Monday, November 30, 2009

Realistic Goals...Training...and Commitment Equals Online Success

Realistic Goals...Training...and Commitment Equals Online Success

Every day, I receive countless emails telling me how to make tons of money on the internet. Most of these offerings are so phony, you would think anyone could tell that the opportunity was nothing more than hype and lies. Anyone in their right mind would know that you can't join a program and do no work, make no phone calls, and in 30-60-90 days, retire to a beautiful island and lay on the sunny beach all day drinking fancy beverages. This type of online hype and lies has discouraged many a good person from learning how to make money on the internet legitimately because of the scams, lies and ridiculous email offerings.

Unfortunately, there are no regulation on this type of questionable marketing. This makes it difficult for all of us to decide which emails we should read and get serious about. By becoming an internet marketing specialist, an SEM/SEO Consultant and a certified Instructor with some of the major companies, I have be privileged to learn how to discern the ways to spot this kind of offering normally by the subject line of the emails. Once in a while I will open one of these emails just to see how unreasonable some of these experienced scammer can be. It has always amazed me, why someone would spend so much time doing questionable activities like those mentioned, when the same efforts could be channeled into productive time, that would generate those individuals a legitimate income. If scamming is your intent for try to learn the process of marketing....please go somewhere else and leave us alone on the internet.  However, if your really serious about making a legitimate income on line then read on.

This brings me to the points I want to emphasis. There are legitimate marketing programs out there. You must find the right's going to take some study on your part. A quality marketing program being offered is going to let you know right up are going to have to get results in your marketing efforts. There is nothing easy about internet marketing. You must follow a process, and be committed to consistently working your business plan, until you experience the success online that you have only dreamed about till now. There is no program designed that will make you succeed on the internet, without you doing the working steps to make it all happen. Each individual will learn at a different pace....don't let your inability to grasp the marketing concept discourage you. Learn at a pace you are personally comfortable with.

I want to ask you a few simple questions that will help you find the right direction. Be honest...this will change your future.

1) Sit down right now with a pen and paper.....write on that paper...."What is my goals?" (Be realistic in your goals)

2) Now write down.....a realistic dollar figure you would like to eventually make. This can be per week...monthly...or annual income. The second part of this question is simple.....Do you want to do this full time.....or part time?  Remember this is your personal game realistic.

3) Write down a figure.....on a scale of 1% to 100%....what is your commitment level that you are willing to put forth. Ex: 100%=Success!  Don't tell me's not realistic.  You can never put forth more than 100%. You must be honest here.

4) Re-evaluate your commitment you just wrote down in item three above. Are you serious about your commitment level? If your determination level is only a small percentage (say 30-50%) don't waste your time or anyone else's time.....just go and enjoy some video games or send your friends jokes that someone else sent you. This commitment is not a game's your future.

5) Determine your willingness to invest not only time....but a limited amount of money to accomplish your new business goals. Note: Free is not always the cheapest. Free should be in conjunction with some quality paid programs as part of this learning process.

6) Are you willing to seek the help of successful help you and advise you on how to accomplish your marketing goals? Don't try to travel this ever changing journey alone. By getting some professional can shorten your time frame to success.....limit your monetary commitments and start making money on the internet much quicker than trying to sort through the maze of marketing junk all by yourself.

For five years, in my search for the most effective marketing programs on the internet.....I found that there is a Marketing system that is the most comprehensive, affordable marketing on the internet today. I have been through the process of learning the art and science of marketing on the internet. With a reliable marketing system you can enjoy a full spectrum of marketing programs including programs for the beginner up to and including marketing programs for the seasoned marketing specialist.

A quality marketing program should include lead generation programs in your own marketing system, SEM/SEO (search engine marketing/ search engine optimization) programs, free and/or paid options lead generating programs, free online training classes, linking systems and much more. I did find one company that provides all of these features and more.

This companies instructors are not paid employees.....they are successful online marketers who offer their time and knowledge of marketing strategies to fellow subscribers because of their love for helping others succeed in their marketing endeavors. I have become one of those moderators, and volunteer two nights per week to help others learn the process of marketing correctly. Each and everyone of these instructors, started as a newbie to internet marketing and with the help of others have all learned the most effective ways to accomplish internet success and are willing to share this valuable knowledge with you.  

In Summary: If you have been truthful in the six item we discussed above and have made that commitment to learn how to market on line.....then I will commit to you to help you in your "quest for success". Visit some of my personal websites and see the kind of marketing portals you too can have to market your business opportunities successfully. After your careful may still have some questions; or need some personal mentoring. You can contact me at the following contact information.

God bless you in your commitment and efforts to become a successful internet marketer.....learning and implementing the things you've learned to become successful. Make your commitment today....and begin this process with the help of the eBiz Solutions Team at BLM Traders.  Only you can make the choice......MAKE IT HAPPEN!!

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L. Miller   SEM/SEO Consultant

Private Line: 321-594-4405
Fax:  801-937-2795
skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!



Sunday, November 29, 2009

Quality Programs, Professional Training Plus Fresh Leads....All In One Place!

Quality Programs, Professional Training Plus Fresh Leads....All In One Place!

Are you involved in a business venture that's going nowhere? Whether you're a major corporation or a home based business the "need for sales leads" remains the same. Business sales leads are the life blood to successful business ventures regardless of the company size. There are various ways you can go about generating sales lead. You can use the old methods of buying list of names and working hard to cultivate good quality sales leads. There is nothing wrong with that method, unless time is important to you. We all know that time is money.

Like anything else in this fast paced business world today, you must make the most of your time and your advertising budget. Generating sales leads has become simpler with the advent of brilliant minds at work designing programs to generate sales leads. One critical area one must be concerned about must be able to select the market category you want to target, and then laser focus your advertisement with information about your business opportunity, whatever product or service you're trying to promote.

Recently I had the pleasure of researching many different sales leads programs. Some where excellent in their method of generating sales leads, however the cost was prohibitive for the small home based business entrepreneur. I also found it interesting that most of the programs could be purchased in a series of different stages and charges. Such as, if you wanted a very basic program, the price was reasonably acceptable. However, some of the most important things a small business owner needs to succeed were not included in the basic program. By the time a person enrolled in all the various programs such as submission services to the masses, autoresponders, keyword popularity checkers, and search engine submission, the cost was so high the average person on an advertising budget could not afford all of those bells and whistles. Bottom line; unless you had purchased the entire program, you probably still could'nt succeed in your venture, because some very important marketing tools were missing.

Then I decided to look for a program that would fill the small business owners needs and hopefully provide those needs in a single company. What the consumer needed was a tried and tested program that would generate unlimited qualified sales leads at an affordable price. After extensive research I found that there is in fact such a program. A program that permits you to generate sales leads in your own marketing system.

They also offer over 50 marketing portals all in one place and each of the programs integrate and work smoothly with each other. I was pleasantly surprised at the reasonable price for their entire marketing plan. You can start small and build your plan one step at a time.  They also offered free online live and/or recorded training in their VoIP conference rooms. I was more than pleased I had found the program that was designed exactly as it should be. A program designed to help the little guy or gal succeed, without breaking your advertising budget.

Some of the portals that really caught my eye was the Lead Generating programs. For a reasonable charge, BLM Traders is offering a sales lead generator, which will blast you advertisements and links to millions of ffa sites, message boards, web shopping malls, search engines and the list goes on.  The program offers a free keyword popularity checker and a search engine submission tool that is second to none. The subscriber could configure their advertisement to target any category of the many categories offered in the program. This is target marketing as it should be. "Just Set It and Forget It".

In summary, I found the BLM Traders program to be the most affordable for the dollar of any other lead generating program I reviewed. Think about that for a moment and then make the choice for quality sales leads, lead generation and effective marketing tools plus live training which teaches you how to use these programs most effectively.

Feel free to review some of my personal websites to see the quality of effective marketing portals that will help you rocket your search engine rankings.  You too, can earn "Top Positions on Google" and start making money on line. 

If you need additional information or personal mentoring, you can contact me at the contact information below:

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L. Miller  SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line:  321-594-4405
Fax:  801-937-2795
skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!



Saturday, November 28, 2009

Looking For A Marketing Program That Works? Check This Out!!!

Looking For A Marketing Program That Works?  Check This Out!!!

Are you searching for a way to make money on the internet and don't know where to look? Review the short message below, and see for yourself....if this concept of marketing is for you!

There are hundreds, thousands and even millions of business opportunities listed on the internet. Some of these sites offer unreasonable claims that even an idiot would know the statements made in those offerings are totally untrue. There are some that even state you can become a millionaire within some unreasonable time 30-60-90 days. What a bunch of hogwash for someone to put such statement in print. Talk about insulting my intelligence! I'm sure you probably feel the same way. Why can't they just tell it like it is, without all the hype and untruths?

There are programs on the internet that does exactly what they say they will do. I have personally committed all my advertising, marketing and training efforts to a unique series of quality programming.  I have experienced result from my marketing efforts to new and exciting heights. I have made my presence known on the internet, and now I am making a living using these marketing systems. This is a series of over 50 marketing portals that covers every aspect of advertising and marketing. From the basics for the newbie to the advanced Search Engine Optimization specialist, anyone can learn how to market on the internet. If I can do it definetely can to.

One of the most advanced lead generation system being offered on the internet today is included in this list of Lead Generating portal which is one of the most used programs by my SEM/SEO clients. The popularity of the Leads program is understandable, because of the billions of websites this system submits to.

Checking the keywords before you submit your business opportunity to the internet is important. You can use the keyword and keyword phrase popularity checker to accomplish this important part of the marketing process. This part of the system is free along with the search engine submission tool which submits your URL to 100's of the premier search engines on the market today.

Free training is provided for all subscribers. These training classes are live and/or recorded and the classes are moderated by successful marketers who volunteer their time as well as make their living on the internet by using this marketing system to market their personal business opportunities. If you want to learn the proper way to market in the least amount of time, you need to check out this remarkable series of marketing programs. You can visit some of my personal websites to see exactly what I'm talking about. If you have additional questions, or need personal mentoring you can contact me at the following contact information.

With the latest state of the art lead generation systems, and the marketing portals within the BLM Traders system, you can start making money on the internet. If this concept appeals to you, then visit some of my sites to help you understand how effective this marketing concept can be for you. Thank you for your interest in profitable marketing techniques.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L. Miller  SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line:  321-594-4405
Fax:  801-937-2795
skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!



Friday, November 27, 2009

If You Need Help In Your Marketing Campaigns.....We Need To Talk!

If You Need Help In Your Marketing Campaigns.....We Need To Talk!

When searching for a product or service to promote on the internet, there are numerous things you need to be concerned about. Just putting a fancy website on the net with all the latest flash, marquees and pop-ups isn't going to cut it.

Have you considered how your going to market your new business opportunity? If you don't know how to market your new venture on the internet, your chances of making any money is little to none. You must understand the art and science of marketing to make money on the internet. Use the knowledge of the professionals to help you accomplish your goals of successful online marketing quicker that you ever thought possible.

Hi....My name is Larry L. Miller and I am a SEM/SEO Consultant.  What is SEM you ask....that stands for Search Engine Marketing.  SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. My speciality is to promote my clients on the internet to "Top Positions on Google".  This is a process that I have developed over the years to help you succeed on the internet.  This is a process that must be learned if you want to succeed. I will teach you the process.

I personally use a proven, tried and tested marketing system that I use every day to promote all my personal sites as well as recommending the system to all of my SEM/SEO clients. This system has over 50 marketing portals designed to make your journey to successful marketing a reality. From the beginner to the seasoned pro's, this system is the most effective way to "learn as you earn."  Free live and/or recorded online training classes help you learn from the professionals how to market the most effective way. This program is very flexible and you only use and pay for the part of the system that fits your personal marketing needs.

For lead generation, there are several portals in the system that will help you get sales leads. Never buy leads again. Generate leads in your own marketing system. The Lead Generating portal is extremely effective in promoting your site effectively. Be sure to check out the affiliate site offered by this marketing giant.

The many automated marketing tools offered by this BLM Traders will assist you to accomplish your goals by keeping your business opportunity before the masses on the internet.  You are always in control, by writing the content of your business offering in your words, setting the frequency of posting your ad, such as daily, weekly, monthly or other combinations. You can laser focus you marketing campaigns to your target market.   

Best of all the leads you generate and the responses you get will come back directly to you for followup.  How you approach your leads is totally up to you.  Naturally your goal is to convert these respondents to paying customers.  This concept has proven to be the most effective way to get your products and/or service in front of potential clients on a consistant basis.  Let the system work for you even while you sleep.  When away on vacation or holiday....your system keeps on working for you. "Set It and Forget It"! 

Visit some of my sites, and see how these programs are designed to help you get started quickly in your marketing endeavors. You may have some additional questions after your review. You can contact me at the following contact information. If you require some personal mentoring, give me a call for a no obligation interview.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L. Miller SEM/SEO Consultant

Private Line:  321-594-4405
Fax:  801-937-2795 
skype: larrylmiller121





Thursday, November 26, 2009

Learn From the Professionals How To Make Money Online?

Learn From the Professionals How To Make Money Online? 

If you want to learn how to market on the internet, there are some things you need to pay close attention to. Marketing is an art and science that must be learned, and once must pursue your venture with relentless training and follow-up on new and exciting methods of marketing. Keep the plate to speak.

You don't get up one morning and all of a sudden there you are......making money on the internet and enjoying "Top Positions On Google" without working for it. To become a person making money on the must be dedicated to working for your success. It's your future....only you can make it happen. With the help of professionals.....your learning process will be shortened substantially. If you think for a moment it's going to be easy....think's not. You may work consistently for weeks, months or even years before you see the results you've only dreamed about till now. Don't give up....don't get side tracked. Focus on your dreams and make them a reality.

Going this marketing road alone is not the way to go. There are organizations that are designed to help the little guy or gal succeed in their marketing dreams. Making your goals a reality is what it's all about. One such organization, I personally use and recommend to all of my SEM/SEO clients is the BLM Traders Marketing systems. This is a complete marketing system that offers free online training to all of their subscribers. That's right....I said free! They offer online classes that are moderated by successful marketers that have used this incredible marketing system to help them learn and promote their primary businesses. They will teach you how you can do it too....there are no shortcuts to success on the internet, however, they will share with you some of the things they use everyday, to make money on the internet.

The moderators who teach you how to learn the art or internet marketing are all volunteers. Their love and appreciation for learning such an incredible program, is expressed by giving back to new subscribers (just like you) who are entering the internet marketing arena. Internet marketing is in it's will see internet marketing, evolve into a remarkable opportunity in the next few months. Now is the time to get started learning....the proper methods of internet marketing. This gig is not for everyone.....and only a limited few individuals who are dedicated to learning effective marketing techniques will actually succeed. Do you what it takes to be one of the few?

With the help of successful home based business to can learn the proper way of marketing your product or service. If you are one of those driven individuals.....then you owe it to yourself to review this remarkable Marketing System. You can review some of my personal websites within the system and see how complete this program really is. There is no hype, expensive enrollment fees and all of the other questionable things you find in other "so called" marketing systems you find on the internet today. You will find easy to understand information that will point you in the right direction for your marketing journey.
The program may seem overwhelming when you first look at all the marketing portals within this system, however, once you accept the fact that "you're never alone with this training process", you will realize that this is what the internet professionals are using to marketing their products or services everyday. You can enjoy the same quality's how you apply that knowledge that makes the difference between your success and failure.
 As a member of this marketing system, my associates and I, are here to assist you in helping you get started on this incredible journey of internet marketing. Are you ready to start making money on online? If so, then let my marketing team help. It's your choice.....make your choice wisely. Don't put it off any it the perfect time to make your's your future that's at stake here!

You may have additional questions after reviewing some of my problem. You may need some personal problem. You can contact me at the following contact information.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L. Miller  SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405 
Fax:  801-937-2795
skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!



Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Home Based Business....It's NOT for everyone! See If You Quality!

Home Based Business....It's NOT for everyone! See If You Qualify!

Many individuals today are considering an alternative to the normal 9 to 5 jobs that most of us have come to accept as the norm. More and more people are taking a close look at the possibilities of some type of a home based business. Working for yourself....not having to waste gas going back and forth to work. No fancy suits to springing for lunch for a co-worker who is out of cash. The list goes on and on. You know the drill! There are a few things one must consider before making a commitment to take the plunge and work for yourself.

Are you willing to make a commitment and devote the necessary time to become a home business owner? Many individuals can never make that transition from working for someone else and punching a time clock everyday to the no time clock concept. If you can't make that transition then you will probably not be able to succeed in this type of endeavor. Time management may have to be learned in order to be successful in your "quest for success" on the internet.

Are you willing to devote the time necessary to get the proper training to market on the internet the right way? Just being on the internet doesn't mean that you are going to make money. Less than 5% of the people on the internet make money on the web. How do those few individuals succeed….and other can't? Because they have learned the art and science of internet marketing. They devoted the time to learn the process. This does not happen overnight. With some it will come easy and others of us it may seem like a straight up climb. Let me assure you "If I can do it….anyone can."

Without the knowledge of how to market you won't know what tools you need to market effectively. Having the right tools is one of the most critical ingredients of successful marketing. Most of us have been guilty of spending an incredible amount of hard earned money on worthless marketing programs that promise the world….and then don't live up to the promises made when you bought that worthless junk. Don't feel bad….we're all guilty of this same "to good to be true" trap.

Good ethics is something that comes from the heart.
If you have questionable ethics….please do not join us on the internet! There are too many shady characters on the net already. If you're interested in promoting smut on the internet….please….go away. We don't need anymore smut jocks promoting their filth. As an SEM/SEO Consultant, I found a company that I highly recommend to all of my clients. 1)  BLM Traders Marketing  is a company that teaches you the art and science of internet marketing. 2) They will teach you how to manage your time. 3) They will share with you the right marketing tools. 4) They will teach you how to hone your ethics and skills in internet marketing. These are professional trainers offering free live online and/or recorded training on subject matters covering all aspects of marketing. From the beginner to the professional…."you're never alone in your internet marketing journey."

This is an organization that designs for you a marketing blueprint that will permit you to make an informed decision of whether the idea of working for yourself is a good idea …..or not.

You can visit some of my sites and see for yourself exactly what I'm talking about. After you have finished your can contact me if you still have some questions. If you need personal mentoring feel free to contact me at the contact information below.

Larry L. Miller  SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
Fax:  801-937-2795 
skype: larrylmiller121

Email Me:

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Just Having A Good Looking Website On The Internet Is Not Going To Get You Noticed By The Search Engines!

Just Having A Good Looking Website On The Internet Is Not Going To Get You Noticed by The Search Engines!

If no one knows who you are, or what your business is all about then you probably won't make any money online. I am not trying to discourage you in any form or fashion. I've been right where you are....not knowing what to do or how to do it. I had no one to guide me. I didn't have the right marketing tools. I was like a dog....chasing its tail. Getting nowhere fast. Does all this sound familiar at all?  Now there's hope for the little guy and gal who has an interest in making money online.

You must work consistently and effectively if you want to obtain "Top Positions on Google."  Since more than 70% of all individuals and businesses use Google to search for something online....if you're not in a Top Position with Google, then your not going to get noticed. No one knows that you or your business opportunity even exist unless you let them know.

Many people think that if they have a beautiful website with lots of flash, pictures, marquees and video they are entitled to be recognized by the search engines. My just doesn't happen that way. You must promote your product or service the right way in order to get the recognition you need to become a successful internet marketer. The search engines don't care about flash, videos or hype.  The search engines look for well written, relative keyword rich content.  The search engines only read content....not a bunch of flash like we mentioned earlier.

My name is Larry L. Miller, and I am a Search Engine Marketing and Search Engine Optimization Consultant. I have helped countless individuals and businesses succeed in getting Top Positions with Google, Yahoo and MSN and other fine search engines. There is a process you must follow if you want to enjoy top positions with any of the thousands of Search Engines. It doesn't just must make it happen. Only you....are in control of your journey to online succeess.

If you're truly serious about your internet success, I can help. I am committed to help you fulfill your marketing dreams. Going this road alone just doesn't make sense either. You must have someone who can guide you in the right direction and help you with a road map of where you want your business opportunity to go.  Also, you must have the proper marketing tools to achieve success on the internet. In my research, I have found what I consider one of the best.....if not the best array of marketing tools and training on the internet today.

BLM Traders Marketing offers over 50 marketing portals to help you succeed in whatever business you may be involved in. From the beginner to the seasoned marketing specialist, this company offers not only the marketing tools, but teaches you how to use the tools to become an effective marketer. The training classes are free. The classes are online and are live and/or recorded so you can ask questions if needed. Attend the classes as often as you need, in order to learn the process of marketing effectively. There are successful business individuals who devote their time to these training sessions.....volunteering their time to help you "Learn to Earn" on the internet.

I invite you to visit some of my sites, and see how simple yet effective these marketing portals really are. Feel free to stay as long as you like and really study the information in these sites. If you have additional questions, or just need some personal mentoring, you can contact me at the contact information below.
Thank you for allowing me to share this valuable information with you. I wish you great success in your marketing endeavors.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L. Miller   SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line:  321-594-4405
Fax: 801-937-2795
skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!




Monday, November 23, 2009

Learn The Process of Marketing....Obtain Online Success!

Learn The Process of  Marketing....Obtain Online Success!

Learn the process of proper marketing if you want to succeed on line.  Include Leads and Leads Generation within your own marketing system and see how it will rocket your efforts to internet marketing success. Never buy leads again.

Today I want to share with you some of most important things one must consider when starting a new venture on the internet. There are offerings everyday in my email box.....offering every kind of business opportunity one can imagine. I have reviewed many of them and my conclusion is this......"Not one of these programs is worth getting involved with. Why? Because the program is designed to make someone else rich. You do all the work.....and someone else reaps all the benefits.  If you're doing all of the work.....why not reap all of the profit for your efforts?

Automated Marketing Systems will help you to learn how to market your business opportunity. Market your product or service for yourself.....rather than market a business for someone else. You can visit some of my sites to see what I'm talking about.  These sites were designed to help the little.....learn how to market your product or service. Why promote a product or service you don't have control over. This is not a get rich quick scheme......this is marketing techniques that have been proven over time to be effective, affordable and easy to understand. These programs have live and/or recorded online training sessions that make the learning cycle easier than trying to learn this process on your own. Let the experts help you learn the most effective ways to accomplish your marketing goals.

The online live and/or recorded training I referred to earlier are taught by successful marketing individuals who use the Automated systems themselves promote their own primary businesses on the internet. These instructors are people just like you and me, who have found the help they need to be successful marketers on the internet. Let me be very clear......if I can do it.....anyone can do it. I am not a graduate of some Ivy League college.....I am just an ordinary guy who retired from the corporate rat race, and learned the process of marketing. It's not an easy.....push the magic button.....get rich quick deal. However, if you are willing to put forth the efforts, my associates and I will assist you and teach you the techniques of effective marketing. You can learn at your own pace.....and add to your arsenal of marketing tools as you need. No one will force you to buy anything. If you feel you need a particular program to boost your chances of marketing your particular product or service.....any of my associates can help you make the right decision. Don't just go out and buy all kinds of worthless junk programs.....invest in your future with programs that will work for you in your business needs. Knowledge is the key....learn to earn. Less than 5% of people on the internet make money! Why? Because they don't know how to market. There's more to it than just putting a website on the internet. You can have the most attractive site on the web, however, if no one knows it's one will visit your site or buy your opportunity. Knowledge is imperative if you want to succeed.

Once you've had the opportunity to review the various site in my personal system.....then make a decision of whether this is the kind of marketing that will fit your personal needs.  After your review of my sites, you will find there are sites that focus on lead generation. This is a vital aspect of successful marketing. Without quality sales leads you plan will fail. Leads is the lifeblood of any business. There are several different portals within the system that will help you generate quality leads focused on your particular business venture. Target marketing is where you need to focus your marketing efforts. There are other portals that will focus on presenting your particular offering to the search engines like Google, MSN, Yahoo and many other leading search engines. The search engines will help drive your site to top levels so when someone clicks on a particular item or subject, your opportunity will be displayed. We will share with you how to promote your name on the internet. Name recognition is very important for successful marketing on the internet. We'll show you these little things that will make the difference between making money on the net and just having a pretty website. This is not for everyone.....only you can make the choice. You to can earn "Top Positions on Google."

There are numerous other profit portals that are offered by BLM Traders, which you can participate in that will help you to "earn as you learn".  Learn to build multiple sources of income. This is a learning process.....and the quicker you learn the process, the quicker you will start making money on the internet. If your committed to learning the process, rather than trying to find that magic button for a quick buck, then I personally will be willing to help you....learn the process. If you have additional questions, or need personal mentoring, you can contact me at the following contact information.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L. Miller  SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
Fax: 801-937-2795
skype: larrylmiller121



Monday, November 16, 2009

Are You Tired of Going Nowhere In Your Marketing Efforts? I Can Help!

Are You Tired of Going Nowhere In Your Marketing Efforts?  I Can Help!

Are you new to internet marketing? Are you perplexed with where to start this incredible marketing journey? These are questions we've all faced when we started the process of marketing online. This is not an easy road your about to's going to take some direction from the pros's together with dedication on your part to make it all happen. We've all been here at one time or the other. Sitting and wandering what to do next. Does this all sound familiar?  Don't despair, if you will permit me, I can shorten your journey to success on the internet.

For five years I searched the internet for the "right program(s)" that would help me learn how to market on the internet. I searched, and when I felt this or that program might help....I would spend my hard earned money for what turned out to be a bunch of junk. The program didn't do what it said.....unless I invested in some cases several hundred dollars more into their scam. I was on a retirement income, and money don't come easy, so after a while I got very gun shy on investing in anything. I had literally spent thousands of dollars on worthless offering.....that made the promoter of those programs richer and me poorer. Where was I to turn to find a program that would do what it said? Does this all sound to familiar? Most of us have "been there and done that."

Then one day while searching on the internet, I accidentally found a free program that would permit me to submit my business opportunity to millions of sites as often as I liked.....for Free! I was cautious to say the least.....then I decided to see what this ad promotion program was all about. I enrolled, and much to my surprise it worked. I used this program for about a week, and started to see some action on my little website that had gone no where for months. I hadn't made any money on my website.....and I didn't know why. Does this sound like something you've been through? The truth is.....I didn't know how to market on the internet. I thought that....I've put my site on the world wide they should beat down my door to buy. They didn't and they won't because no one knows you're out there. You must learn the art and science of become a success on the internet. You must earn your status to become one of the business who have advanced to "Top Positions on Google."

The program I accidentally found.....tried....and picked apart was a simple ad submission site. I was more than pleased with the response I was getting for the first time in my efforts on the internet. After about a week I received a very low keyed e-mail from an individual offering to help me build my business. They informed me that I could upgrade and instead of submitting my ads to millions of individual that I could promote my website many other different ways. Sending out ads was only one aspect of marketing online.  I figured what the heck.....the submitting program was so easy to use and was working for me.....why not take the next step and go ahead and take the plunge and if it didn't work I could cancel at any time without penalties. God forgive me for even thinking I might cancel. I had been directed by a higher power to get involved....with what appeared to be the answers to my prayers.

I then enrolled in a Lead Generation system that would generate sales leads. Within 10 days of my initial submission with the ad program I received my first order for my product. I didn't know whether this was just a coincidence, or didn't matter, I had made money on the internet. The journey had just a successful future on the internet. I then enrolled in the other segments of the marketing plan.  Then I upgraded to other proven marketing segments of the marketing program and the success has been overwhelming. I now make a living on the internet. I have become a SEM/SEO Consultant....a Mentor.....a Instructor for a major company and the list goes on and on. All of these accomplishments......are a direct result of using the a tried and proven marketing system and learning the process of internet marketing in the free online training classes offered with this incredible company. If I can do can you. You must make that first step....the future is yours. "Earn while you learn." with a quality affiliate plan.

If this sounds like your career history....and you need help of which way to go and what to do....this may be the most important article you will ever read. You are at that fork in the road....which way do you go? You can stay on the same road you've been going and end up right where you are've been going in circles....actually you've gone nowhere, except in a circle. If you want to make a change....then you need to review some of my personal websites to see how effective....simple to use.....and affordable the BLM Traders Marketing system really is. You can view as many of my site as you charge. Stay as long as you like within the sites....take notes, and then make your choice. You can stay with what your doing and make no money....or change your direction and try a tried and proven way to make money on the internet. The choice is yours...make all your choices after your careful review. If your choice is to pursue the new road, then my associates and I will be glad to help you become a success on the internet.

After you've had the opportunity to review these may have some additional questions. You may even need some personal problem. You can contact me at the contact information listed below.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L. Miller  SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line:  321-594-4405
Fax: 801-937-2795
skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!


Solutions To Deforestation - Are There Really Any?

Solutions To Deforestation - Are There Really Any?

Perhaps one of the greatest tragedies and threats of all time is deforestation. Since our rainforests provide us with various living means, any form of peril to it should never be disregarded. Thus, focusing on the issues and planning more for solutions to deforestation is definitely a must.

Like all other problems, solutions come in a wide array of choices. However, you get to pick one first at a time and see if it's capable to yield good answers or not. In deforestation, it is admittedly quite difficult to find solutions to the dilemma mainly because of the huge scope that it encompasses. Remember, this act and its effects are directed not only at a specific area. All other parts of the world have gone through such act and all else have experienced how nature got back at them.

The Traditional Solution

The conventional solution aims to target and fix poverty which they consider to be the cause of deforestation. The government, together with various organizations, sees development as the main key to cure. Ironically speaking though, industrialization and further city developments are also one of the causes of deforestation. This happened to be the reason why the government has been buffeted by issues with regards to the solutions that they tried to provide. Nevertheless, here are the proposed (and mostly unrealistic) solutions the government has to offer:

Tropical Forest Action Plan (TFAP) is one of the anticipated problem solutions by the government. It operates through strategically implementing to the people the value of our forests. This plan has failed many times for obvious reasons. In fact, the government (as they say) should have created a much clever plan to truly eradicate the problem. Bringing up nonrealistic items over the table is just considered to be a waste of time.

Sustained Yield Forestry is one of the projected ways to minimize the output of timber in its yearly harvest. Issues have hovered around corrupt officials who permit excess timber counts in exchange for money. This solution therefore needs honest and responsible professional men to lead along the way to change. The question is, when and where will you see dignified men these days especially with the color of money around?

Reserve Strategies are also one of the seemingly impossible ways of treating the problem. Hording of resources and keeping them for future use is quite an impractical thing to do. It needs more practice, and thus should be disregarded in cases where abrupt changes could be made. Remember, the deforestation process is widely accelerating in number now, and plans which are time bounded should be followed.

Lastly, International Biodiversity Program is also one of the seen probabilities by the government to finish the problem of deforestation. However, it works almost the same as TFAP which is also proven to be non-beneficial. Traditional based planned strategies are all government solutions to deforestation. It is up to your own criticism now as to which will be judged the best.

The Realistic Solutions To Deforestation

The question on how to confront the problem is a bit daunting. It rather involves challenges not only among the normal people, but it also involves those who make the biggest decisions in our world. The evaluation of the solutions is directed towards the response of the people and of the other surrounding parties.

The realistic solutions to deforestation includes: timber labeling, addressing the problems of landlessness, recognizing the rights of indigenous people, and inequality and debt. Although these may be the most realistic ways to halt deforestation acts, it needs the cooperation of everyone else.

After all, a big plan cannot work if there is no full force addressed to it.

This article brought to you by the eBiz Solutions Team at BLM Traders

For additional information regarding Going Green Issues and Solutions, visit our website:  Enter Here

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Never Buy Leads Again..Generate Your Own !!

Never Buy Leads Again..Generate Your Own !!

Never buy leads again....generate quality, approachable sales leads in your own marketing system. Fresh sales one of the first step to successful marketing.

Purchasing leads is a waste of your hard earned money. The only person who profits from your purchase, is the person who sold you the "so called leads". In most cases, leads purchased from lead brokers have been sold to numerous other business people who are trying to make sales just like you are. When calling to follow-up, many times, "the would be lead" will become very irritated because you may be the 10th or maybe even 20th person to call them with some hyped program they are not interested in. Many will even hang up as soon as you introduce yourself.

"Never buy leads again".....generate sales leads in your own marketing system. The data base which many of the top producers use is the same data base we use everyday in our own marketing campaigns. Blast as often as you like. These are double or triple opt-in leads of individuals and/or businesses who have agreed to receive more information about viable products and services.

This system is designed to generate leads, create back links and promotes your opportunity to search engines effectively. You merely fill in the format with your business the category that best covers your business opportunity. Use the keyword and keyword phrase popularity checker before you submit your advertisement for the world to see. Make sure you're using the most effective keywords and phrases. Once your satisfied with the content and keywords in your format area.....then blast your offering to millions and millions of web sites, businesses, message boards, ffa's, online malls around the world.

By using other programs within our marketing system you can upload unlimited leads per day. Visit some of my personal web sites and see exactly what I'm talking about. The free FFAs site is a neat site to generate sales leads in. With our upgrade program you can have access to thousands of leads per day. The response rate on these leads are exceptional.

In this remarkable program the portals cover every aspect of internet marketing from the beginner to the experienced internet marketing guru. You too can become successful on line and earn "Top Positions on Google."

Free training is one of the hallmarks of the BLM Traders system. All subscribers have full access to free online live and/or recorded training on any aspect of marketing. Our successful marketing specialist who use this marketing system to promote their own business opportunity are there to help you with your marketing problems. Education is the key to success on the internet. Don't leave it to chance.....make the right choice when participating in any lead generation or marketing program. This marketing system is the leader in lead generation systems and marketing programs. These programs is the same programs the professionals use to succeed on the internet. Come join our marketing family and enjoy success on the internet.

Check out my personal sites as I suggested earlier......and review the contents of these websites. After your careful review, you may have some additional questions. You may even need some personal mentoring......I can help. You can contact me at the following contact information.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller  SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
Fax:  801-937-2795
skype: larrylmiller121


A Charming Christmas Gift Idea

A Charming Christmas Gift Idea

If you are searching for a stylish gift for the wine enthusiast in your life, wine charms might be just the thing. Wine charms are perfect for holiday gatherings as they help everyone keep track of their wineglasses. The charms can also add a dash of color or glitz to the table and so add to the festive decor.

Wine charms are beads or markers that are attached to a ring that hooks around the stem of your wineglass. Let's face can be very difficult to figure out which glass is which if everyone is drinking the same wine! With a wine charm dangling from the stem, it's very easy to identify your glass.

The charms are usually found in sets which are all variations of a theme. Charms have grown with popularity over the past few years and are widely available. They can be made of almost any material from simple beads to opulent gemstones. Your choices are only limited by your imagination and your budget.

Unique wine charm sets can be an excellent choice for a personal touch when choosing a wine gift for that special person in your life. They are available in a seashore theme set for the avid beachcomber, golf theme sets for the golfers, flower charms for the gardener...the list goes on an on. You can even find a set that is themed for Monopoly players. How fun to have your favorite playing piece as your wine identification!

Wine charms can be found in almost every theme by searching online. You will also often find sets in the housewares aisle of your favorite department stores, jewelry stores and sometimes even your local party stores. If you want something really special, you can find charms made of sterling silver or gold at a reasonable price.

For a unique wine gift, you can even make wine charms yourself. This is a fairly simple project even if you are not usually into crafting. All you will need to create your own special set is some hoop earring wires, 18 gauge wire and some jewelry pliers.

The hardest part of creating your own wine charms is choosing what to put on them. Any good craft store will have a huge selection of things you can use. There is an endless variety of beads in wood, glass and metal. There are also alphabet beads and shaped beads. Whether you use a single bead or several together, you will find something appropriate for anyone's tastes.

To create the actual wine charm, you will use the pliers to bend the ends of the earring hoops so that there is a loop at one end. Figure out which beads you want to use for your charm and slip them onto the wire. When you have them all on the wire, you just need to use the pliers to form a small hook at the other end of the earring hoop. To use these charms, you just put the hoop around the stem of the wineglass and put the hook into the loop.

Whether you create a unique wine charm set or buy them, wine charms are a wonderful gift idea for anyone on your list. You can give a complete set by itself or add them to a gift basket. Whichever you choose, wine charms are a thoughtful wine gift for any occasion.

This article brought to you by the eBiz Solutions Team at BLM Traders

For additional information regarding World Class Wine and Acessories, visit our website.  Enter Here

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Saturday, November 14, 2009

If You're New To Marketing Online And Need Help? We Need To Talk!

If You're New To Marketing Online And Need Help? We Need To Talk!

When pursuing a career on the internet the question is often ask.....where doe's a person start? How do I generate sales leads? How do I market on the internet? These are all fair questions. Most people think that if you put a website on the internet.....people will beat down your door to purchase your product or service. This doesn't happen in the real world. Some of the "so-called" experts on the internet.....hype the facts and make a lot of money doing so. In reality you will not get rich in 30-60-90 days as some promise. Marketing on the internet is a process you must learn if you want to be a success in your marketing efforts.

First of all, a website is considered by most as an important part of the process. Eye appeal to the potential client is important, however, making the website search engine friendly is more important if you want to obtain "Top Positions with Google"  MSN or Bing, Yahoo and many other effective search engines. Your content must be keyword specific, and you must make sure that your content is accurate. Trying to fool the general public with questionable statements about your product or service will come back and bite you. Don't take the chance of misrepresenting your won't work in the long haul.

You must learn the art and science of lead generation and marketing to become effective in your marketing efforts. Most individuals don't take the time to learn the process......and never see the success they expected or possibly could achieve. The internet is a complex array of procedures.....that must be followed in order to meet the guidelines of this remarkable media. The question that is often ask is "where can I learn this process"?

There are numerous ways you can accomplish the process of learning. There are countless self help tutorials you can find on the internet, however, the technical phrases used can be intimidating to the beginner. There's nothing wrong with expanding your learning experience with tutorials, should consider live online training if you want to learn quicker. This learning process is going to take some time on your part, so be prepared to spend whatever time it learn the process.

I found there is one marketing system that offers free live and/or recorded online training to all of their subscribers.  Even if your brand new to the internet......there are free training classes that will accelerate your learning process regarding leads, lead generation and marketing. If you know a little about marketing on the internet but need some help in the process of building your primary business, the free classes will be a tremendous asset to your success. Don't try to learn the arts and science of internet marketing alone. Let the professionals help you. There are professional marketers who volunteer their services to help you succeed in your learning process. These are individuals who use the BLM Traders Marketing systems to successfully market their individual products or services.  Why do they teach then? To give back some of their knowledge to the newbie who needs help in the learning process. We all have been there......not knowing where to turn and many have failed because they had no one to teach them the key elements of marketing. Don't try to learn on your own.....let the experts help you in your "Quest for Success".

You are more than welcome to review some of my marketing sites, and see first hand the quality of programs this company has to offer. You can stay in those sites as long as you like. I promise you I will not capture your personal information and contact you.. However, if you have additional questions, or need personal mentoring, you can contact me at the following contact information.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L. Miller  SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
Fax:  801-937-2795
Skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!



Wine Tasting Kit is Creative Wine Gift for Christmas!

Wine Tasting Kit is Creative Wine Gift

Wine tours are so popular to wine enthusiasts mainly for the chance to taste a wide variety of wines. This accounts for the rise of wine tasting parties that are being given all over the place. To give the wine lover on your gift list this experience in the comfort of his own home, try giving a wine tasting kit as a gift.

Wine tasting kits are a fun way to help the novice wine enthusiast experience many different wines and to learn the qualities of each wine. Different wine tasting kits are found depending on what types of wine you want to taste. There are differences between red wine tasting kits and white wine tasting kits They come with all the wine bottles and accessories needed.

You can even get kits that are made for multiple tasters. These wine tasting kits come with as many as eight glasses so that the experience can be shared. This kit would be a great base to throwing a wine tasting party in your area.

Wine tasting is an art and much more complicated than simply drinking a glass of wine. You will incorporate the senses of sight and smell, along with your sense of taste. This is not an experience to be rushed. You must savor and linger over each sip.

To properly use the wine tasting kit, there are some basics that you should be aware of. First of all, the wine glass should be clear with a rim that is turned slightly inward. This will allow you to see the color and clarity of the wine. The special rim is designed to concentrate the aroma and bouquet of the wine and prevent it from spilling when it is swirled.

Holding the bowl of the wine glass can allow the heat of your hand to warm the wine so you should always hold the stem of the glass to experience the truest flavors. You would start with a small amount of wine, no more than about an inch in the bowl.

If you are tasting several wines during the evening, you will want to start with the lightest wines and work your way to the more complex wines. This will ensure that your taste buds remain sensitive to all the delicate nuances of each wine. Expert consensus is to have a sip of water between tastings to cleanse the palate, leaving a clean slate for the next wine.

I'm sure you've seen experts swirling their glasses by their noses and looking mysterious. There are good reasons for this behavior. When the wine is held up to the light you can see the color and clarity of the wine. White and red wines both have color variations as they age and clarity is also desirable.

The mysterious swirling of the wine is not just to make the experts look wise. By swirling the wine gently for a few seconds, the wine becomes aerated. This releases all the fullness of the wine's bouquet. If a person has a sensitive enough nose, they will often be able to distinguish several of the individual elements of the wine.

Once you've done these first two steps, you can move on to the much anticipated tasting stage. Take a sip of the wine and swirl it around a bit in your mouth to warm it. Savor the multitude of flavors that explode on your tongue. If you plan on tasting several wines, it is perfectly acceptable wine tasting etiquette to spit the wine out instead of swallowing.

This article brought to you by the eBiz Solutions Team at BLM Traders

For additional information regarding World Class Wine and Accessories:  Enter Here

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Friday, November 13, 2009

You Need Leads|Lead Generating Tools|Training|Mentoring to Succeed On The Internet!

You Need Leads|Lead Generating Tools|Training|Mentoring to Succeed On The Internet!

If your business need're in luck. Let me make one very bold statement right off the bat. "Never buy leads again". Leads is the backbone of any business.....and without quality sales leads your business will soon fail. Consider for a moment the idea of generating lead in your own marketing system. By generating your own leads, you are in control of the type of marketing categories you want to submit your business opportunity to.

For years the leads industry has been selling "so called fresh leads" for outrageous prices. Most of these leads were nothing more than a bunch of names and email addresses that has been collected by some company......many in questionable ways. More interesting was that the list that one purchases are leads that have been sold to someone else.....You must be the first business.....who purchases that particular list to be effective. If you were not the first to buy that list, then your reception and conversion ratio would be questionable at best. Buying used leads just doesn't make any sense at all. So, what is the alternative? Generate your own sales leads in your own marketing system.

Reputable Marketing Companies will offer to the general public a tried and proven method of generating sales leads in your own marketing system. You merely fill in the format with your relative information about your business opportunity and with a couple of clicks of the mouse, you will blast your business opportunity to Millions and Millions of websites, ffa's, message boards, search engines and more as often as you like. This program will also build tremendous back links to your website. This program is the professionals choice, for generating effective, approachable sales leads. Now you can enjoy the same quality programs to help you build your business quicker than you ever thought possible.

Online live and/or recorded training is imperative if you want to reach your marketing goals quicker than using the old traditional methods. Self help....."do it yourself tutorials" are helpful......however, most people don't understand the terms and meanings of all the techie talk in the tutorials and sooner or later many will just give up and call it quits. Don't try to do this learning process alone....let the professionals help you in your learning process. Enjoy your journey to success on the internet, with the help of the online classes offered in these Lead Generating Marketing systems.

Other marketing portals in the system are enhanced substantially,.....when used in conjunction with the lead generating programs. Visit some of my personal review how this Marketing system really works. If you have any questions after your review, you can contact me at the following contact information. I will also be available for personal mentoring by appointment only. Contact set up your obligation see if I can help your build your business.

In Summary......1) You need quality approachable leads to help you succeed in your business opportunity. 2) You need a proven marketing system to help in your efforts to achieve success on the internet. 3) It's imperative you have quality live online and/or recorded training to help you succeed. 4)  You need someone who willing to give you the mentoring you need to succeed and if you run into any problems you know who to call. With the BLM Traders Marketing system you get all of these features and benefits all in one place.

If I can help you in your marketing efforts......please contact me at the information below. Wishing you the very best in your marketing ventures.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L. Miller  SEM/SEO Consultant

Private Line: 321-594-4405
Fax:  801-937-2795
skype: larrylmiller121



Examples Of How Going Green Saves You Money

Examples Of How Going Green Saves You Money

There are many examples of how going green saves you money. Kermit the Frog was wrong - it IS easy being green, and it saves you money at the same time. As the planet faces a period of warming where our actions are believed to be the prime cause, it makes sense to seek out examples of how going green saves you money and act on them.

That cell phone charger that stays plugged in, the DVD player that waits for the occasional playing, and the TV that sits on standby all night, these are prime examples of how going green saves you money - if you unplug them, that is. For even if the items are not working, they are consuming energy!

Another of the prime examples of how going green saves you money is switching from bottled water to filtered tap water. The average family spends some $1,400 a year on bottled water. And the worst part is that 95% of the plastic bottles are not recycled! For less than $100 you could get a high quality staged water filter to make your tap water perfect.

Examples of how going green saves you money are everywhere. Do you drive as fast as the law allows? You shouldn't. Car engines perform most efficiently at around 55 miles an hour. If you combine that with gentle driving on properly inflated tires, you will save money and help the planet too.

You could always use a bicycle to travel around town. Or you could simply walk for those short trips. You won't be pouring hydrocarbons into the atmosphere, warming the planet, you will save money, and you will get some good exercise at the same time. Walking and cycling when you can are excellent examples of how going green saves you money.

Some 65 million newspapers are printed every day in the US. Some 70% of them will not be recycled. What a waste of trees! You can do your bit to help, and read whatever news you want to read at the same time simply by going online. Very few newspapers don't have an online presence these days, so save some money and read from the web pages.

Do you want more example of how going green saves you money? They are all around you. Just look and you certainly will find them.

This article brought to you by the eBiz Solutions Team at BLM Traders

For additional information about Going Green and related products, please visit our website:  Enter Here

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Commitment Of Mind, Soul And Body Is Necessary To Achieve Internet Success!

Commitment Of Mind, Soul And Body Is Necessary To Achieve Internet Success!

 Each of us at one time or another has considered trying our hand at marketing on the internet. If you're like most don't have a clue of where to begin such an awesome task. We've been writing the last few articles in an attempt to help you understand how the process of internet marketing works. Today I want to share with you some steps that will make your journey on the road to internet marketing....less overwhelming and assist you in acquiring "Top Positions on Google."

The first step you must take is to become.....totally committed. When I talk about's more that just saying..."I want to be on the internet." I'm talking about a commitment of your mind, soul and body to make this happen in your life.

First of all let's talk about commitment of the mind. Most individuals will have to go through a total change of their current mindset and make up their mind that whatever it takes.....your going to make this commitment happen. This is not going to happen over night, so be committed to spending hours and hours on the learning process. This is not a simple push....of a quick button....there is no such thing. Anyone who tells you this process is going to be easy....they are lying to you. Depending on your will and ability to may take you weeks, months or even years to become proficient in the art and science of internet marketing. Don't get will come. If I can do it....anyone can.

Second a commitment of your soul. You must feel the need deep inside to accomplish this incredible journey of marketing on the internet. To become successful in what you have thought in your mind....must become a part of your inner self and be the highest priority after your God and family. Commitment of the heart and soul is imperative if you want to learn this process of internet marketing. Just putting a fancy website on the internet will not do the job. You must market your product or service in just the right way. This is not a process that will come natural to most of us. It is a process of building your brick at a time, so to speak. Build a good foundation of knowledge from the beginning and you will find this journey to success on the internet more realistic and possible in your future.

Third is your commitment of the body. Since I've been working on the internet....there have been times that I worked until my fingers, arms and muscles ached from the typing on the computer. I have stayed with my commitment at times...when my mind felt that I couldn't crowd one more thing into my head. However, I had personally made that commitment of mind, soul and body....and I didn't give up. The next day....I would realize that my mind was not full, because during the night....I have even dreamed of how to correct the mind block that I had the day before. God has a way of clearing your mind of unimportant obstacles if your truly devoted to the task at hand.

There is one marketing program that I use exclusively in all of my marketing task. I also recommend this program to all my SEM/SEO clients. The program is the BLM Traders Marketing system. I've tried several different "get rich quick schemes" on the internet...who have made all kinds of ridiculous promises. Most of the promises made with those schemes are lies and hype only. There was nothing of substance you can use to be successful. The one who makes all the money on these types of plans is the promoter. However, quality marketing systems are different.....because this kind of system does work. The programs within this system were designed to empower the little guy to make money on the internet. Scores of home based business entrepreneurs are now successfully marketing on the internet, and fulfilling their dreams of success with their own home based business.

There are over 50 different marketing portals (websites) within this system covering every aspect of successful marketing. From the beginner to the experienced professional....this system works as advertised. You can visit some of my personal websites (portals) and see exactly how these systems work. From generating leads to promoting your business opportunity....this is one system that works ad advertised. By utilizing the entire 50 plus portals, you can make your success happen quicker than trying to go it alone. Stop searching the internet and wasting your hard earned money on worthless junk. Check out the value of a true marketing giant. Live and/or recorded training is free to all subscribers.

In summary: Commit your mind, soul and body to become successful in your dreams of profitable internet marketing. Join the affiliate progam for free and make money as you learn. If you have additional questions about this remarkable marketing program, you can contact me at the following contact information. Possibly you need some personal problem! Don't attempt to learn this process of marketing alone....let the pro's help you in your "quest for success."

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L. Miller  SEM/SEO Consultant

Private Line:  321-594-4405
Fax: 801-937-02795
skype: larrylmiller121





Wine Club Membership Gift

Wine Club Membership Gift

A wine gift that will truly have lasting impact is that of a wine club membership. A wine club sends one or more bottles of wine to the members monthly. This will depend on the club or which package you purchase. A wine club membership will often allow special discount pricing to their members and other perks of membership.

A distinctive wine club will offer the best wines that are available to wine club members, and club members will enjoy the best prices on those wines. A wine club generally buys their monthly selections direct from small wineries at lower prices than most retailers and consumers can negotiate. A wine club purchases wine in large quantities so that the winery can sell their wine to them at discounted prices. Because of the lower pricing, the wine club can then offer the member discounts on further purchases of the monthly selected wine

A wine club that only chooses wines from small boutique wineries will often offer the best wines. Wines made from small vineyards tend to be intensely flavored and very distinctive. The wines offered are usually of premium quality and not found in the local wine shops.

A wine club membership would be a perfect gift for the novice wine enthusiast. The monthly wines are chosen by experts so you know you aren't going to get a bad wine. The budding wine lover will get the chance to try a wide variety of wines as they learn about wine and develop their own taste in wine.

Most wine clubs include newsletters that educate the members about the wineries, methods of production and history of their wines. Some even will include recipes or food items with their wine selection. These extra details will serve to enhance and add value to your wine club gift.

Experts at wine of the month clubs have strict guidelines for choosing the wines for the monthly club selection. They must taste the wine themselves to experience it firsthand and be sure the quality is what they want to represent their club. They also will do some research and see what other experts are saying and whether the wine has won any type of awards. Of course, price and availability will play a part in whether a certain wine will be selected or not.

If you are choosing a wine club membership as a gift for a discriminating wine connoisseur and your budget allows, you may want to opt for an international wine package. The wines available in these packages will be among the best vintages in the world from the finest wineries. Some packages even include gourmet foods that go with the wines perfectly.

A wine club membership of any sort will make a wonderful gift for almost anyone. Whether the novice who will get a chance to try new wines or the old hand who would like to experience fine wines from around the world, anyone would appreciate this thoughtful gift choice. Any gift giving occasion would be appropriate for a wine club gift membership especially Christmas, birthdays or anniversaries.

This article brought to you by the eBiz Solutions Team at BLM Traders

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The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Are You Marketing Challenged? Need Some Help?

Are You Marketing Challenged?  Need Some Help?

If you're "marketing challenged" then read this article completely thru to the bottom.  There are four questions we will talk about later in this should ask yourself. If you're truly serious about effective marketing.....then make some commitments as you read the following!

Today marks the first day of the rest of your life. The same is true with your business you've been trying to get off the ground. If you have been going nowhere in your marketing need to step back and take a real close look at what you've been doing....or not doing. You probably need to change a few things....maybe a lot of get on track to achieving your marketing goals.  If you want to achieve "Top Positions on Google" I can help you accomplish that goal too.

There are no magic formulas for success on the internet....however, there is a simple format you must follow to make your marketing dreams come true. If you're enrolling in every "so called marketing scam" you read're in trouble....Stop Your Downward Spiral Now!   The only person getting rich on these scams is the promoters. "If it sounds to good to be's probably not true". When searching for that "just right" business must conduct some common sense due diligence before you proceed. Ask yourself these important questions.

Is the opportunity realistic? If the answer is no....then forget it. Don't believe all the hype you read and hear, from all those so called guru's who try to scam you on the internet. Anybody can show you a copy of their bank doesn't mean that they generated the deposits shown, from the particular program they are trying to promote to you. It's probably not even on a bank letterhead. If you researched it closely you would probably find it's hype and lies. Study any statements like this very closely.

Does the opportunity fit your marketing goals? If the answer is no....then forget it. Make sure the programs you're considering are....programs that can designed for your particular business opportunity, or at least blend with your marketing program. If you can't make that particular program relative to your opportunity....then back away from that program. You must be able to promote your name and/or your business....not someone achieve the successful results you expect when marketing.

Is the opportunity affordable? If the answer is no....then forget it. Most of us have spent an incredible amount of money and time on worthless junk programs only to find they didn't work. I can't even tell you how many different programs I tried.....only to find that program was doing nothing. I wasn't making a penny! Does this sound familiar to you. "I've been there and done that." If your tired of throwing good money after bad.....there is hope!

Does the opportunity provide live and/or recorded online training? If the answer is no....then forget it. The idea of individuals studying tutorials with all the techie talk in them.....and not even understanding the a formula for instant failure. Most of these tutorials are designed by geeks who understands the technical side of computers....but have no common sense about how to market a product or service on the internet

 I was green as grass on the internet when it came to marketing anything on line. I searched for over five years for a company that didn't have a bunch of hype and lies in it. Then I found my solutions.  There is one marketing system that I personally use daily. The program is called....BLM Traders Marketing Systems.

I sat in on some online classes and immediately I was beginning to understand what internet marketing was all about. There were  successful marketers that was sharing vital information that would make the difference between my success and failure on the internet. What a blessing.....I had found exactly what I needed. Clear, simple, precise information about how to market my products and services on the internet effectively. Within just a few days I was making money on the internet. The programs that I use are extremely well as affordable. BLM Traders has provided all the ingredients I need to be successful in my marketing efforts on the internet...I now, make a good living on the internet.....and so can you. Making money on the internet is what it's all about.

From leads and lead generation to advanced Search Engine Marketing and Search Engine Optimization tactics.....this is the company that provides programs you should consider in your marketing efforts.

I invite you to visit some of my sites within my own system and see how effective marketing programs are set-up. I promise you....I will not capture your personal information and try to market my product and services to you. I will not share with anyone else your information.

If you have an interest in pursuing marketing and need some can contact me at the contact information listed below. If you are involved in marketing already and are struggling....maybe you need some personal mentoring. Contact me for a no obligation personal interview. Don't take my word for it.....visit my sites and see what true marketing is all about. I will help you in any way I can in your..... "quest for success" on the internet.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L. Miller  SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
Fax:  801-937-2795
skype: larrylmiller121




Healthy Food Choices

Healthy Food Choices

Eating healthy is something we all would like to do,
although it can be hard. In order to eat healthy, you
must first make the right food choices. Eating healthy
is all about what you eat, which makes the choices very
crucial to your results.


You should consume 6 ounces of grains per day. To do this,
you can eat 3 ounces of whole grain cereals, breads, rice,
crackers, or pasta. You can get an ounce of grains in
a single slice of bread, or 1 cut of cereal.


These should be varied, as you should eat 2 1/2 cups of
them each day. You should start eating more of the dark
vegetables, such as broccili and spinach. Carrots and
sweet potatoes are good as well. You should also eat
more dry beans such as peas, pinto beans, and even kidney


Fruits are very important. You should try to eat 2 cups
of them each day. Focus on eating a variety, such as
fresh, frozen, canned, or even dried fruit. You can
drink fruit juices as well, although you should use
moderation when doing so.


Milk is your calcium rich friend. For adults, 3 cups
is the ideal goal. For kids 2 - 8, 2 cups is where you
want to be. When choosing milk products or yogurt, you
should go for fat-free or low-fat. Those of you who
don't like milk or can't have it, should go for lactose
free products or other sources of calcium such as fortified
foods and beverages.

Meat and Beans

Eating 5 ounces a day is the ideal goal, as you should go
lean with your protein. When eating meat, always bake it,
grill it, or broil it, as this will prevent grease from
adding to the equation. You should vary your protein
as well, with more fish, beans, peas, and nuts.

When cooking your food, you should also limit solid fats
such as butter, margarine, shortening, and lard. These
foods may add flavor to your dishes, although they can
also help raise your cholesterol as well. Therefore, you
should try to add these foods and any foods that happen
to contain them.

To help keep your saturated fat, trans fat, and sodium low,
you can check the nutrition facts label. This label can
be found on the food package and will tell you all the
information you need to know about the food item.

By picking your foods wisely and watching what you eat,
you'll help control your lifestyle. Exercise is great as
well, as it goes along perfect with a healthy eating
lifestyle. No matter what your age may be, eating healthy
will help you keep your active lifestyle for years and
years - even help you and your health in the long run
as well.

This article brought to by the eBiz Solutions Team at BLM Traders

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Marketing Online Is An Art and Science You Must Learn!

Marketing Online Is An Art and Science You Must Learn!

Make your dreams of internet marketing a reality. Take your Marketing Online Dreams to the next level.  Learn the process of how to make money on the internet from successful online marketers. If you hang with losers, that is what you will become.  Rub elbows with successful marketers, your chances of success will be enhanced substantially.  There are no shortcuts, however, by following a well planned strategy you can accomplish online success sooner than you ever thought possible.

Making money on the internet is a arduous task for most of individuals. We have all heard about the internet genius who just became a millionaire. This stroke of luck does happen occasionally.....however, this scenario is not the norm for most of us. How many people do you know personally who have been able to accomplish this scenerio in their lifetime? If you're like probably don't know anyone who falls into that category of success.

Most of us don't have the expertise to write programs like Bill Gates did to become one of the wealthiest people in the world. Most of us are to internet challenged to be bothered with such problems. How did this giant in the industry do being focused on a dream. He put the things he learned into practice and kept doing it till he did it right.  He didn't do it took him years of blood, sweat and tears to accomplish the position of...."richest man in the world."

You may not even have a dream of being that successful.....but you can be a successful as you want to be. I had a dream of making money on the internet.....and that dream is happening for me right now. I struggled for over 5 years trying to make money on the internet before I found the answer. I spent thousand of dollars on worthless junk, fly by night, hyped, to good to be true programs...trying to make it happen.  What a waste of 5 years of time and thousand of hard earned dollars.  So, as you can see, I've been there and I've done that.  However, I can help you avoid these same pitfalls and assist you in becoming the success that you have only dreamed about till now.

There is a process of marketing on the internet you must follow before success awaits you. Marketing on the internet is an art and science. You must learn the process if you want to make money online. In yesterdays article we talked about the four things you must do to follow your dreams of success when marketing.  If your truly committed to making money on the internet.....there is are companies that has designed marketing portals that will help you accomplish your goals. This is not a free marketing system.....however, it is very affordable. Do your due diligence and search for Automated Marketing Tools which will help you in your promotion efforts.

Education in internet marketing is just as important as a college degree in your everyday business. There are so many aspects of internet marketing, that you need to understand the basics in order to make an informed decision of which road to take in this remarkable journey. Without proper instruction in the process of marketing you will never be successful. Don't try to self educate.....let the professionals help you in your "quest for success."

From the beginner to the seasoned classes will help you learn the art of internet marketing. Trainers who donate their time to teach you the correct way to market your product or service. Avoid Webinars and such whose sole purpose is to try to recruit you into their personal business. Learn the process first, then you can make an informed choice of the progams you need to participate in.  The best systems to look for are the ones that has been designed to teach the little guy or gal in learning to become successful on the internet by using the proper methods, marketing tools, lead generation and getting your opportunity on the internet and earn "Top Positions on Google" and other fine search engine rankings. If you're truly serious about learning to market on the internet ..... then now is the time to get started.  

Visit some of my sites and see exactly what I'm talking about. You too can have a similar arsenal of affordable marketing tools in a very short time. This process is an ongoing challenge of learning new and exciting strategies.  Just like with Bill Gates, it's not going to be an overnight may you take weeks....months....or even years to become the success you deserve. We all have different abilities and the learning curve for some of us may seem like it's straight uphill. By learning the correct way to market your will be able to start making money on the internet quicker than with any other conventional method. Learn how to "Earn As You Learn" from the professionals.

If you have questions, or need personal mentoring, you can contact me at the contact information below.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L. Miller  SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line:  321-594-4405
Fax:  801-937-2795
skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!