. Here they may determine whether any part of the content is spam and may also remove that part of the content.

There are programs being offered online to help you avoid duplicate content. Here you can put two different URLs into the tool and the tool will let you know of similar content. This will allow you to make the necessary changes to avoid any problems. There are also programs that for a fee will remove duplicate content by someone who has copied your page or has copied your writings. These are fee based programs and it may or may not be worth your while to remove the duplications. This author does not market such a product, nor do we endorse any particular program. This was for your information your research and make up your own mind if this type of program is for you.

The search engines have set these guidelines for our benefit...The final decision of following this information is up to ou. The easier we can make it for the engines to do their job the better off you will be in the long run. Follow the guidelines of the search engines by writing good quality content, publish your unique information to the web and you will get recognized by the search engines with higher page ranks much quicker than trying to save some time and taking some short cuts that will cost you royally in the end.

If you have additional questions or need some personal mentoring, you can contact the eBiz Solutions Team at the contact information below. Call today for your free 30 minute consultation.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
Skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Suggestions For Generating Traffic!

Suggestions For Generating Traffic!

Everyone who owns a web site wants and needs to get more traffic to their site. Getting traffic is one thing....keeping that traffic coming back to your site is still another chore.

The first consideration for our site is to optimize our site for the search engines. If we construct our web site with the potential customer and the search engines in mind we can have a well balanced site that the search engines will link and then the engines will point future clients to our site for free. This is accomplished by optimizing our site with keyword rich content. The engines then will position your site with a good page rank which will help us to be seen by the general public.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is still the most powerful way to get traffic. You need to learn and understand what SEO is all about so you can take advantage of the benefits of a quality, optimized web site....and the traffic that it generates.

Once you have built that good looking site and optimized it for the search engines, don't just let it set there. Frequently update the content of your site. As your knowledge grows about online marketing...update your content to reflect that knowledge. Content is King with the search engines. By updating often and keeping your site current with fresh helpful content you will build a loyal customer base and an audience of people coming back to your site knowing they will get quality information they are looking for. The search engines love this new content as well and will reward you with higher page ranks.

Bookmarking sites are gaining a lot of popularity these days and is another way to promote your business opportunity for free. This author does not recommend any one bookmarking site over another. Each of these venues have different guidelines so my suggestion would be to do some basic research and find which of these sites would best serve your marketing needs.

Social networks can also work to your advantage when looking for free traffic. Some are reporting that they get more traffic from the social network site than from the search engines. This process may take a lot of time, however, most individuals using this type of traffic generation feel it is well worth the time invested for the results they enjoy from this type of media.

The key to getting traffic is to use any type of contact you can to promote you business opportunity. Free traffic from free promotions is always welcome, so don't neglect this avenue of promoting. You may want to consider other forms of promotion as well. There are a number of methods I use on a regular basis. Free classified ads, submissions to web directories, writing and posting to blogs, message boards, submitting articles to article directories has all worked well for me. Investigate some of these methods and see if they might work for you.

Many times you can drive traffic to your site by offering something useful or for free. As the popularity of your site grows more and more people will make it a habit to visit your site and may look at some of your products and make a purchase. These visitors may start recommending your product or services to their friends. This is what it's all about.

When you start seeing results from the scenario we just discussed, then you will see your content spreading like a virus...this is referred to in the online business community as viral marketing. You will see your popularity starting to grow, article directories will start picking up on your articles and the distribution of your content will become a massive information center that will be published by several different sources for distribution. Having other individuals or companies distribute your information is an excellent way to become a recognized leader in this information era.

Make sure you continue to use the offline methods of promotion as well. Put your URL on your business cards, bumper stickers, souvenirs, T-shirts and any other methods of advertising you are already involved in. Make yourself and your business well known so when a person thinks of your product or service they think of you. Name recognition is vital for online success.

Make it a habit to include your URL in your signature with everything you do online. People like to know a little bit about you and your business opportunity. Make it easy for them to click on a link in your signature to learn more about you and your business. Point it to your web site or wherever you want, but make it convenient for them to get hold of you. Put your phone number in the signature if you want. This is an excellent way for people to contact you for additional information.

If you have additional questions or need some personal mentoring you can contact the eBiz Solutions Team at the contact information listed below. Call today for your free 30 minute consultation.

"Lets's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
Skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

New Domains vs Aged Domains!

New Domains vs Aged Domains!

There are many things that Google, Yahoo, MSN (Bing) factor into their algorithm when considering page rank of your web site. One of those factors is the age of the domain. The older the domain the will give the search engines an appearance of longevity thus giving a higher relevancy score with the search engines. People put more faith in a business that has been around for does the search engines. One good idea would be to purchase your domain as long in advance as you can.

There are two factors that are considered when the search engines are looking the age of a domain. First of all the age of the web site. More times than not the search engines will put your domain in a holding cell known in the industry as the "sandbox". The sandbox theory can last for 3-4 months or longer. We will talk a bit more about that later in this article. The other factor is the length of time your domain has been registered.

The age of the web site is based on how long the site has been on the web and how long the site has actually had content included on the site. Another factor is how long the site has been promoted or when the last update on a site has occurred.

The search engines will also take into consideration when the domain was registered and for how long. The longer the registration time (two, five or even 10 years) the more the search engines will give relevancy to your site. Little things which we would normally consider as unimportant can accumulate into either a good thing for recognition or a bad thing because we didn't pay attention to these little details.

Recently Google made some additional changes that will affect our page ranks. They now look at the incoming links and how old they are. They take into consideration the age of the web site content and the date the domain was registered. There was a lot of other things that was changed, however, we won't discuss those changes in this writing.

We mentioned earlier about the "sandbox effect"...this is one way the search engines uses to minimize search engine spam. By giving a waiting period this will allow the search engines to see if your site is going fall off line or is your site going to stay around for a while.

If you are in the sandbox there are some things you can do while your waiting to get out of the sandbox. You can hone your writing skill by writing articles about your opportunity and post that information to blogs, forum, ezines or article directories. You can also concentrate on links and back links to your site or maybe even some pay-per-click. If you continue promoting your site during the sandbox penalty phase, when you emerge you may come out with a respectable page rank.

Don't get discouraged here, this is just part of the process. Keep on working as if you had a high page rank and everything will work out to your advantage in the end. You many have to work a bit harder than you like, however, the reward will far outweigh the efforts you put into this part of the process.

You may want to consider a domain name that was registered before and let go for whatever reason. This may help you to avoid the sandbox effect. Most pre-owned sites with a page rank will cost you more than a new domain. Depending on your situation the extra expense may be well spent. Your renewal per year will revert back to normal renewal rates.

Keep track of your domain age so you can compare your site to your competitors web site age. If the competitors site age is much older than your site they may have a bit of an advantage with the search engines.

In Summary....make sure you register your domain for as long as you can afford. I recommend five to ten years if possible. This will indicate to the search engines that you plan to stay around for awhile. This will help to increase your score with the search engine regarding your domain's age. Register your domain name as far in advance as you can.

There's not one single factor that regulates this do your homework and understand the various aspects of search engine positioning. There are many factors in the algorithms the search engines use to position your site on the interent. Understanding as many factors of how the search engines look at your site for ranking....this will help you in building your opportunity for the maximum and in the future.

If you have additional questions or need some personal mentoring you can contact the eBiz Solutions Team at the contact information listed below. The Team is standing by to assist you in your "quest for online success".

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
Skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!

Friday, February 12, 2010

How Do Spiders See A Web Site!

How Do Spiders See A Web Site!

When we set out to do a marketing campaign, we never know for sure how receptive the search engines are going to be when reviewing your web site. There are no guarantee that the search engines will index the site or whether our web site will earn that coveted page one ranking we all strive for. We do know for sure that if we don't follow some basic search engine guidelines we will definitely fail. On the other side of the coin we do know that if we follow those basic steps our chances are good we will earn a respectable page rank with Google, Yahoo and MSN (Bing).

All search engines send their spiders to a web site and all the spiders follow the same basic principles. The spiders function is to crawl your web site and index the pages of that site. The information gathered is stored in a database and then the search engines will use their secret algorithms to make several determinations. Some of the things they will rule on is the keyword density, keyword stuffing, relevancy, linking and more.

What we want to talk about today is what those search engines are interested make the determination of your page rank. It is imperative for us to know what those robots, spiders and search engines are looking for so we can include that information in our web site. If you don't know what these rules and guidelines are all about, then do your research and learn what this process requires for gaining recognition of the search engines before you do something foolish.

Search engine spiders are robots and don't view a web page the same as a human being would. They only read text and are blind to Flash, JavaScript, scrolling text and the list goes on and on. There is nothing wrong with having a good looking site with lots of eye appeal because all the flash etc. is for the human observer. Just remember without your site being indexed with the search engines, your site may never be seen. Therefore, it is important to give the search engine spiders what they are looking for so the algorithms of the search engine will work to your full advantage.

When optimizing your web site keep in mind that Frames is a train wreck waiting to happen. Frames may be good in terms of design but the search engines doesn't like frames so avoid them when building your web site. If you question this statement, then find a Spider Simulator Tool and see just how many inbound and outbound hyperlinks the search engines picks up. The report page will be almost blank in every case. If the search engines don't like frames and don't recognize them, then why put them in your site at all. Good relevant content in HTML code is the what the engines like.

Search Engine Spiders are a lot like text browsers...they don't see anything that is not part of the text. Having an image with text in it means absolutely nothing to the spiders....they will totally ignore it. If you know a bit about source codes and ALT attributes there are ways you may be able to make a workaround in this situation. Too many keywords here can get some deductions and penalties due to keyword stuffing.

Make sure your hyperlinks are all live and lead to the right place. A dead hyperlink or one leading to the wrong place can become the turning point for the spiders to index your site....or not. Make sure any link exchange that has put a link on your site is genuine. Many of these links may be in javascript using mouse overs to make the link look genuine, however, since the search engines don't like javascript the won't pick up the link and will not display the link. I am always very cautious regarding reciprocal linking. Reciprocal linking is great but make sure you monitor those links to make sure they are not fake. Make sure your link stays on the other site you've exchange links with. Many will get your link on their web site and very soon pull your link off of their site. If you don't catch it, then you end up with a one way link from them to you only.

If you are uncertain on how to do any of the suggestions listed above, "Google It" and do some research and understand the concept before experimenting. Spending a little bit of time and understanding what the search engine robots, spiders and search engines are looking for will save you a ton of headaches in the future.

If you have any questions, or need some personal mentoring, you can contact the eBiz Solutions Team at the contact information listed below. Our Team is standing by to assist you in your marketing challenges.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
Skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Web Directories!!

Web Directories!!

Web Directories are distinctly different than search engines and have a totally different function in the use of each of there aspects of Search Engine Optimization. Most SEO organizations don't consider the value of posting your opportunity in web directories, link directories and classified ad directories. It is the opinion of this author that, a great deal of positive results and search engine recognition is missed by neglecting the use of this powerful method of creating links, back links and reciprocal links. Many of these links become permanent links for your site.

Let's look to Wikipedia (The Free Encyclopedia) and see their description of Web Directories.

"A web directory or link directory is a directory on the World Wide Web. It specializes in linking to other web sites and categorizing those links.

A web directory is not a search engine and does not display lists of web pages based on keywords; instead, it lists web sites by category and subcategory. The categorization is usually based on the whole web site rather than one page or a set of keywords, and sites are often limited to inclusion in only a few categories. Web directories often allow site owners to directly submit their site for inclusion, and have editors review submissions for fitness."

There is a definite place in search engine marketing (SEM) and search engine optimization (SEO)for this valuable method of earning link popularity. Another form of an effective directory would be the RSS Directories. These directories contain RSS feed links that are extremely powerful when promoting your online opportunity.

Most all directories are human edited, so you may or may not get your listing in a particular directory. The human editor may even place your listing in a totally different category or sub category which may better serve your link relevancy. Be patient when looking for your recent post because the human edited sites may take 5 or 6 months to get around to approving your site for submission. Depending on the directory and the may not get listed at all. Don't get discouraged here, there are plenty of other directories you can post to.

Most links once submitted become permanent links. Permanent links are great, since these links just set there and work for you day in and day out. Some directories are free, however, some do charge a small one time charge for the submission. You can choose to have your links as a premium link which will cost you a bit more money to be positioned at or near the top of the category you choose. Which ever method you choose, it is well worth the small investment in comparison to the value you will receive for your efforts.

Many of the directories have a limited amount of categories and are somewhat general in their overall scope of the categories offered. Most will have twenty to twenty-four categories with various sub-categories for your convenience. Sometimes you can find a niche directory that will fit your opportunity better than the general type of directory. When you find such a directory, placing more than one classified ad, links and RSS feed links in that directory. This should enhance your promotion efforts for your business.

Some Open Directory Project directories may also be powerful and assist you in your marketing efforts. This type of directories have hundreds and thousands of categories and sub categories so you can pick and choose where you prefer your information to appear. With this type of directory you can be specific not only in the category but in a specific area of the category such as a particular State, County, City or Town that you want to target. This type of laser focusing is great, however, the amount of response may be little to none because of the narrow area of interest regarding your online offering.

There is much talk in the SEO community of how effective these directories may be. It has been my experience, if a person is cautious about where they put their listings, and make a blend of the various types of directories, this type of promotion can evolve into an extremely powerful method of creating links, back links and reciprocal links to your web site. Experiment with this concept a little and see if this method is right for you. Each marketing campaign is uniquely different to the last project, so the more you know....the greater the chances are you might stumble onto something that will click and result in a profitable outcome.

Since there are numerous types of directories being offered in todays market we can not cover all the differences of what they do....both good or bad. If this type of marketing appeals to you....then I would recommend you do some home work and understand what each type of these directories does and....then make a choice of whether you can meld this part of SEO strategy into your business opportunity. Whether it's a free submission, a paid submission or a reciprocal link exchange you need to understand before you include this process in your overall campaign strategy.

If you have additional questions or need some personal mentoring, you can contact a member of our eBiz Solutions Team at the contact information listed below. Call today for your free 30 minute consultation.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
Skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!