Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Home Based Business....It's NOT for everyone! See If You Quality!

Home Based Business....It's NOT for everyone! See If You Qualify!

Many individuals today are considering an alternative to the normal 9 to 5 jobs that most of us have come to accept as the norm. More and more people are taking a close look at the possibilities of some type of a home based business. Working for yourself....not having to waste gas going back and forth to work. No fancy suits to springing for lunch for a co-worker who is out of cash. The list goes on and on. You know the drill! There are a few things one must consider before making a commitment to take the plunge and work for yourself.

Are you willing to make a commitment and devote the necessary time to become a home business owner? Many individuals can never make that transition from working for someone else and punching a time clock everyday to the no time clock concept. If you can't make that transition then you will probably not be able to succeed in this type of endeavor. Time management may have to be learned in order to be successful in your "quest for success" on the internet.

Are you willing to devote the time necessary to get the proper training to market on the internet the right way? Just being on the internet doesn't mean that you are going to make money. Less than 5% of the people on the internet make money on the web. How do those few individuals succeed….and other can't? Because they have learned the art and science of internet marketing. They devoted the time to learn the process. This does not happen overnight. With some it will come easy and others of us it may seem like a straight up climb. Let me assure you "If I can do it….anyone can."

Without the knowledge of how to market you won't know what tools you need to market effectively. Having the right tools is one of the most critical ingredients of successful marketing. Most of us have been guilty of spending an incredible amount of hard earned money on worthless marketing programs that promise the world….and then don't live up to the promises made when you bought that worthless junk. Don't feel bad….we're all guilty of this same "to good to be true" trap.

Good ethics is something that comes from the heart.
If you have questionable ethics….please do not join us on the internet! There are too many shady characters on the net already. If you're interested in promoting smut on the internet….please….go away. We don't need anymore smut jocks promoting their filth. As an SEM/SEO Consultant, I found a company that I highly recommend to all of my clients. 1)  BLM Traders Marketing  is a company that teaches you the art and science of internet marketing. 2) They will teach you how to manage your time. 3) They will share with you the right marketing tools. 4) They will teach you how to hone your ethics and skills in internet marketing. These are professional trainers offering free live online and/or recorded training on subject matters covering all aspects of marketing. From the beginner to the professional…."you're never alone in your internet marketing journey."

This is an organization that designs for you a marketing blueprint that will permit you to make an informed decision of whether the idea of working for yourself is a good idea …..or not.

You can visit some of my sites and see for yourself exactly what I'm talking about. After you have finished your can contact me if you still have some questions. If you need personal mentoring feel free to contact me at the contact information below.

Larry L. Miller  SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
Fax:  801-937-2795 
skype: larrylmiller121

Email Me:

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