Thursday, April 1, 2010

Helpful Marketing Tips

Helpful Marketing Tips

Marketing tips, are a lot like opinions, they're normally worthless. However, some of these tips, can be, quite good, and will enhance your chances of online success. Other tips that the "so called" online guru's are giving, make no sense at all and are not worth consideration under any condition. How does one distinguish between a good tip and what is a bad tip. First of all, if it sounds too good to be true, you can rest assured, that tip is just smoke and mirror marketing tactics. However, if the author of those tips has a good page ranking on Google and some of the other search engines, then that marketing specialist probably knows what he or she is talking about. Study the true meaning of the tip of interest, and then try to implement that tip into your own marketing strategies. Not all tips are going to work exactly as written; however, you should experiment and see how the tips may or may not work for your promoting endeavors.

Probably one of the most important considerations, is how a particular addition to your web site will, affect the overall outcome of your business opportunity. More and more companies are using the internet to promote their entire business operation. The internet has become the heart and soul of many businesses, and is providing information about their products, management, sales force, and other vital information about their company. This information is for the benefit of internet users, so the user can make an informed choice, and buy that companies products.

We've all heard the phrase; "The first impression, is the lasting impression." If the potential client doesn't get the information they need to make a positive decesion and buy your product now, they may never return to your online business. Your homepage, which is the first thing the user sees, must be constructed in a way that will keep the individual on your site. The positive decision to user to purchase your product should be your ultimate goal. Not to show how much you know. Avoid humor at all cost. It may be funny to you, but not to other people.

Eye appeal is important to the user; however, your site must also be search engine friendly as well. We've talked in earlier articles how this delicate balance between being user friendly and search engine friendly, and how they should work together. A web site can be one page, or a thousand pages, the importance of a well developed homepage is critical with any size web site. You must include an overview of what your business is about. You're not going to be able to explain every single detail of all the features and benefits of your offering. However, you can include in your overview, several links pointing to particular points of interest about your product. According to some experts, the search engines don't like more than about twenty-five links listed on your homepage. The links on your home page will lead users to another page which also, can have an additional twenty-five links. As you can see in this example, a web site that had ten pages could have a good numbers of quality links, which will contribute to an effective overall popularity of your business opportunity.

When you refer a user to another part of your site, make sure the link has relevancy to your overall business. If the link you referred the user to doesn't enhance your product, then don't use that link. Make sure the content of your homepage are consistent with each other, otherwise the user may feel there is some deception involved. Never use the bait and switch strategy. The user will always pick up on such an unethical move.

Many users visiting your web site may be a novice to marketing online. They may be totally uninformed about your product or service. You have just a few seconds to capture their attention, and convince them through the power of your well written content, that you can fulfill their needs. You will normally have only one opportunity to make the sale. Therefore, your site must be optimized to the max, to convert the user into a client. Make your page, easy to understand; most people only scan a site for details that are obvious, and then go back and read in more detail, a bit later. Clarity is crucial to make those all important conversions, from users to clients.

There should be a sense of urgency expressed in the content somewhere. The user has already expressed a definite interest in your product or they wouldn't be visiting your site in the first place. You could indicate, there is a deadline for this opportunity, and build a sense of urgency, however, be very non threatening with the way you present this limited time offer.

Don't press the urgency issue to the point the user becomes reluctant to act on your opportunity. If you have built your web site with good content, by explaining your product, service, credentials etc., the users will become more anxious to give you their money and/or contact information.

Avoid distracting the user with a bunch of advertisement for other products or services on your site. The user wants good relevant content about your product, to make an informed choice regarding their interest at that particular moment. After your sale is made, you can then present other opportunities in the form of newsletter, articles, classified ads, e-mails and other forms of communication.

If you have questions, the eBiz Solutions Team is standing by to help. Call today for your free 30 minute consultation.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
Skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!

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