When you are in business there is usually something that gives you, or your service, or your product, a value that will benefit others. That is really what business is all about. Regardless of whether it's a homebased business, online business, Internet business, marketing business or some other type of more traditional brick and mortar, store front type business, the entire purpose of it's being is to offer a solution for a specific problem that is evident to the prospective customer, and that the customer wants to resolve.
Every business competes for customers, even though not every solution, or product that is offered by every business is equal to the others. Some solutions are just better than others for a variety of reasons. Some businesses have a product or service that is unique, or contains some proprietary technology that makes it more competitive or useful than others. When the prospective customer is properly presented the advantages of a given solution that has some "unique edge", compared to the competition, assuming the prospective customer is "qualified", (Qualification includes a need, recognition that the need exists, a desire to fill the need, and the ability to pay for the solution.), then the probabilities that the prospective customer will buy the product or service are greatly increased.
Most businesses that have a "special" edge will go to great lengths to protect their "technology" or whatever the "uniqueness" is that makes their product or service more valuable than all the rest.Now, with that said, if you are attempting to conduct your business online through the World Wide Web or the Internet, with web sites or other "online" marketing tools, then "findability", or "visibility", for the web site you are promoting on the search engines is of paramount importance. You still have to have something of "real value" to offer those who may have a need for your product or service, but getting online "traffic" to the site you use to promote your product or service becomes priority number one. "Findability" is the problem that needs to be resolved.
There are a lot of different methods and techniques that are being presented as the solution to this particular problem. Frankly, some work, and some don't. Some cost lot's of money, and some don't. Some are feasible or practical, and some are not. I could go on and on, but the "bottom line" is, to be successful on the web or the Internet, you must have links and content that promote your business' web presence. The content must be of high quality, and relevant, and It is no secret that some "links" are more valuable than others when it comes to promoting your business. It follows then, that if more "valuable links" are part of your promotion, you would want to know how and where to acquire them for your sites and online tools.
What if I told you that The Most Powerful Link In The World just happens to be free? If you click on the hyperlink here and go to the page behind the link, you will probably begin to scratch your head and wonder if I have lost my mind. Unless you are a Search Engine Optimization specialist, or have some training in SEO, then what you see when you get there will probably not make any sense to you at all. To the untrained eye, it will probably appear to be just a simple page with some catagories that you can "click on" to see advertisements for services or products in which, quite honestly, you have no interest at all. I will be the first to admit that when I first learned of The Most Powerful Link In The World it didn't make any sense to me at all. Then someone told me how it works, and I became a bit more interested. I used the link as instructed, and it was a huge factor in producing the result that I was seeking for my web presence. Then, after a considerable amount of thought and experimentation, I devised a method of using The Most Powerful Link In The World that has a multiplying effect that I'm not even it's creator envisioned. I believe that by applying the methods of using "the link" that I do, I have captured an infinite potential to drive the web presence of any business on the Internet that, heretofore, did not exist.
Would you like to learn how to put this extraordinary tool to work in your online business marketing effort? I will show you how to use it, and then if you choose to do so, the rest will be up to you, but I want to offer a word of caution here as well. The implementation of the methods I employ with "the link" are very easy and simple to use, however, it will require effort. There is definitely a price to pay. There is a learning curve, which I will assist you to overcome as quickly as is possible. Then there is the actual "work" that is involved in putting the "tool" to work for you. If you are sincere about your "online success", you will be more than just a little glad you took the time to check it out, and I hope you are, and that you do.If you follow the last link at the little flashing icons, you will find my Who Is Bill Reid page and all the contact information you may need as well as a more intimate glimpse of me and some of my online businesses.
Feel free to contact me by any method you choose. I will be more than happy to make your acquaintance.
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