Saturday, May 22, 2010

SEM/SEO - Pay Now or Pay Later!

Recently I read a series of articles promoting the idea that you could save a lot of money by doing your own search engine optimization for your web site. I applaud the writer who wrote those articles for believing his theory and writing about the subject, however, successful individuals and business owners who market online strongly disagree. I guess opinions are great, but in many cases some ideas and recommendations don't even make sense.

Even though search engine marketing and search engine optimization doesn't compare to brain surgery, I think a brief comparison here would give us a better understanding of the importance of trained professionals being part of your overall solutions.

If you have a terrible headache all the time, you frequently lose your vision, or had trouble keeping your balance on occasion, would these symptoms be an indication you need to see a specialist for the cause of these symptoms and a possible diagnosis? I think the answer is obvious. You would want to see the best brain surgeon in 3 states if necessary to get to the root of your medical issues.

Why should it be any different with your business, if your business is dying a slow death because of lack of traffic to you site, not being seen by the search engines and not making the money you feel you should be making for the efforts your giving, then, seek the help of a trained professional who has studied the art and science of marketing and is knowledgeable on what the search engines are looking for. Doesn't it make sense to get the advice needed now, so the search engines can position your web site with high page rankings so people can find you on the internet.

It has been said that "the best things in life are free." As we pointed out in yesterday's article, "Good is not cheap and cheap is not good". You can use this scenario in most everything in our lives whether its tires for our car, a television for the family room or a pair of shoes for grandma, you will normally get exactly what you pay for.

If you don't want to acquire the services of a professional, to diagnose a medical problem....that's your choice and you have to live with results of your decision. Your decision may be a fatal choice, but you made the choice to self medicate yourself based on your own diagnosis and you will end up living or possibly dying as a result of your actions.

The same is true with your online business. It has been said, obtaining the services of a Search Engine Optimization Specialist may be the best money you will ever spend. Sure there are some out there that profess to be experts in search engine marketing and search engine optimization that don't have a clue of what works and don't work. They're interested in selling you some hyped up program so they can make a commission and that's their only motivation.

If you do your due diligence, you should be able to determine if that individual knows what he or she is talking about by the results of where their personal web sites page rankings stand on the major search engines. Talk is cheap in this business, but verifiable results will always speak for themselves.

BLM Traders was founded by three experienced retired business executives who felt that the little guy and gal needed help in their online challenges. They have put together a company that offers free training in the fundamentals of marketing. Only when an individual completes the basic instructions and see whether or not internet marketing is for them, does this powerful marketing company suggest to take it to the next level of knowledge.

This gig is not for everyone, so before you go off half cocked and spend a lot of money for worthless advice, let the professionals point you in the right direction and learn about the process of online marketing.

If you feel you can't handle this ever changing learning process, then and only then make a choice and save yourself a lot time an effort, kick back and enjoy the computer for your gaming, chats and social networking activities. Not being able to handle the challenges of marketing doesn't make you a stupid or bad person. It's all about you and your future. Choose wisely.

If you feel that you would like more information about marketing, you can do a "Google Search" on the internet and find literally thousands of opportunities that may fill your needs. If you're truly serious about building a future and a profitable business, then seek the advice of the professionals early in your online experience.

In Summary: The best things in life are not always free, in most cases you will get exactly what you pay for. It may be time you're willing to invest, it may be money or a combination of the two but everything in life has a price. The process of internet marketing is no exception, online marketing is an art and a science that you must learn, so if you want to be a success without the hassles of blindly stumbling around for months or possibly years looking for answers, then start looking today for your mentor who is experienced in optimization tactics. It's an investment in your future, and you will appreciated the time and money you will save, when you learn the correct way to promote your business opportunity with the help of these professionals.

The eBiz Solutions Team is standing by to assist you in your marketing challenges. Call today for your free 30 minute consultation.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
Skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!

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