Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Be Passionate about your Writings!

Most successful marketers will tell you that article marketing is probably one of the most overlooked venues of promoting your opportunity and could well be the most powerful affordable method of marketing online today. Then the question arises; "why aren't more people using this phenomenal marketing tool to promote their business opportunities?" The reason is clear and simple, most people don't know how to market correctly and no one has taken the time and effort to share this powerful method of marketing with them.

Most people I talk to say "I don't know how to write" and this may be a legitimate argument and why most people avoid writing altogether, but how do you know you can't write if you've never tried? As we've pointed out in some of our other writings, you learn to write by writing. The fact that the search engines put such a great emphasis on fresh new content, it's imperative that you learn to write early on in your marketing career. Write from the heart on a subject you know and are passionate about and see how your article turns out. Send me a copy and let me help you tweak the article and maybe even publish it for you in my personal article directory.

Writing articles may well be the easiest method ever conceived on how to build a viral marketing dynasty that will endure for many years to come. Writing is a powerful marketing tool that you and only you can control every aspect of its future as well as your online success.

When training people to market online it has been my experience that every individual who said "they can't write" has become an excellent, unique writer and many of these individuals now have their own blogs, forums and publish to multiple article directories every day. Some have even gone so far as to build their own personal article directory with many well known authors enrolling into their site as a contributing writer submitting their professional writings into my students directories. Talk about powerful marketing results!

Some people have a natural ability and write better than others. Some golfers are better at playing golf than I may ever be, but I still like to go out to the links every now and again and make a total fool of myself compared to the pro's that I watch on TV, but I don't care because I'm having fun.

The same is true with writing. The more you write the better you will become at writing. There is always someone who is looking for information that you will relate to and they will look forward to more information that your writings provides because you presented your thoughts in a way that they can totally relate to.

Let's talk for a moment about exactly what an article is and maybe this will help all of us to see the importance of writing articles. First of all an article is nothing more than information on any given subject from a different personal prospective. This can be anything from a basic concept to a very detailed technical description of something that is so complex the average person doesn't have a clue of what you're talking about.

I personally don't like the techie stuff, so I share my information on a very down to earth level that even my grandkids can relate to and many times they will share with me some of the most recent trends and lingo that will help me in my writings. This is an ongoing learning process that will never end. Learning is forever. Writing should be informative and entertaining for your readers.

I wasn't born with any special talents when it come to writing, in fact writing essays in high school and college was actually a major chore for me to do. Only after I got into online marketing did I realize that learning to write was one of the most important steps to this whole marketing process. The internet is all about information and the search engines place an incredible amount of weight on content in your website, blogs, forums, articles and other areas of correspondence including e-mails. So learn to enjoy the process of writing and experience the rewards that writings will give you in your "quest for success" online.

If you enjoy talking to people, then writing could well become a natural ability that you need to develop. One suggestion would be to write exactly as you talk …. Don't worry about using a bunch of high fluting words that no one understands what they mean anyway. Think of a subject and set down and start writing about how you feel about any issue, and be sincere about what you're thinking about and put those thoughts into writing. Once you've got the basic format written then go back and tweak your comments to a legible format and publish your writing online. You will be amazed how many people will read your writing and if you have a comment section in your article format then you'll be surprised at how many people will give you a good review just for your honest opinions.

On your first couple of articles you may want to write about something that you are totally passionate about. For example: If you're a gardener and have some helpful hints that will make someone else's gardening experience more memorable, then write about it and share your secrets with other gardening enthusiast.

You may want to write about helpful hints that will make your cleaning chores around the house easier and more sanitary. There have been some writers who have become extremely wealthy by writing and sharing helpful hints about natural cleaning aids. Don't try to prejudge what will work and won't work, just jump in with both feet and try your hand at writing. You'll soon learn how much fun and maybe even how profitable your knowledge really is. If you don't know how to write or maybe want some help in learning how to write more effectively, there are people who are more than willing to help you learn the art and science of writing.

Writing and publishing your articles will help people find your website explaining your business opportunity. More readers to your site …. means more potential clients …. which will result in more sales. Making money online is what the process writing and marketing is all about.

The eBiz Solutions Team with BLM Traders is standing by to assist you in your writing and marketing challenge. Call today for your free 30 minute "no obligation" consultation.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
Skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!

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