Monday, May 31, 2010

Building List and Relationships!

Building a quality based list should be a given of every online marketer. If you don't have a list, start this process today. This is going to become a part of your daily chores by adding new contacts from any number of sources that you're affiliated with. You must nurture and protect your list from day one. Your ultimate goal of course is to build a relationship with those on your list and try to maintain a relationship that last for a lifetime. Your ultimate goal should be to monetize your list and start making money from your website.

This whole process must become a part of you and your daily routine to make this concept work effectively. We're going to discuss some of the important issues of this process in this article.

First you must introduce yourself and let people know a little bit about you. You must convey a sense of trust about you so the potential client feels the sincerity and passion you have about who you are and what you're all about.

Think of introducing yourself as you were in some kind of a social gathering. Be considerate of those you meet and avoid trying to sell them something in such an environment. Trying to sell your product or service in this situation will be an instant turnoff for most people and you might as well forget about making a sale now, or in the future with that individual. This is just one example of "first impressions lasting for a lifetime". If it's a bad impression you can never overcome that negative first impression.

Since most of your business is going to come from your web site or some other form of online communication, your focus should be on which online method is most effective for your gaining online contacts. One of the easiest, most affordable and effective methods I've found is by consistently blogging about my product or service with information only. People are always searching for information on the internet. After you write the content of the blog (without any links) then create a byline section at the bottom of your blog so potential clients can visit your site, contact you by phone, skype or email.

Encourage your readers to call you, email you or contact you with any questions about your writings or any interest they may have in your business opportunity. This is a non threatening method of building a strong relationship with potential clients.

It's imperative to keep in contact with your list by utilizing some automated marketing tools such as auto responders, or weekly newsletters and promotional email campaigns. Try to keep your information in front of your list on a consistent time frame such as once every week or maybe every 10 days. Your avid readers will be looking forward to your information arrival. Include an RSS feed on your correspondence if at all possible. Making your information available with the least amount of efforts for the user will generate some exciting results.

It's advisable to brand yourself and your opportunity in this process by keeping your list informed. Your ultimate goal is to brand yourself so effectively, that when a user thinks of your product or service they think of you, and when they think of you they think of your product or service. At this point in your relationship, you have that individual prepared mentally that when you send your weekly newsletter or email with an announcement of a new product, your people on your list are ready to make a choice of purchasing your product, or not.

Since communication is a two way street, invite your list to communicate with you regarding any comments, questions or any other issues they feel may be important. List the various methods of contacting you in your byline area at the bottom of your communication you sent to your list.

Listen to your clients and make changes if necessary to make your relationship stronger with those on your list. You have two ears and one mouth, even though it may be a chore sometimes, try to listen more than you talk when building a relationship. The more you can get people to feel comfortable with you, the easier it will be to become connected with their thought process.

Its human nature to appreciate a gift, so giving away a little something once in a while will usually help build a closer connection with your potential client. This is another way to let your users know that you sincerely appreciate their business, and gratitude will normally be reward with a reciprocal gesture of appreciation.

In conclusion: Building a business online is all about building relationships of trust and gestures of appreciation. The rest will fall into place as time passes. Following the very basics of this article, you will reap the rewards of success, that truth, sincerity and honesty breeds.

The eBiz Solutions Team is standing by to assist you with building your business. Call today for your free 30 minute consultation.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
Skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Generating Consistent WebSite Traffic!

Generating traffic to your website is probably the biggest challenge for any marketer online today. Without traffic to your website, no one will find you, and you will make no sales. Without sales your business will fail, before you ever get started. What you need then, is to concentrate of how to get a steady stream of targeted traffic to your web site.

There is no single plan available, that's all inclusive, and will do this job for you, even though some marketers would lead you to believe in their hog wash promotional tactics that their site will do everything you'll ever need.

There are numerous ways to generate traffic on the internet, and as a marketer you are going to have to do some research, experimentation and a lot of hard work to build a marketing strategy that is going to provide you with a consistent flow of traffic. Many are going to fail in this effort, and only the persistent will succeed in this ongoing endeavor.

Time is one of the most valuable commodities each of us own, so we must manage our time in every aspect of marketing. At one time or another, we've all been guilty of allowing mundane things such as an online chat, playing games, and answering junk email take up a good percentage of our time and then can't figure out why we can't get anything done. Prioritizing, is critical for you to succeed online.

There are certain things that must be put first and foremost in our lives such as our family, our faith and working to keep food on the table and a roof over our head. These are things that any good person will put as top priorities in their lives. Many individuals already have a full time job or maybe a part time job that takes up much of their spare time.

Online marketing will require some time for you to be successful in this venture. Just putting a website on line and expecting a steady flow of traffic is not going to happen. You must be committed to whatever it takes to make it happen online. Trying to learn all the aspects of marketing before you commit won't work either. The internet is an ever changing business that sometimes is outdated before you have time to even learn the new changes. You must be extremely flexible in your learning process, your time and the financial rewards you expect from this venture.

If your intent is to learn Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and then start the process of marketing you might as well hang it up before you get started. All the variables of SEO are overwhelming and can develop into a monster if you don't understand the whole process. If you need SEO work done, it's so much simpler and cheaper to secure the services of the professionals.

Many people coming into the internet marketing arena may be pressed for adequate funding and will be extremely limited on their possibilities, especially if this is going to be your only source of income. Being conservative with funding at this point can be detrimental for the short term as well as any long term acomplishments. You may end up having to buy traffic and if this is the case then you're going to have to have a steady source of income that you're willing to plow back into your new venture.

By implementing a broad base of marketing strategies and tools, may help prepare you for disappointments in some of the less effective aspects or your new business. Some of the most common, affordable and effective programs you might consider is; e-mail marketing campaigns, article marketing, blogs and forums. If done correctly these low cost items will help you earn exposure with users as well as the search engines. Both of these entities must be effectively promoted and must be a well thought out process before you begin this online venture. If you're questionable about how to do a perfect blend of these activities then call your marketing consulting professional early in your planning stages.

In this business, time is money and you must be able to invest the time into the business, or invest money into your project to make this whole process work like a well oiled machine.

Many times in this business, people who are just starting out fall victim to a lot of hype. It's unintentional, and is a direct result of trying to learn too much too quickly and fall into the trap of grasping at straws for the right methods of marketing.

By reading every newsletter, blog or forum you receive about all the money you can make with no investment, is more hog wash you must learn to delete. You don't have to spend countless dollars to acquire proper marketing tools to do a good job, but you will end up spending some money, so choose wisely. This is where your professional can help you with some of your choices if he or she is provided with the opportunity to understand your overall business model.

Being a good sales person has nothing to do with you becoming a success on line. You need to be yourself, know your business and be passionate about your product or service. Trying to be somebody or something you're not will always come back to haunt you and will backfire in your face.

By building a trust in your user base you will be one step closer to generating sales with your targeted audience. There are some fancy terms for this process, which is not important at this time in your venture. Just be yourself, do the best job you can and treat your customers just like you would like to be treated if you were in a reverse situation.

Your efforts will be substantially enhanced if you can justify a broad spectrum of effective marketing tools. Do some "Google Searches" and see what's available. Using multiple methods of promoting will help you gain popularity much quicker than using any single marketing program.

Using FaceBook and Twitter for your sole media for market is definitely not recommended, because these sites are merely media channels. Use these sites for what they were designed to be used for, and they can help you in your marketing efforts.

The eBiz Solutions Team is standing by to assist you in your marketing challenges. Call today for your free 30 minute consultation.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
Skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Online Marketing or Traditional Advertising!

Any successful business, whether online or offline, is involved in some form of advertising. Not all businesses use the same methods of advertising, however, the concept and basic principles of advertising will apply whether you're a store front on Main Street in your own home town, or an online marketer promoting on the internet. Advertising is crucial to the growth of your business. Maintaining a stable, advertising campaign strategy is one of the most important ingredients of maintaining a healthy growth for your company.

Advertising is not a duty that most business people actually enjoy. They must spend money for advertising agencies and the results normally are not visible in the short term, but may reflect some positive results in the long term review. Many don't like to wait for visible results, they want action now. We have to contend with salesmen and listen to our sales representative who is always trying to get you to spend more each time they visit your office for their next commission sale.

This is all just part of the process of setting up and maintaining an advertising campaign in normal business. Advertising is one of those necessary evils every business person has to contend with if they want to become a successful business. You must advertise your business opportunity and become well recognized for people to start thinking of you when they're in need of the product or service you sell. A saying that rings true in this scenario is as follows. "A business without a sign is a sign without a business".

Most of us have tried the traditional methods of advertising such as television, radio, direct mail, phone solicitation, newspaper ads, billboards, signs on top of a buildings and I'm sure you can think of several other methods of advertising you may tried. Your marketing budget can be eaten up rather quickly and you may still see little to no results in some cases.

Internet advertising is best described as online marketing and is totally different than advertising for a store front business. The methods we talked about so far may still be effective if you have a good advertising agent that has your best interest at heart. However, the internet advertising must be more of a marketing approach than an advertising approach.

Marketing on line is an ongoing challenge of experimentation and learning the process of what works and doesn't work effectively. Every marketing campaign that you do is going to be different, and flexibility in your thought process here is extremely crucial.

The more you market, the more you will understand what I'm referring to here. You must have some kind of hook between your marketing campaigns and the normal run of the mill advertising your competitors use for the promotion of their product or services.

You may understand the importance of advertising, but if you don't understand the concept of online marketing, and have some incentive for the internet user to choose your product or service over your competition, then your competitor is going to get the order.

This is where you're mentor and consulting professional must be introduced into the overall picture. Your marketing consultant should be up to date on the latest ideas and programming to help you gain that competitive edge that is so needed in today's ever changing market. With the other pressures of today's business society, your chances of keeping up with the constant change on the internet are virtually impossible. Recent reports indicate that using the services of a professional in your overall marketing strategy, may well be the best business investment you will ever invest in.

One excellent benchmark you may want to follow when acquiring the service of a professional is, to ask him or her to show you online where their personal sites stands in page rank with the search engines. If they can't find on the first couple pages of Google, you may want to reconsider your choice of mentors. Ask your professional to share with you some client page rank results that they've helped to accomplish Search Engine Optimization successful results using their tactics. Results of current and past marketing campaigns, verifiable online, using the guidelines above should be your benchmark for success and will help you understand whether the marketing organization you're dealing with, truly knows what is needed to get the results you demand for your business needs.

Most reputable optimization specialist won't give you a phone number to call so you can visit with some of their happy customers. Giving out names and phone numbers is a violation of client privilege that your specialist, should be respectful of with every one of their clients. A good company will keep that information totally confidential, just like you would expect them to be, when you're marketing campaigns become successful. If the results can't be verified on the internet, then everything else you're being told is probably smoke and mirrors anyway.

In Conclusion: Advertising is an absolute must with any store front business; however, marketing strategies must be used in your online marketing efforts. Choose the method of marketing promotion strategies that best fits your marketing objectives, and fills the needs of your targeted audience. Seek the services of a specialist if needed and be willing to make changes that your professional recommends that may be required to optimize your marketing efforts and challenges.

The eBiz Solutions Team is standing by to assist you in your marketing strategies. Call today for your free 30 minute consultation.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
Skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Improve Page Rank Using SEO Services!

If you want to get noticed on the internet it is imperative you incorporate Search Engine Optimization (SEO) within your website and any promotions you do regarding your site. There are some writers who say that you can do your own SEO work and save a lot of money. When you look for their website online, you can't even find the site. That should prove to all of us that such statements are un-founded.

Ask any successful online marketer if SEO is important for effective marketing campaigns, and without exception, all will agree that Search Engine Optimization is the most important aspect of successful marketing. Sure you can have a flashy website with all kinds of pictures, flash and all the other bells and whistle, however, the search engines doesn't recognize any of those features. The search engines like good relevant keyword rich content in order for your site to get good page ranking with the search engines.

Keyword research is vitally important to find the right selection of keywords that fits the business opportunity you're trying to promote. Cute sayings and terms does not impress the search engine robot when they come to spider your web site. Search Engine are only interested is well written, relevant content. If you follow this simple suggestion, you will start seeing more traffic to your web site and more conversions.

When choosing keywords try to put yourself in your customer's shoes and think for a moment, what keywords would the customer type in the search bar to find your particular product or services. That would be an excellent place to start to start building your list of 20 to 25 relevant keywords. You might even go to the Google Keyword Tool and see how often some of these words may be searched for in the last couple of months. Always keep in mind that keyword research and selection is fundamental part of this process.

Do a "Google Search" for keyword tools, and you'll find several keyword tools that should do the job for you. The Google Keyword tool is free. This will give you an good idea of just how important it is to know what people are looking for and what keywords are the most popular. You might also check out what keywords your competitors are using to get good page ranks with the search engines.

You may not want to earn top positions for the most popular keywords due to the high competition you would have to compete with. So go for a keyword that may not be as competitive and your possibilities will be better for earning Top Positions on Google and other fine search engines. Once you get a good page rank with a keyword that is not too competitive, then concentrate on the more competitive words and meld all the keywords into a uniform natural progression.

Doing research on your competitors may give you some ideas of other possibilities that may help you in your marketing efforts.

If your intent is just to get exposure on the internet, then you might be content to get a page one ranking for a search term that might only get 2-3000 searches a month rather than going for a more competitive keyword or keyword phrase that may put you on page 20 but gets 25-30,000 searches per month. Some marketers would rather have multiple different page one rankings rather than trying to compete with the big boys for top positions on more competitive keywords and keyword phrases. The more popular the keyword the more competitive that word will be. In the internet business the process of keyword placement is an ongoing process that never stops.

Don't be afraid to experiment with your keywords if your site is not performing up to your expectations. However, don't make major changes to often especially if your site is starting to move up in page rank. Make sure you have a professional that you can bounce some questions off of occasionally.

The process of search engine optimization requires a lot of time, effort and training to accomplish the full benefits that optimization can provide. Consult with your professional and don't assume you can do this job alone.

The eBiz Solutions Team is standing by to assist you in your SEO challenges. Call today for you free 30 minute consultation.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
Skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Advertising with Article Marketing!

Advertising your business opportunity can be accomplished in numerous ways using various venues of promotional methods. What worked a decade ago may be totally ineffective in today's marketplace. Many times, this process may seem to be a trial and error approach, especially if you're on a limited budget, and must spend your advertising dollars rather conservatively.

Some of our recent marketing articles have discussed some of these options, in greater detail; however, the same basic principals apply to most methods of advertising your product or service. The method that many professional marketers are raving about is the article marketing concept that is sweeping the internet like a tropical storm. Many online marketers have already experience phenomenal results with the advent of this age old method that has been reborn by some of the big names in online marketing.

Using article marketing as your advertising media is an ideal method to use, when advertising your products and professional services. With this method you are providing information about the features and benefits about a product and at the end of the article you can provide all of your contact information in the byline area at the bottom of your writing. This is extremely effective and acceptable with users as well as directories and publisher who pick up your writings and publish them on a mass basis. Some directories have literally thousands of subscribers and publishers who are looking for good information on any subject matter you can write about.

The internet is all about information, so as you can see, this is a natural progression of events that happens with a click of your mouse when you publish your opportunity on the internet. This is an ideal way to target market a specific audience of the internet.

There are 25 to 30 major categories that most publishers provide for postings your information to. However, there may be hundreds of thousands of sub categories within the major categories list. One well known directory has over a quarter of a million categories and sub categories for your use. You can even laser focus your writings to a particular geographic area of your own native country, or even the world for that matter. Use your imagination here, the possibilities are endless.

By using directories and publishers you don't need your own database. You can however use emails to distribute your articles if you like. As we pointed out earlier the possibilities are endless with article marketing.

As long as you don't change the content and byline of someone else's article, you can copy an article in its entirety and post in another article submission site if you give the original writer the credit for the article. Don't steal someone else's work and then try to pawn it off as your writings. Copywriting infringement can become very costly for you if you get caught; and you will. These writers have spent a lot of time writing these articles, so give them the credit they rightly deserve.

You can use some of the statements from another article by putting that statement in quotes and show that you are quoting an author, by giving that authors name immediately before or following the quote you've put into quotation marks. Never change the original form, absolutely no altering allowed,

The more interesting you can make your writings, the more people will become avid readers of your writings whether in emails, blogs or articles. Make sure you provide an RSS feed somewhere on your article directory to make it easier for your readers to find you and come back often to your site.

Including some technical information in your writings will give you some additional credibility with the reader regarding your information and ideas. Try not to overdo this part of the information you're writing about. Readers appreciate facts that are easy to assimilate without all the hype that normally comes traditional advertising.

Writing as you normal speak will normally be more acceptable by your reading audience. They will actually feel more at ease with a good flow of information you're writing about, instead of trying to talk about something you know little to nothing about. After awhile your readers will start building a confidence level in you and your writings, for telling it like it is. This is when you will start to see some interesting results from your writings. Visitors will start coming to your website to see more of what you have to offer. What a great feeling of accomplishment, when you start seeing your name in print as an authority of a particular subject.

Your writings should be more about useful information regarding your opportunity rather than just advertising. Most publishers and directories will not accept articles stuffed with advertisements. It is a good rule of thumb to save your promotional URLs and contact information in the authors byline at the bottom of your article if at all possible. This one single idea will save you from getting rejected by most of the article directories and publishers.

Using the fee services of an article directory submitter is an excellent way to get your writings published to thousands upon thousands of directories and publishers with one single posting of your article. This could well be the best business investment you'll ever make. Check it out!

In Summary: As we pointed out earlier in this article, there are many different venues and ways you can advertise, however, there is no other form of advertising that is as affordable, personal and powerful as article marketing. If you don't understand about this concept, then seek the advice of a professional who can explain in simple details the best way to get started in this revived method of advertising and by all indications, is fast becoming the wave of the future.

The eBiz Solutions Team is standing by to assist you in your article marketing challenges. Call today for your free 30 minute consultation.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
Skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Write an Article or Get a Root Canal!

Write an Article or Get a Root Canal!

If you had a choice to write an article or have a root canal which would you choose? If you're like most folks, you would rather have the root canal rather than have to write a card or letter, let alone a blog or article on a regular basis. There are different excuses each of us uses to avoid writing. Some say they can't spell very well, or don't have the education to write effectively.

There are programs that come with your computer such as office word that takes the hassles out of most of these excuses with spelling and grammar checking plus character and word count functions. There are features in these programs for research, translation of text into other languages and thesaurus which is a treasury of book and word groups, dictionary, books on related subject vocabulary and lots more. As you can see, there are few realistic excuses that you can use anymore for not writing about your product or services.

Through our elementary, middle school and high school years, we were all taught the basics of writing and most of us really didn't see the importance of those classes. As we progressed into college and on into our business careers, many of us have become keenly aware of how important it is, being able to express our thoughts and deepest feelings in the form of writing. This will become an art and a science once you start writing. You learn to write by writing and writing frequently.

There's one specific function that most of us overlook, and we just set down and start writing. Rather than just writing and end up rambling, rather than writing, you should make your first chore a brief outline of what you want to talk about and the points you want to share with your reading audience about your subject of choice.

Making an outline prepares you for writing a well written, informative note, short story or article. By following your original outline, it will keep you on track in your thought process and will make it so much simpler to get your point across without boring your readers with unrelated dialogue.

Your brief outline will become your design or blueprint for your writings. This will be your road map and guide for creating your introduction of what your article is all about, providing good relevant content in the body of your article and construct a powerful conclusion with some effective closing tactics included. Your article must be creative, interesting and appealing to your readers or your writing efforts are in vain.

If you're fortunate enough to have a partner or colleague you can brainstorm with, just maybe in that session the two of you would come up with some brilliant ideas that you can use in your writings. If time permits, do a couple of these sessions and you will come up with a storehouse of ideas and may give you a totally different perspective on your thought process for your article or blog.

Once you've finished with this part of the process, you should then review, re-write and refine your notes and put the notes is some kind of order. You will be amazed how much simpler this will make your writing process.

Don't be afraid to share the negative points as well as the positive points regarding your subject matter. A negative point can sometimes become a positive point with your reading audience, just because you answered a negative aspect of their thought process. Sometimes a negative take away closing approach will work better that a positive closing tactic you've used successfully in the past.

Once you write your article and proof read your writing, you may end up totally re-writing your article. Some of my best articles have been from a re-write or a rough draft that I changed several times before I was comfortable with the flow of the article. It's a tremendous help, If you have someone who can proof read and critique your writings. Sometimes your proof reader may suggest something as simple as adding to, taking away or rearranging a couple of words and your article idea will flow so much smoother for the reader.

In conclusion, you learn to write by writing, so write often. Study your subject matter thoroughly and always be truthful and factual. Write from the heart and follow some form of an outline which will help you keep on track. Use friends and associates to help you with ideas about your subject matter, let them help you proof read for spelling, grammar, and sentence structure. Write from the heart and write exactly as you talk. Your readers will appreciate your sincerity and truthful information and you will soon have a following of avid readers coming to your blog or article directory on a regular basis for more information.

The eBiz Solutions Team is standing by to assist you in your writing efforts. Call today for your free 30 minute consultation.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
Skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

New to Internet Marketing – Need Help?

If you're new to the internet and unfamiliar with all the different phrases, terms and jargon of the online marketers, don't despair. There's a ton of information to learn online, and a newbie can be overwhelmed in a rather short time if you permit yourself to try to follow every whim you see advertised. If you've been involved with marketing before you'll find the process much easier, however, there are loads of differences in marketing in a store front retail business than it is to market online.

You're going to be bombarded with all kinds of deals that may seem to be legitimate. You'll read and probably study about these opportunities, only to find there's no way possible for you to ever completely fulfill all the promises that are being made in these offerings. This is where your good business sense of the past, must kick in or you will be spending countless dollars on absolute junk, just trying to find the right program. Due diligence is a must when scouting for opportunities.

If you haven't sit down and created some form of a business plan yet, I would suggest you establish some kind of direction pretty quick regarding your goals for your future. You don't have to go out and secure the services of a professional person to write a fancy business plan, but you do need do put something in writing and them commit to follow that plan, or until necessity requires you to make a change. In this online business environment, change is inevitable and sometimes often. The search engines changes their algorithms on a regular basis so many times your goals and strategies must change almost overnight to keep up with progress.

You should make some rather short terms goals as well as some long terms goals. Don't take the attitude you want to learn everything about online marketing before you make the plunge, or you'll never get started. Take the attitude of learning one thing at a time and learn it well. Once you have grasped one concept, proceed to another learning task immediately. Some things you will be able to learn in a day or so, while other new ideas may take you weeks or months to learn. That's OK, just continue to learn and you will see results begin to happen rather quickly.

Once you start incorporating you're first thing learned with the second thing learned and so forth you should take a step back, evaluate often and make sure you're on the right track in order to meet your short term marketing goals. Be prepared to make some adjustment whether it's in regard to the efforts you're putting forth as well as still being within your budget you originally set aside. As you start making these choices you will find that sometimes spending a little bit of money on an automated program will be money well spent. Do your research and choose wisely when adding to your arsenal of marketing tools.

There are literally thousands of business opportunities available online, and if you're like most of us you're going to make some mistakes. That's just part of the process of the internet business. If you do make a bad choice, then just make the changes necessary and consider it as a good lesson learned.

At this part of the process you may become overwhelmed with all the information and hype some marketers cater to. Some marketers do this on purpose knowing full well that you are subject to make a bad choice at this part of the game. Don't fall for their unscrupulous tactics…there's no rush to do it in the next 27 minutes as some indicate. If you sleep on it, and you look at the same program two days from not, you'll probably find the same time frame of urgency as you did yesterday. If it does happen, that the marketer pulled it off line, you're probably better off anyway.

Try to keep up on your reading of new and exciting things that are happening online. You don't have to become an authority on a particular issue, just get a good overview of what's happening for future use. You may even want to download some of this information and review in more depth at a later date. Just familiarize yourself enough to understand the concept and how it works. In a later campaign you may want to implement some of these ideas into your next marketing campaign.

Anytime you are bogged down in your marketing knowledge, promotion or just need to talk to someone about a specific challenge, don't hesitate to seek the help of a marketing professional. Get a mentor that will help you with choices that frustrate you or you're not sure about. There are mentors who enjoy the opportunity to help you for free, especially if you sign up in their down line on one of their opportunities. Do your due diligence here and make sure their push to enroll in their opportunity fits into your business strategies.

Sometimes it's best to have a professional who is willing to work with you on a fee basis, if and when you need it. You may want to try both methods to see what works best for you. Don't try to learn everything on your own in this'll drown in this massive sea of information.

The eBiz Solutions Team is standing by to assist you in your online marketing needs. Call today for your free 30 minute consultation.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 213-594-4405
Skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!

Monday, May 24, 2010

RSS Feeds - Website Advantages!

I'm sure most of us recognize the RSS icon on a website by now. The use of RSS Feeds is gaining popularity because of some tremendous advantages associated with using RSS feeds on your website, link directories or article directories that you may participate in or possibly own yourself.

The acronym RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication and is a file format that is used by internet users in a website which allows for web syndication which make web content available to the users in a format that is pretty much universally accepted and understood by most online marketers.

You may have a favorite author that you truly enjoy their writings, but you have difficulty finding those writings because of the time factors to search for those articles. With an RSS feed you merely subscribe to the feed and every time new material is added to the site, it is instantly available to you by clicking on the RSS feed icon which is a colorful orange rectangle button that is pretty standard worldwide. Normally the button will be clearly marked with the letters "RSS" or "XML".

RSS is actually a brief summary of a couple of lines (about 50 characters) in many cases that gives an overview of what the writing is all about. This may include hyperlinks that will allow you to click on the icon and view the article in its entirety. It's actually a mini database which includes titles and descriptions of web content.

With the popularity and use of RSS feeds in today's information arena, more and more web site owners, directories and publishers are using this popular method for helping to keep you informed about new and existing changes of information relative to a specific topic or business opportunity. If you're not familiar with how to set up this type of resource for your business, do a "Google Search" about RSS or XML feeds and see how simple yet effective this asset can be for your marketing endeavors.

Once you understand the process of setting up this valuable asset, then comes the ongoing task of feeding your web site with content, articles or news so the information can be displayed on other sites. This is completed with the use of feed aggregators or readers. If you're unfamiliar with aggregators or readers and would like to know more about this process, then do your research and you will quickly see how RSS readers works. There are three different types, so understand the differences and choose wisely on the one that best fits your overall objectives.

There are some distinct advantages of having an RSS feed enabled on your web site, directory or other areas where content changes on a regular basis.

This will allow web site owners to up date information of news, introduction of new products or maybe a weekly newsletter publication to be automatically receive current and updated information every time the RSS feed is refreshed.

One other huge benefit is that the user has is the option to receive and view the feeds, or merely choose to remove the feed any time the user chooses.

There are also advantages of the web site owner who uses this type of asset on his or her website. If you're using e-mail marketing or publishing any type of information, RSS feeds is an excellent method of keeping the users informed. It is a powerful way to help you in your Search Engine Marketing and Search Engine Optimization campaign and is extremely useful in blogging, advertising, and branding yourself or your business. There are so many positive benefits by incorporating RSS feed into your current marketing endeavors.

RSS feeds is an effective, powerful and reliable way to have your web site content delivered to potential clients and internet users without having your information blocked by ISP's or spam filters.

The possibilities are endless with RSS feeds and the advantages are fantastic if you use RSS feeds correctly. If any of the benefits we've discussed, appeal to you for promoting your site, then take the action now and get involved with the advantages RSS feeds can provide for your online success. RSS feeds are extremely powerful so don't get left out on this simple to use segment of marketing that benefits the users and the web site owners alike.

The eBiz Solutions Team is standing by to assist you in your online marketing efforts. Call today for your free 30 minute consultation.

"Let's Build Your Online Business Together"

Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
Skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Marketing Tools You Buy vs. Free Tools!

Marketing tools are a necessary core element in your marketing plan, if you're going to build a successful online business. You can do a "Google Search" and you will be overwhelmed with 120 million responses that come up when searching the term "marketing tools." Everyone and their brother's uncle are trying to promote their program as the latest greatest tool to hit the internet. Not all of these sites listed as marketing tools are good. Not all are bad, so how do you choose which one is right for you and your marketing needs.

If you're like most of us, you've already been suckered into spending some of your hard earned cash, for several programs that wasn't worth diddly squat. You're not the only one that has been duped in this way. I would hate to take a guess, on how much I've spent over the years on just plain junk programs, before I sought the advice of someone who knew what I needed to accomplish my marketing goals. Once I got the advice I needed from the professionals, immediately I was able to save a ton of money by knowing what to look for. Get the Pro's advice, you'll be glad you did.

Some of these marketing tools are free and some will cost you money. There is nothing wrong with free tools, as long they can be used in your particular marketing campaigns. Most of the free tools are tools that someone designed, tried to market, and failed. Some are so outdated they would be non-effective anyway, if you did try to use them in your marketing efforts.

When it comes to tools, you need to invest in, this is where you need to do your research and make sure your purchasing the right tools for the right job. There is no such thing as a one tool fits every marketing situation scenario. If someone is trying to market you such a tool....waste no more time on their hype, exit the site immediately.

The tools you purchase should be considered as an investment in your future. You should consider the purchase of these tools as part of the cost of doing business. If you were going to build a house you would look for power tools that would help you get the job done quickly, effectively and above all safely.

The process of acquiring your marketing tools should be equally important as the power tools referred to above. Sure you can still use the old fashioned tools like a claw hammer, however, a power nail gun could save you enough time to pay for itself many time over on just one single project. You could use a hand saw, or invest in a power saw and again the time savings on just one project would more than pay for your investment in the power tools. I think you're beginning to get the point here. Only purchase what will work for you now, plus be versatile enough to be used effectively on future projects.

There is one company that I've found that will help you fulfill your needs. BLM Traders, the leader in automated marketing tools has designed a series of well designed, versatile tools that even a novice can understand and use effectively. These tools will help you in the critical areas of promoting your business opportunity online, to help you earn "Top Positions on Google" and other fine search engines. You can start with a simple program designed with specific functions in mind and add to your basic programs as your needs change and you become familiar with what you need to promote efficiently. They offer live and recorded instructions on exactly how the programs work, their functions of marketing and probably the most important plus, is the live support they provide.

Search the internet, and do an in depth analysis. Compare the features and benefits of about ten different programs you feel might help you in your marketing efforts. Then narrow that list down to five programs. Then of course narrow your list to one and make the commitment to live with your choice. You will probably make some mistakes now and then, that's all right, that's just part of the business side of this venture, just remember how many time Babe Ruth the home run king struck out. He is still one of the all time baseball legions of all time.

Beware of low cost tool package deals. If the tools they're including are so good, then why are they giving them away if you purchase their latest and greatest marketing widget. Seldom will you find a pre-packaged offering that is worth taking a second look at. Choose your programs wisely, especially if you're on a limited budget. Once you start making good money on the internet, you may have some discretionary income that you will spend on what I refer to as "curiosity getters". Once in a while I will find a gold nugget in one of these frill sites that I can use in my personal marketing efforts. However, my intent to purchase one of these programs is to maybe get a new idea for marketing.

Your email inbox is filled with too good to be true offerings every day. Learn quickly in your marketing career where the delete button is on your computer and use it. This one helpful hint will save you a ton of time, as well as eliminate the temptation to get involved in many questionable promotions.

E-books are a dime a dozen now. The abuse of this once powerful marketing tool, has literally turned off thousands and thousands of what could have been productive, hard working online marketers. Fortunately there has evolved an alternative to getting quality information to the masses, with the recent surge in the popularity of Article Marketing. This is the latest online marketing trend used by the professionals and is extremely powerful. This could well be the next big internet boom that will make the dot com boom of the last decade look like a kindergarten dance.

No marketing system is complete without the standard SEM and SEO marketing tools. This is where the professionals can help you immensely in securing the reght tools that will fill your marketing program needs. Posting to blogs, forums, message boards, FFA sites, writing articles and submitting to multiple directories and publishers are all important activities that will help you optimize your marketing efforts. Your marketing professional can assist you in promoting your website with the most effective up to date system available today.

The eBiz Solutions Team is standing by to assist you in designing an effective marketing system that will fit your individual needs for promoting your business opportunity. Call today for your free 30 minute consultation.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
Skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

SEM/SEO - Pay Now or Pay Later!

Recently I read a series of articles promoting the idea that you could save a lot of money by doing your own search engine optimization for your web site. I applaud the writer who wrote those articles for believing his theory and writing about the subject, however, successful individuals and business owners who market online strongly disagree. I guess opinions are great, but in many cases some ideas and recommendations don't even make sense.

Even though search engine marketing and search engine optimization doesn't compare to brain surgery, I think a brief comparison here would give us a better understanding of the importance of trained professionals being part of your overall solutions.

If you have a terrible headache all the time, you frequently lose your vision, or had trouble keeping your balance on occasion, would these symptoms be an indication you need to see a specialist for the cause of these symptoms and a possible diagnosis? I think the answer is obvious. You would want to see the best brain surgeon in 3 states if necessary to get to the root of your medical issues.

Why should it be any different with your business, if your business is dying a slow death because of lack of traffic to you site, not being seen by the search engines and not making the money you feel you should be making for the efforts your giving, then, seek the help of a trained professional who has studied the art and science of marketing and is knowledgeable on what the search engines are looking for. Doesn't it make sense to get the advice needed now, so the search engines can position your web site with high page rankings so people can find you on the internet.

It has been said that "the best things in life are free." As we pointed out in yesterday's article, "Good is not cheap and cheap is not good". You can use this scenario in most everything in our lives whether its tires for our car, a television for the family room or a pair of shoes for grandma, you will normally get exactly what you pay for.

If you don't want to acquire the services of a professional, to diagnose a medical problem....that's your choice and you have to live with results of your decision. Your decision may be a fatal choice, but you made the choice to self medicate yourself based on your own diagnosis and you will end up living or possibly dying as a result of your actions.

The same is true with your online business. It has been said, obtaining the services of a Search Engine Optimization Specialist may be the best money you will ever spend. Sure there are some out there that profess to be experts in search engine marketing and search engine optimization that don't have a clue of what works and don't work. They're interested in selling you some hyped up program so they can make a commission and that's their only motivation.

If you do your due diligence, you should be able to determine if that individual knows what he or she is talking about by the results of where their personal web sites page rankings stand on the major search engines. Talk is cheap in this business, but verifiable results will always speak for themselves.

BLM Traders was founded by three experienced retired business executives who felt that the little guy and gal needed help in their online challenges. They have put together a company that offers free training in the fundamentals of marketing. Only when an individual completes the basic instructions and see whether or not internet marketing is for them, does this powerful marketing company suggest to take it to the next level of knowledge.

This gig is not for everyone, so before you go off half cocked and spend a lot of money for worthless advice, let the professionals point you in the right direction and learn about the process of online marketing.

If you feel you can't handle this ever changing learning process, then and only then make a choice and save yourself a lot time an effort, kick back and enjoy the computer for your gaming, chats and social networking activities. Not being able to handle the challenges of marketing doesn't make you a stupid or bad person. It's all about you and your future. Choose wisely.

If you feel that you would like more information about marketing, you can do a "Google Search" on the internet and find literally thousands of opportunities that may fill your needs. If you're truly serious about building a future and a profitable business, then seek the advice of the professionals early in your online experience.

In Summary: The best things in life are not always free, in most cases you will get exactly what you pay for. It may be time you're willing to invest, it may be money or a combination of the two but everything in life has a price. The process of internet marketing is no exception, online marketing is an art and a science that you must learn, so if you want to be a success without the hassles of blindly stumbling around for months or possibly years looking for answers, then start looking today for your mentor who is experienced in optimization tactics. It's an investment in your future, and you will appreciated the time and money you will save, when you learn the correct way to promote your business opportunity with the help of these professionals.

The eBiz Solutions Team is standing by to assist you in your marketing challenges. Call today for your free 30 minute consultation.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
Skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Affordable Search Engine Optimization!

Search Engine Optimization, also referred to as SEO, is the hottest way to drive laser focused traffic to your website. Your SEO expert can pinpoint what will work for your website in order to get the highest page ranks with the search engines and still be user friendly to individuals who visit your site. Securing the services of an SEO consultant may well be the best money you will ever spend to get your web site up and running and profitable rather quickly .

There are some consulting firms that will charge you literally thousands of dollars to do a complete optimization campaign which most of us can't justify such an expense. I know one firm that won't touch your site for less than thirty thousand dollars. They claim they can't keep up with the demand of people wanting to spend that kind of money to optimize their site.

Let me assure you that you can do the most important issues of optimization for a lot less than those guys. You should find an expert who will analyze your site to see some of the simple mistakes that may be hindering your site from being a successful online presentation. Showing you how to work with an affordable search engine campaign can produce some substantial results in your marketing efforts.

Just a couple of quick examples of what you might need to change to make your site more searchable with the search engines could be as simple as changing the name of your site, adding some keywords in the title or maybe just rearranging some of the words that already exist in the title.

It may be a simple as doing an in depth keyword research and finding what your competition is using for their keywords. If their site has a better page rank than your site, you may consider using some of the same keywords or keyword phrases that your competitors are using.

You may find that writing a better meta description about your business opportunity is all it takes to move your web site to higher positions with Google and some of the other search engines.

You might choose to do some link exchanges with other web sites that market a similar product or service as you do. The search engines loves links, back links, link exchanges and cross linking. This is going to require a bit of time on your part to do this process, however, if you value your time; and time is money to most of us, then you may want your optimization specialist to handle this part of the process for you. Most reputable specialist will have some form of automated programs that will make this happen rather quickly and should be affordable for everyone.

Article writing is probably the most inexpensive and most powerful method of gaining search engine recognition. Writing good keyword rich relevant content in an article that is telling about your business will become like a giant magnet with the search engines. The engines love this type of optimization and will reward you handsomely for virtually any article you write.

Posting those articles with various publishers and directories can substantially accelerate you popularity to new and exciting levels of acceptance with the search engines. BLM Traders has now made it possible for you to own your own article directory that you can post into at any time you like. This process is all done in your own marketing system using their databases. There is no limit to the amount of articles you can write and publish. Many individuals search for this type of system so they can copy and post your article in their web site, news letter or email campaign. They must leave your bio and article fully intact, including your links anytime they republish your writings. What a fantastic way to build a following of loyal clients and keep them inform of new developments about your products or services.

A new addition has just been added to this already popular method of publishing your articles. If's referred to as the and you can write one article, publish one article and your system will submit to literally hundreds and eventually thousands of other directories and publishers with a click of your mouse. Another advantage is that there are hundreds and thousands of authors that will be submitting their articles to your article directory creating back links to your business opportunity. Talk about a situation!

If you have a long, non - meaningful URL you may want to consider springing for a short, more catchy name which should include a couple of your main keywords. Your domain should be easy to remember if at all possible. One consideration you need to research here, is that some search engines will not publish a new name until your domain has had time to age a little bit. This could take 6 months to a year for this to happen. This is often referred to as the sandbox. There is nothing you can do to get around this hold by the search engines but be patient and keep promoting your business opportunity. Sooner or later your site will appear.

Make sure you provide an easy navigation of your site for the users as well as the search engines. A site map is an excellent way to accomplish this part of the process. There are formats and systems available on line that will help you with this part of your configuration.

There are numerous methods that are used by laymen and professionals alike that can make your optimization affordable and effective. Cheap is not good.....good is not cheap, so strike some happy medium here that you can live with and make your marketing journey not only memorable, but effective and profitable.

The eBiz Solutions Team is standing by to assist you with your questions. Call today for your free 30 minute consultation.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
Skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Additional Retirement Income!

Working on line and making a living is the dream and desire of a big percentage of the people I talk to about online marketing. Money can NOT buy happiness regardless of how hard some people try to flaunt their wealth or brag about the stuff they've acquired in life.

Money is one of the necessary evils of our society. We need money to buy food, pay or the utilities, purchase a car, buy a nice home and this list is endless of all the good things we convince ourselves we need to survive in our society. Most of us could get by on substantially less if worse comes to worse, however, our pride and the need to keep up with the neighbors sometimes will cloud our good judgment and eventually may mess up our entire lives.

Human nature dictates each of us to want more of everything as we become entrenched in this vicious cycle we call success. Success is different things to different people and not everyone will consider themselves successful regardless of how well they do in their daily vocation.

There's nothing wrong with wanting to succeed on our jobs, our marriage or relationship with our children, and a good working relationship with those around us. Where most of us fail, is when we forget to put our faith in the almighty God and those around us who are a part of our lives and have helped us to accomplish what we are today. This appreciation can't be expressed with money, it must be from the heart.

Rich people sometimes complain that money has stolen their happiness, their respect for others, and most of all the respect for themselves. The financially challenged individual complains, there's never enough money to buy the things they feel their entitled to and if they just had another few dollars it would make a world of difference in their lives. Where is the happy medium we should all strive for so everyone can be happy? The truth is somewhere in the middle of this scenario.

We can't say that money will bring happiness, because it won't. Money does not equal happiness, it's even worse than that: because where money exists, happiness is harder to reach.

On the other side of the coin, we can't claim money has anything to do with happiness. We may be happy because we had the where with all to go on an extended ski trip. That doesn't make me happy because I don't like to ski. My priorities are totally different than the next guys. So I think you see my point here, that money is not the issue but how we spend our money that makes us happy even though it may be just for a moment. I think this is where the saying "different strokes for different folks" evolved from.

As we grow older, most of us will adapt to a different lifestyle that will require a different demand on our finances. Some will accept this challenge and others will flat out reject any changes in their daily lives. This may require some individuals to look for other ways to supplement their income in order to maintain a certain lifestyle.

There's nothing wrong with this choice, in fact it may be imperative to earn more money for medical bills, supplementing social security because the Bureaucrats put a freeze on the cost of living increase on our social security checks for the next two years. (Note: There is nothing fair about this decision; however, the politicians gave themselves a nice fat raise immediately after they made this selfish cost of living freeze against the retired sector of our country.)

Many of the baby boomers are getting involved with online marketing as a means of generating additional income so they can maintain a relatively normal lifestyle they've worked for all their lives to obtain. This generation of workers has worked hard to raise their families, paid their taxes like they were supposed to, saved money for retirement and made it possible for all of us to live a better life in this country. In many cases, they've been forced to start over again in a business that is totally foreign to many of them.

The need for training people who fall into this hard working segment of our society is in high demand. This generation of entrepreneurs is entitled to additional training about online marketing, in order to learn values of this process.. Where are they going to get this information and learn the process?

The eBiz Solutions Team of BLM is comprised of three successful retired business men from various walks of life who are devoting their time and talents to help those who are truly serious about supplementing their income, and achieving their additional income goals. Don't try to go this road alone, seek the help of the professionals who can explain in simple english the correct ways to build a profitable, multi stream of source of income.

The additional incomes that you can generate from online marketing is an important factor in achieving financial stability and re-building your peace of mind that only you and those you love can truly enjoy.

The eBiz Solutions Team is standing by to answer any question. Call today for your free 30 consultation.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
Skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Marketing Knowledge is Priceless!

Making money online is the goal of every marketer, who is promoting any kind of product or service. Every morning when you open your emails to see what's new and exciting, you'll find a boat load of "get rich quick schemes" promoting every imaginable thing known to mankind.

There are those who say you can make millions and never prospect, you don't have to make phone calls or know anything about internet marketing. When we read such junk, we all have that little burst of greed that raises its ugly head that makes us want to read just a little bit more. Don't waste your time. We've said it before and we'll say it again…."If it sounds too good to be true…then it's probably … too good to be true". My recommendation, is to immediately and permanently delete that scam email. Don't allow hype and unrealistic promises cloud your better judgment.

Making money on line is a realistic and achievable goal, for anyone who is truly serious about their online future. It's not an easy task for some of us; however, with proper training, and a will to learn a process, gaining the knowledge of how to market on line is attainable for everyone. Some of us will pick up on this concept rather quickly depending on our background, while others of us who are a bit computer challenged will have to work a bit harder.

There are so many opportunities available on line, that searching for the just right product or service you want to market may be quite overwhelming to the novice. After you're into marketing for a short time, you will find that "the basic concepts of marketing" is the same for any product or service you want to promote online. How advanced you want to get in the future with this learning process is strictly up to you.

It's like going to school for 12 years before you graduate from high school. You had to start in the first grade and learn new things as you attended classes 5 days a week. Once you learned the very basics and developed the habit of regimentation of the learning process, then you went into second grade and so on year after year until finally, you stood on the stage in front of thousands of people and turned your tassel to the other side of you graduation cap. What a thrill and accomplishment that experience gave us then, and the training we had endure for 12 of the longest years of your life, however, that learning experience in our early years has been a major factor in your everyday life since that graduation day.

This is a process that you must take the time to learn, from the basic ideas of forming good study habits to the more advanced strategies of marketing. As we stated earlier, you can go as far as you want to go with your marketing knowledge. You don't need to spend 12 years of your life to become successful in this business. I was fortunate and started making right away. How did I do that you might ask! I merely applied what I learned yesterday and the day before and the day before that with the new knowledge I learned today and put it all altogether and it began to work for me almost immediately. Let me tell you my friends, if I can do it…..anyone can. I was totally computer challenged when I first started my learning process and it is still a challenge to learn new things sometimes, but I am determined to learn and apply that knowledge to make my marketing experience a memorable and profitable venture. I now make a living on the internet. You can too.

There will be new and exciting things you can learn each and every day. It might come from a class you attend, an email you receiv, a conference call, doing some online research or maybe you found a mentor who is willing to work with you and help you learn what this process is all about. This is an ongoing learning process that will continue until you are so saturated with knowledge that you must share with others what you've learned. If someone has taken the time to help you learn, then don't be selfish. Share with others your new found knowledge, and that is almost as exciting as learning it the first time.

What you get out of your online business will be in direct proportion to the efforts you put into your learning process. If you're selfish with the knowledge you've achieved, then you will be limited in your potential for online success. I'm not talking about signing up people for 10 levels deep under you in some latest greatest marketing opportunity. I'm talking about sharing your knowledge with someone else, helping them learn something new that will make a remarkable difference in their life and the live of their families.

Knowledge is priceless in this business. The more you learn and apply your knowledge, the more you will be rewarded in return. I'm not talking about monetary rewards as the only plus, I'm also talking about personal satisfaction that can NOT be bought for any amount of money.

In Conclusion, if you don't know how to take advantage of this once in a lifetime leaning opportunity, seek the advice of your marketing specialist. If they don't what you're talking about, then get a professional that does understand and is willing to help you in your "quest for online success."

The eBiz Solutions Team is standing by to assist you in your online challenges. Call today for your free 30 minute consultation.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
Skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Automated Marketing Systems That Work!

When marketing online, every possible marketing tool you have at your disposal, should be used on every marketing campaign you're involved with. Some programs work for one type of promotion, but may have little to no value when used in other marketing campaigns. When you're considering starting a new marketing campaign, look at the marketing tools you have at your disposal and determine which of these tools best fits your current online opportunity.

There's one tool that may be used on virtually every promotional project you're involved with. This tool is an automated tool that works 24/7/365, keeping your information automatically in front of the internet masses as well as the search engines at intervals you instruct the program to follow. This program is often referred to as the "set it and forget it" concept offered by the eBiz Solutions Team at BLM is a tool that works hands free once you fill in the simple format for any campaign. Whether it's a single page article or a million page website, the tool will work on any promotional campaign and will continue to submit to over 930,000 Directories, Link Pages, Online Malls, Classified Sites and search engines worldwide, on a regular schedule, daily, weekly, or monthly basis, and will immediately develop and maintain the back links necessary to drive a higher volume of traffic to your web site until you tell it to stop. What a powerful and affordable concept.

With the today's competition on the internet, any advantage you can muster up, is time and money well spent. Some may consider this concept to be an unfair advantage, but if it works, who cares if you're the first one on the block to use the latest in technology to promote your business opportunities. It's your business, so do what you need to do to make your efforts as effective as possible. If you don't stay ahead of your competition you'll get run over by the big dogs and be left in the dust rather quickly.

Any tool that you can use to boost your marketing efforts and earn higher page rankings with the search engines is worth taking a long look at. This may be your first experience with viral marketing, but what a way to get started. If you're not familiar with viral marketing, this is a technique used to build public awareness about a products or services provided by an individual or company. There are many different media's used in viral marketing for the purpose of reaching out to the public without actually promoting the product or service with traditional methods of advertisement.

With the idea of automating some of your marketing processes, you will have more time to do some of the other activities that will make your marketing efforts stand head and shoulders above your competition. Time is money for most of us, so choose and use your strategies wisely.

An automated program like this will help keep this part of the process in front of the internet masses by posting your URL's, Meta Tags, and Keywords in every post in the category that best suits your opportunity. This concept of automated submissions in addition to the suggestions we've shared with you in recent articles about the power of writing articles, publishing and submitting will become a powerful combination that will be unstoppable for gaining an online presence with the search engines as well as users.

This is a tool that keeps on working until you tell it to quit. The eBiz Solutions Team has responded to their visions of affordable marketing for the little guy or gal in these hard economic times, and this is just one example of automation at its finest. Treat yourself to more information regarding other usable marketing ideas by reviewing the feature and benefits of this latest marketing concept.

The eBiz Solutions Team is standing by to assist you in all your marketing needs. Call today for your free 30 minute consultation.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
Skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Article Writing – Publishing - Automated Submissions!

In today's news there has been more positive commentary regarding the latest hot trends of online marketing. Good news about how Article Marketing is fast becoming the choice of many of the big money names we all recognize who make a living on the internet. Their latest secrets are being revealed on how to achieve remarkable incomes on the internet. The whole program boils down to a process these successful giants use in their everyday marketing strategies. This process is known as article marketing in your own system.

Not everyone is cut out to be a successful entrepreneur and there are reasons why some people achieve their online goals and why others who seem to work much harder can't seem to get the hang of it. I know, because I was one of those people who couldn't get the concept simply because I was more interested in finding a shortcut to online success rather than paying attention to someone who was making this whole marketing concept a profitable venture.

I was privileged to sit under the training of the SEO Master himself, Butch Hamilton. Out of literally thousands of subscribers in one major marketing organization only thirty five initially showed Butch that they were truly sincere about larning the process of online marketing. Little did we know that article writing and article marketing was the answer to successful online marketing.

For seven long months, every day of the week, we would have a short meeting early morning meeting to see where we all stood regarding our assignment from the day before. The assignment was rather simple. Each individual in the class was to write an article on the subject of "Leads". I was overwhelmed with this whole concept but I was also determined to learn how this whole process worked. Every day I wrote an article, sometimes I would write 2 or 3 articles and would publish those articles in forums, blogs, e-mails and any other place I could post my writings.

By the end of seven months, there were only nine of the thirty five original students left in the class. Most of the others were kicked out of the program because they were not committed enough to write one article per day. They had all kinds of excuses, like they would rather go sailing, skiing, bike riding and the list goes on and on with reasons they couldn't take the time to write an article each day.

I didn't realize it at the time, but as I grow older and more experienced in online marketing, I can see why Butch was so emphatic about forming the habit of writing every single day without fail. I still write at least one article per day, sometimes more. The habit and joy of writing is now an integral part of my life and has become a source of income in my business of search engine optimization and consulting.

The value of the training I received from Butch is immeasurable, and the possibilities are endless as we meld some basis training processes we've learned and blended some more advanced systems to make this whole process of article marketing into a successful and profitable online venture.

We've taken this whole process a step further and added some other aspects to this concept. One addition we've made that has become a powerful benefit to an already successful program, is the submissions of these articles to several well know article directories. The popularity of these articles has created literally thousands of back links to our primary businesses. Since the search engines love links and back links our page rankings has soared. Our latest automated addition is proving to be an even greater asset in promoting marketing articles.

The eBiz Solutions Team is extremely excited about their latest addition to their Article Marketing concept with the implementation of the system. This submission tool will submit to literally hundreds and eventually thousands of publishers who are subscribed to their submitting service. They are currently posting to the very best submitter systems in the business such as iSnare, Article Friendly, Article United and others.

It is the opinion of the eBiz Solutions Team that this addition will provide a much need service for those who are truly serious about affordable article marketing. Check out their latest state of the art system that is second to none and see if this type of article marketing system is for you.

The eBiz Solutions Team is standing by to assist you in your article marketing challenges. Call today for your free 30 minute consultation.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
Skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Your Future in Article Marketing!

By now I'm sure most of us have heard about the latest craze sweeping the internet with the force of a tidal wave.

It's all about the future of Article Marketing and the tremendous power this marketing phenomenon has propelled some website to heights never thought imaginable. By writing good relevant keyword rich content and publishing this information on the internet you can make it all happen. The internet is about information and with the number of computers used in online businesses today, article writing has gained in popularity beyond anyone's wildest dreams.

Each of us through our elementary school years, our high school years and especially in college we all had to write essays on numerous occasions. Most of us didn't enjoy this arduous task back then, and it's understandable that we don't enjoy it anymore today than we did back then. However, with the popularity of article writing with the search engine, now you can make your writings pay off handsomely.

Most individual have valuable knowledge that is worth sharing with others. If your business includes a product or service, then someone can benefit by you sharing your knowledge. By writing about what you know, particularly if you are in a speciality business, you may be considered an expert in your field of endeavor. Since people search the internet for information on virtually every kind of product online, why not be the expert in your field and publish your knowledge. The website that provides the best, most informative information is the site that will get the business.

As a Search Engine Optimization Consultant, my speciality is to promote any business to "Top Positions on Google" and other search engines. Every day without fail, I write about how to get recognized on the search engines with various ideas that have been I proved to work. This is how I make my living, helping people learn the process of marketing online. So every morning I sit down at the computer and write what I feel is worth sharing with the world about a service that I have studied, worked with and generated results that most people only dream about. The point here is rather simple.....Provide information for a general audience and you might just trigger an interest in your business opportunity with that individual.

Not everyone feels they have the ability to write! That includes most of us, however, by writing you learn to write. The easiest way to practice writing is to write just like you talk. Don't use a lot of big words that you don't understand because your reading audience probably won't understand those big words either. Just be yourself and let the rest fall into place.

Let's talk about some simple ways to help you get started in the profitable venture of writing. First of all it helps to make an outline of what you want to cover in your article. Creating an outline will give you a direction to follow, without straying to far from your article subject. You will have to research your subject matter before you start writing. With this research you will be amazed how little you really know about the product or service your writing about. Knowledge can't be bought with money; you must learn the process and apply yourself to make it all happen. Being prepared will make the job of writing easier and so much faster.

Your outline will become your blueprint for your article. This will be important if you want your article to be creative, interesting and appealing to your readers. This part of the process of writing can be compared to reviewing the latest update road map before leaving on your 2 week vacation trip. You don't just start driving and hope for the best, you plan and go over your designated route several times before you load the family in the car and head into the sunset. The same if true with your writings, you need to know where those writings are going to take you and your reading audience.

The following is a short format that works extremely well for most beginners.

• Do some brainstorming and make notes of what you want to write about. • Think of different ways you can capture the reader's attention about your subject. • Put together a general time frame you're going to follow for your research. • Review your notes and put into some form of priority that will help your information to flow to the readers. • Now start writing. Write as your talk. People will feel the sincerity of your comments and writings. They will pick up any insincerity, hype or misleading comments. Just be yourself.

Once you've finished your article, now it's time to proofread your article. This will give you an opportunity to re-arrange your paragraph, wording and correct your grammar and spelling. You may even choose to use your first writing as a draft only and decide to totally re-write your article. This is part of the learning process of writing.

No comes one of the most important parts of writing. This included the author bio information telling your audience a brief summary of who you are. This should be rather brief and should include your contact information, web site URL, e-mail and phone number if you don't mind interested users to call you with additional questions. Make sure you have a live link listed in your bio.

As you progress in your writing skills, you will begin to enjoy the art and science of writing. The more you write the better you will be able to convey to your readers about your product or services. The more people who respond to your information the more money you will make simply because you're making more sales. This process of article marketing is extremely powerful and some experts predict article marketing is going to be the next big boom on the internet that will make the dot come boom of the last decade look like a church picnic.

Learn the process of writing now, and be ahead of the pack for the next big online boom. You'll be glad you did.

The eBiz Solutions Team is standing by to assist you in your article marketing journey. Call today for your free 30 minute consultation.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
Skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!


Saturday, May 15, 2010

More Traffic equals Business Survival!

If you own a website you need traffic to your web site on a continual basis. There are differences of opinion on how to accomplish this goal and all kinds of advise on ways you can pursue to generate traffic. In this article we will cover a few of the important areas of generating traffic that will help you to generate a constant flow of traffic. More traffic equals more sales, more sales equals more profits and then the cycle starts all over again.

Whether you're a small home based business or a large corporation the need for traffic is imperative for your business to survive. Laser focused traffic is the preferred type of traffic, however, that may not always be possible. Knowing how to sell is a tremendous benefit, but not a prerequisite for building a successful business. People who are responding to your site may be a general audience who may not be interested in your opportunity at all; however, a well done web site will keyword rich content may change their minds and beome your next customer. Treat everyone as if they are your next paycheck and you should be OK.

It's important to have a good product to market and it's even more critical for any and all of your employees to be totally knowledgeable about the products or services you're attempting to market. Getting traffic to your site is important, however, if your employees aren't properly trained, your conversion ratio can suffer quickly or may be nonexistent.

During this time of recession, competition is keen in any business you're involved with. If you don't keep abreast of new rules, regulations, new products and business strategies you will be left in the dust by your competitors. The internet is an excellent way to keep informed about this ever changing business world of today. One of the best ways to keep ahead of your competition is by generating more traffic to your website. Learn how to generate leads and traffic in your own marketing system.

Listed below are a few simple ways that will help you get started in a new direction of generating traffic. Many promoters like to use Google adwords to generate more traffic. If you haven't tried this concept in your marketing campaigns, it's worth doing some online research and see if this method of generating traffic will work for you. This is not a free service with Google, so be prepared to spend some money. It may be well worth the investment when you consider the traffic this type of advertising can generate.

Another way would be to exchange links with some other websites. Both you and whoever you exchange links with should benefit. Many times a customer will like the features and benefits of each site and will buy from both you and your competition. Links and back links are also used by the search engines to position your web site page rankings.

The use of keywords and keyword phrases in your website and source code will help you get traffic from the search engines. Search engines look for specific keywords when they are responding to a query a user types in the search bar regarding a specific product or service. Be very keyword specific when writimg an article, adding content to your web site or referring to your busines in any marketing campaign.

Article writing can generate traffic to your website. Submit your writing to article directories in categories that relate to your business opportunity. A good example would be; if you deal in car parts, you would write an article that would explain your services for a particular hard to find arto part. Submit your article in the relevant category and your article will possibly be picked up and published on a number of other sites that specialize in speciality parts. Many of these directory sites provide articles for literally thousands of other directories. Make sure you always put your contact information and links in your authors bio so interested parties can contact you directly. You will be amazed how powerful this type of marketing can be.

You can place a summary of your business offering in any number of forums, do some email campaigns, hand out flyers and the list can go on and on. Use your imagination a little bit here. You remember the old saying; "When the going gets tough, the tough gets going," this saying is so true in these difficult time most businesses are experiencing.

A newsletter to your client's base and your mailing list may be the answer to generating more traffic during some of these rough economic times. Keeping your followers informed is a vital ingredient to successful marketing in good times and bad.

In Summary: Be opened minded and use any method of online marketing to generate more traffic to your website. If you don't have traffic, you have no chance of making a sale. If you have no sales you will make no profits and you're out of business before you ever get started. If you don't understand this whole process then seek the services of a professional.

The eBiz Solutions Team is standing by to assist you in generating traffic to your website. Call today for your free 30 minute consultation.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
Skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Article Marketing Concepts!

We've talked about article writing, article directories and article submitters in some of our recent articles; however, we haven't discussed how a good meld of these marketing tools can substantially increase your online presence with users as well as with the search engines.

By using a combination of these three strategies, you can drive a tremendous amount of traffic to your website, creating a massive amount of back links pointing to your business opportunity. Once you configure your system correctly, much of this task can be done automatically.

The writing of the articles will take a little time so this part of the process is free except for the time you spend writing. Sure you have your time invested, or you can hire a ghost writer to write for you. It will be more effective if you write the articles yourself rather than using an outside source. Which ever method you choose will be extremely effective for publishing articles about your business opportunity.

The submission to the directories is a matter of filling in the format of a particular directory and submitting your article, and if you're really serious about making this whole process work like a well oiled lead generating machine, then opt for the automated submission system which is going to cost you a minimal investment to purchase this valuable business tool.....but it's well worth the investment.

There are many different submitter programs that you can research online, that will do the job just fine. Some of these programs are overpriced, others are cheap, so do your homework and research which one will do exactly what you need. When you consider that the automated submitter will post your article to literally hundreds of directory sites all at the same time with just a click of the mouse, the value of your time that you've saved will far exceed the cost of the program. This is about as near to operating on auto-pilot as you can get.

Stop paying some self proclaimed guru fifty dollars here, and a hundred there; and design your own article marketing system to work for your business. If you're not familiar with how to do this process, then seek the services of a professional who builds such systems for a living. These pro's can save you a ton of money in the long run. Take advantage of their knowledge and fulfill your marketing goals much quicker than trying to go this gig alone.

If you're not good at writing informative articles, you can find good articles covering almost any subject you can think of by doing some basis Google searches. These articles will cover topics such as marketing tips and tid bits, marketing strategies, promotional tactics and general information that people are looking for. The internet is all about information. This information can be downloaded and used in your own websites, however, you must keep the article in its original form and give the writer the credit they deserve to avoid any copyright infringement. Best of all, these articles are absolutely free.

People who find your articles informative, will become loyal avid readers of any new articles you write. You will earn the respect from the masses as an expert in a particular subject matter, rather quickly. Once you have built a substantial mailing list, your promotional efforts will become more powerful and your conversion rates from users to clients will go up substantially. The internet masses are looking for good relevant information about all subject matters so why not become their go-to source for information about your product or service.

With the article marketing, submitter concept you can establish yourself as an expert in any given subject, make more sales, generate tons of traffic, increase your search engine page rankings and boost your Alexa rating with increased traffic all at the same time. What other software in your arsenal of marketing tools can provide so much for so little cost. If you haven't considered this outstanding opportunity, then you should do your research today and make an informed choice. Everything you need to start generating traffic to your website is in this simple concept of article marketing strategies.

In Summary: Posting articles for free to some of the major article repository sites is without a doubt the easiest, least expensive way to generate more sales, increase your search engine page rank, and improve your Alexa ratings. You will be able to post your articles to literally hundreds of the top article directory sites all in the convenience of your own marketing system. If you're financially challenged right now and you still have the desire to succeed online, then, article marketing is the quickest, easiest, most affordable package you can use to accomplish your marketing goals without much cash outlay.

The eBiz Solutions Team is standing by to assist you in your marketing endeavors. Call today for your free 30 minute consultation.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
Skype: larrylmiller121

Net Article Submitter