Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Write an Article or Get a Root Canal!

Write an Article or Get a Root Canal!

If you had a choice to write an article or have a root canal which would you choose? If you're like most folks, you would rather have the root canal rather than have to write a card or letter, let alone a blog or article on a regular basis. There are different excuses each of us uses to avoid writing. Some say they can't spell very well, or don't have the education to write effectively.

There are programs that come with your computer such as office word that takes the hassles out of most of these excuses with spelling and grammar checking plus character and word count functions. There are features in these programs for research, translation of text into other languages and thesaurus which is a treasury of book and word groups, dictionary, books on related subject vocabulary and lots more. As you can see, there are few realistic excuses that you can use anymore for not writing about your product or services.

Through our elementary, middle school and high school years, we were all taught the basics of writing and most of us really didn't see the importance of those classes. As we progressed into college and on into our business careers, many of us have become keenly aware of how important it is, being able to express our thoughts and deepest feelings in the form of writing. This will become an art and a science once you start writing. You learn to write by writing and writing frequently.

There's one specific function that most of us overlook, and we just set down and start writing. Rather than just writing and end up rambling, rather than writing, you should make your first chore a brief outline of what you want to talk about and the points you want to share with your reading audience about your subject of choice.

Making an outline prepares you for writing a well written, informative note, short story or article. By following your original outline, it will keep you on track in your thought process and will make it so much simpler to get your point across without boring your readers with unrelated dialogue.

Your brief outline will become your design or blueprint for your writings. This will be your road map and guide for creating your introduction of what your article is all about, providing good relevant content in the body of your article and construct a powerful conclusion with some effective closing tactics included. Your article must be creative, interesting and appealing to your readers or your writing efforts are in vain.

If you're fortunate enough to have a partner or colleague you can brainstorm with, just maybe in that session the two of you would come up with some brilliant ideas that you can use in your writings. If time permits, do a couple of these sessions and you will come up with a storehouse of ideas and may give you a totally different perspective on your thought process for your article or blog.

Once you've finished with this part of the process, you should then review, re-write and refine your notes and put the notes is some kind of order. You will be amazed how much simpler this will make your writing process.

Don't be afraid to share the negative points as well as the positive points regarding your subject matter. A negative point can sometimes become a positive point with your reading audience, just because you answered a negative aspect of their thought process. Sometimes a negative take away closing approach will work better that a positive closing tactic you've used successfully in the past.

Once you write your article and proof read your writing, you may end up totally re-writing your article. Some of my best articles have been from a re-write or a rough draft that I changed several times before I was comfortable with the flow of the article. It's a tremendous help, If you have someone who can proof read and critique your writings. Sometimes your proof reader may suggest something as simple as adding to, taking away or rearranging a couple of words and your article idea will flow so much smoother for the reader.

In conclusion, you learn to write by writing, so write often. Study your subject matter thoroughly and always be truthful and factual. Write from the heart and follow some form of an outline which will help you keep on track. Use friends and associates to help you with ideas about your subject matter, let them help you proof read for spelling, grammar, and sentence structure. Write from the heart and write exactly as you talk. Your readers will appreciate your sincerity and truthful information and you will soon have a following of avid readers coming to your blog or article directory on a regular basis for more information.

The eBiz Solutions Team is standing by to assist you in your writing efforts. Call today for your free 30 minute consultation.

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Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
Skype: larrylmiller121

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