Thursday, December 31, 2009

Don't Break Your Advertising Budget Anymore!!

Don't Break Your Advertising Budget Anymore!!

Are you like most of us and need all the help you can get for marketing your product or service on the internet? Most of us would like to be more proficient, however, we don't have a clue where to begin. Does this sound familiar?? I thought so!

If you're like most of us, you've probably tried several programs that was advertised to be the best thing that has happened since sliced bread. You probably followed the plan as advertised....and you guessed sales! No Sales..equals...No Money. There is a reason for this type of action on all of our part. The reason is lack of information on what to look for in those programs that makes that program work as advertised.

Remember one thing...if there is a lot of hype in the advertisement, then just rest assured that's what you'll get if you enroll. Pure and simple..Hype! Hype does NOT make you money!

I know what your thinking right now.  What do I look for in a marketing system that I can use to promote my product or service on the internet!?! The first thing I look for there any hype?!? If there is hype....then I won't waste any more time on that system. If the description of the system makes sense and I can understand the concept, then I will continue in my due diligence on that system and the company behind the programs. There are companies online that really do fit the model I had established as the type of program that I wanted to use and let me advertise and promote the way I wanted to market.

I found a company that started in the infancy of the internet era and had established a reputation as the leader in internet marketing and marketing systems. The company is owned by three visionaries, who have devoted their careers to designing, building and implementing quality marketing programs which has been designed with the little guy in mind. The programs I reviewed were affordable and easy to use. A very important fact is the systems provided by this company was extremely effective and produced outstanding results. Pure value marketing at it finest!

By getting involved in NO hype programs it's not going to drain your total marketing budget to participate. You can add to your system at your level of comfort anytime you want. None of the programs are hyped...just pure information that will help you promote your personal or business opportunity effectively.

There are a number of Free Marketing Tools that I will share with you and you're welcome to use. Check it out for yourself; and see how some of these free tools together with a reputable marketing program will help you in your "quest for success". After your careful review, make an informed decision of whether any of these tools will help you in your journey to successful marketing. If you have additional questions, or need personal mentoring you can contact me at the following contact information. 

I invite you to visit some of my sites and see exactly what I have been talking about here.  Let the eBiz Solutions Team of BLM Traders assist you in your marketing endeavors.  The pro's will help you make your marketing journey more enjoyable and affordable. Why go this road alone when the professionals are standing by to help?  Call us today!

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller  SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!


Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Generate Quality Sales Leads for Life!!

Generate Quality Sales Leads for Life!!

When you think of leads for your business, what come to mind?  Most of us think of purchasing leads from some kind of a lead broker.  The leads industry in recent years has become a very lucrative business. You can purchase "so called leads" for about any type of business you are trying to promote. How are these leads accumulated by lead brokers for resale? The major lead brokers will normally use traffic portals that gather personal information. The big lead brokers then resell those leads in various quantities to the small business owners at a substantial profit. Most of these "so called" leads are nothing more than names and email addresses which is sold to hundreds and thousands of individuals and businesses.

The amount of names you go through to get one quality lead sometimes is a chore in itself. These names have been sold several times before to many other people just like you who needs potential clients to contact. There are new developments in lead generation that will not only make the process of generating leads easier, but will also help you to cut the cost of leads substantially. Why not generate quality sales leads in your own marketing system?

The is a trend that many companies have implemented in their programing....that is the opportunity for you to use your own marketing portals to generate fresh quality leads as often as you need. You don't purchase large blocks of used or recycled names, you generate quality sales leads in your own marketing system.

You are always in control of what category of client you want to approach. You fill in the blanks with your pertinent information about your products or services. By using this type of marketing system you will never have to buy leads again. By generating the leads in your own system you will receive the lead(s) directly into your own marketing system. You generated the leads, and no one else gets that lead but you. It is then up to you how you follow-up on the leads. Naturally a phone call is the best way for following up, and you will be amazed how receptive the potential clients are when you call them. Many time the prospect will call you. Why? Because something in the content of your offering has triggered an interest in that individual and they have responded to the content that you published about your opportunity.  There is a positive interest by them before you ever receive the lead back.  

Most lead companies may sell your information to hundreds or thousands of other lead sources. You will then be bombarded with countless phone calls, emails, faxes, and snail mail. A reputable company will NEVER sell, trade, exchanged or publish your name and personal information under any circumstance. Make sure this guarantee is stipulated before you put down your hard earned money.

There are marketing companies that have data bases of Billions of websites, individuals, businesses, message boards, forums, ffa site and the list goes on and on.  Owners of these sites will request additional information regarding viable offerings that they can participate in. Each time you submit your business opportunity on the internet, your offering goes out to those Billions of sites.

Write good copy with good relevant content without any hype and you will see positive results in your marketing efforts very quickly. This type of marketing has be proven over and over again by marketing professionals and has been proclaimed by the pro's to be the "ultimate lead generating system"! 

Visit some of my sites and see the features and benefits of this outstanding lead generation system and see what it can do for you. If you have additional questions or need personal mentoring, you can contact me at the contact information below.  Let the eBiz Solutions Team of BLM Traders assist you in your marketing endeavors. 

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller  SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!


Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Online Success Or Failure Is Your Choice!

 Online Success Or Failure Is Your Choice!

What makes the difference between success and failure in any business venture? Most of the time it is the lack of proper advertisement and lead generation. In most cases, just because a person or company puts their website on the internet, that individual expects multitudes of people flocking to their website and buy their products or services. That just ain't gonna happen!

Even though Wal-Mart is the world's largest retailer, how many times in the next few days will you see a commercial on TV, an ad in the newspaper, or some form of advertisement promoting the name of Wal-Mart. Since the company was originally founded by Sam Walton, they have advertised and as their position in the marketplace moved higher and higher, they continue to advertise and get their name in front of the world masses. Has it paid off?? You bet it has...and their name now is known world wide.

You may never be the success that this huge company has evolved into, however, you can start today in your "quest for success" by making a commitment to start small and work consistently until you have reached your personal goals. Your personal goal may not be to become another retail giant. It's all what you want in your future and how much time and effort you are willing to devote to make that happen for you.

In recent articles we discussed the necessity of changing your mindset, and focusing only on positive thing that will bring positive outcomes in your endeavors. Forget traditional methods of advertising such as radio, TV, and junk mail leads. There are new and exciting, state of the art marketing programs for the small home business individual, that will help you rocket your efforts to higher levels than you ever thought imaginable.

Hi my name is Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consultant and I make a commitment to all my clients to point them in the right direction, to help make their journey to success, more effective and easier than trying to walk this rough road to success alone. How can I help you? By sharing with you the most effective marketing programs on the internet today. I have spent an incredible amount of time and a ton of money on worthless programs just like you have. How much money did I make? Absolutely nothing!...Does that sound familiar? Let's face it...everyone has been down that road at one time or another. However, in my marketing career, I was fortunate to stumble on a marketing program that absolutely will get the positive results we are all striving for.

I'm not trying to sell you anything here folks....I'm just sharing with you an alternative to marketing failure. Just to show you that marketing on the internet will work.  I am recommending that you take the time and review an effective marketing program that turned my life around, and within a matter of days I was making money on the internet.

One impressive lead generation program within this marketing system has made a huge difference in generating leads for new contacts.   This program is a stand alone lead generating system that will blast your business opportunity to Millions of websites, message boards, search engines, ffa sites, forums and more as often as you like. This remarkable, effective system has been proclaimed as the "Ultimate Lead Generation Machine. What a tremendous value! By using this has helped me to get my sites to Top Positions on Google and other fine search engines.  This programs was designed to make your presence known on the internet, and generate premium sales leads. "Quality sales leads equals Success!"

It's your choice....either get serious about your marketing future, or opt-out of what may well be the answer to your hopes and prayers of becoming a success on the internet. This is a choice that rest solely in your hands.  Choose wisely.

If you have additional questions, or need personal mentoring, you can contact me at the following contact information. May God bless you in your marketing endeavors.

Visit some of my sites to see what effective marketing is all about.  The eBiz Solutions Team of BLM Traders is standing by to assist you in your marketing journey.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!



Monday, December 28, 2009

Do You Qualify To Be An Online Marketer?

Do You Qualify To Be An Online Marketer?

Is becoming an online marketing success your dream? Now the small business owner can participate in the same effective marketing programs the big boys use...without spending a lot of time searching for the right program and spending a lot of money. Do you have the commitment in your life to do what it takes to become an online success?

Internet marketing is the latest method most major companies are using to promote their businesses. With internet marketing; even the little guy can take advantage of this remarkable method of promoting their primary business. The internet is an inexpensive way for a business or an individual to get your name and/or opportunity before millions of potential prospects with only a small affordable investment. The question most small home based entrepreneurs ask themselves, is how can I get involve in this outstanding marketing opportunity without spending my life savings! Hi my name is Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consultant....Make sure you read this entire article to see how you can take advantage of my experience and knowledge in your "quest for success".

The direction most of us will take is to go online and search for marketing programs. This of course is the way you must start, however, which one of the 141,000,000 (that's 141 Million) sites under home based business opportunities listing on Google do you choose? To the novice, this is a monumental task which could take years for you to finally decide on a program. How do you know even then, what you choose is the right or wrong marketing method? Well, you don't know! Why? because you are uninformed of what you really need to accomplish your goals. Since time is money, it is to your advantage to consult with someone who has already been down that road, has made the choices and proved the system works. This takes a tremendous burden off your shoulders right from the beginning. "Knowledge equals success!"  Allow the professionals to help you acquire that knowledge quicker than trying to learn it yourself.

I searched the internet for over five years for a legitimate marketing program that I could afford. With the normal small business entrepreneur, affordability is the one thing that holds us all back. We don't have the advertising budget enjoyed by huge companies like Coca Cola, General Motors or Wal-Mart. Early in your marketing quest, you must establish a reasonable advertising budget and stick to that budget or fairly close to the budget which we set in the beginning. Free isn't always free...Cheap is not good, however, reasonable is imperative for us to participate in a system and then make the best of that choice can be expanded or until your advertising budget can be increased.

Make sure the programs you pick provides free live online and/or recorded training sessions.  Successful marketing specialist will instruct you in the latest marketing techniques that you can use in promoting your business opportunity. Knowledge is the key ingredient you need to succeed, and use that knowledge in your marketing endeavors for years to come. Learn from the professionals from the very beginning and have the knowledge to expand your business horizons as you need to later on.

Visit some of my sites and see for yourself what true value marketing is all about. After your review you can then make an informed choice of which type of programs you can participate in before you waste a lot of time and money on worthless marketing programs and systems.

In Summary:  Visit some of my sites and take advantage of the marketing tools that I am willing to share with you. This will give you an idea of the quality of marketing we've been talking about. This will get you off to a quicker start than trying to pursue your dreams of online success on your own. After your review of my sites, you may have additional questions, or need some personal can contact me at the following contact information.  The eBiz Solutions Team of BLM Traders is standing by to assist you with your marketing goals.  Call me today for your personal, no obligation interview to see if you qualify for our marketing services.

Larry L Miller  SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!


Sunday, December 27, 2009

Are You Tired Of All The Hype?

Are You Tired Of All The Hype?

If you're sick and tired of all the hype and rip-off marketing programs being offered on the internet today....don't get discouraged. Not all offering are bad....all of these programs are not to be put in a questionable category.  Do your due diligence and see if the program(s) being offered will do the job you need done to accomplish your marketing goals. 

In todays article, I wanted to share with you some new and exciting information regarding effective marketing tools. If you're really serious about your marketing future, you need to acquire the necessary tools to make it all happen. You can have the best product or service ever imagined, however, without an effective method of conveying that opportunity to the masses, your project will never mature to it's potential. Be willing to spend a reasonalble amount of money for quality marketing tools.  Free is not always the best.

Without proper tools you can't build anything. If you wanted to build a dog house for your best friend, you would need proper tools to get the job done. The same principle applies to your building a profitable business....whether in a store front on Main Street of our home town, or on the internet, the concept is the same. Proper tools will make the job much easier.

As a novice and a newbie to marketing, how do you learn what to do, how to do it, and what tools is necessary to make it happen. I am a SEM/SEO Consultant and my clients always have the same questions! Where do I begin? Start right now to by asking I ready to make a commitment to success? If you have to give this question a second thought....then you're probably not ready to waste your time and money. You may have to have a complete change in your mindset before you make such a commitment, however, if your ready to take the challenge, I am willing to help you accomplish your marketing goals.

The second statement that a potential client usually makes....I have been burned so many times before! I've waste a lot of time and money on worthless junk!! Does this sound familiar?  Don't think for a moment that you're alone, and you're the only one this has happened to? We've all been there and done that. Many unethical promoters take advantage of you not knowing the difference. They know that your hungry to get involved with a program that will make you rich. Just remember there is no get rich quick....magic button program that works. It takes time, hard work and patience to acquire marketing skills. Rome wasn't built in a day! It took time, planning, and a lot of hard work.

Proper marketing tools are not free.  On the other hand these tools don't have to be expensive. I searched the internet for five years....spent that hard earned dollar, and got suckered into more junk plans than I want to remember. "I've been there and done that!" I wasted 5 years of my time and a lot of money. You don't have to go thru that time consuming expensive process....I've already done it for you.

One day I stumbled on a marketing program that made a lot of sense to me. It was straight forward and no hype....that impressed me right from the start. I enrolled in one of their free portals and started using the system. To my surprise I started to get results with actual sales on the internet. This had never happened to me before....boy was I shocked. I then took it to the next level, and again the system worked. Then I saw my business go to Top Positions on Google. This is what marketing is all about. This program worked as advertised. I now generate sales leads in my own system. One little hint....never purchasing sales leads again. Let the professionals show you how that works.

Training is vital, if you want to see success happen, you must have the proper training.  You need training on how to use the marketing tools correctly in order to get the maximum efficiency out of your system.  There are FREE live online training being offered by successful marketing specialist, who share with you their working methods of successful marketing and share with you how to use proper marketing tools to accomplish your marketing goals. Don't try to pursue your marketing career alone....get the training you need to get the job done right.

I am sharing this information with you today,,because God has been extremely good to me in my marketing career, and I feel this is a way I can help someone else. You're invited to visit some of my sites and review any or all of the sites there, to see exactly what I'm talking about. With these marketing tools and the training we talked about earlier, you are on your journey to success on the internet. This is an ideal, inexpensive way that even the small home based business entrepreneur can afford. In fact, you can't afford to be without it.

If you like what you see and feel this type of marketing can help you in your business, you can contact me at the following contact information. If you need further assistance, have a question or maybe just need some personal mentoring, I can help.

The eBiz Solutions Team with BLM Traders is standing by to assist you in your marketing endeavors.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L. Miller--SEO Consultant

Private Line: 321-594-4405
skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!



Saturday, December 26, 2009

Leads Is The Backbone Of Any Successful Business!!

Leads Is The Backbone Of Any Successful Business!!

The chore of lead generation in your business is essential not only for it's growth....but also to keep your business alive. Leads for your business is just as essential as blood is to your body for survival. Leads are the life blood of your business. Without a fresh input of sale leads in your business, your business can't survive even though you may have the greatest design with all the bells and whistles.  Even if you have the best product or service ever designed, you still need fresh leads.

How does the small home business owner generate all of the leads without breaking the advertisement budget? There is only one practical way to accomplish this never ending need for leads.  The answer is to generate the leads you need, in your own marketing system. Never buy leads again. 

Recent marketing systems has been developed with the little guy and gal in mind....and that is to help you succeed in your marketing endeavors. These marketing portals were designed to help you focus on exactly the area of marketing you need to concentrate on for pushing your site to Top Positions on Google. Not everyone can be #1, however, if you can maintain a page one rank in your selected category, you may still have a chance to be seen by your potential clients.

Once you earn top positions with Google and the other popular search engines, people will start seeing that your business opportunity is viable and worth taking a second look at. Very few individuals searching for something on the internet will go past the first page or second page of Google for additional information regarding their product of interest. So, if you want to get recognized, it's imperative you earn top positions on Google, MSN, Yahoo, Ask and other top search engines.  This is an ongoing process of promoting your business....and writing good keyword rich articles regarding your product or service.

Automated marketing systems will help you accelerate your rise in page rank in the search engines. Why?....because within the these systems there is a free search engine submission tool which will post your opportunity to the search engines on a regular basis (ex. every month). You can also blast your business opportunity to million of websites, message boards, ffa sites, online shopping mall and more as often as you like. You generate your own sales leads right there in your own marketing system. The response on these leads are yours and yours alone, because your leads are from individuals who are responding to the information about your opportunity they just received from you. Some of these leads will be only minutes follow up immendiately for best results.

The follow up you do with these contacts of course depends on your personal ability to close the sale.  Keep your closing skills honed to perfection.  Know your product or service like the back of your hand.  Don't try to hype the situation.  Tell if like it is and you will see positive results much quicker than you ever thought possible.  

Feel free to visit some of my sites and review how these marketing systems work. You may see something that appeals to your marketing needs. If you have additional questions or need some personal mentoring, you can contact me at the following contact information.

The eBiz Solutions Team with BLM Traders is here to assist you in your marketing efforts. "Let's Build Your Business Together".

Larry L Miller  SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!



Thursday, December 24, 2009

Marketing Is Fundamental To Any Businesses Growth!

Marketing Is Fundamental To Any Businesses Growth!

Marketing, leads and lead generation all go hand in hand when trying to promote a marketing campaign for your product or service.

The term marketing, means different things to different folks. That's understandable, because we are all different, and have various opinions of what is relevant regarding a particular subject.

On any subject of interest, regarding the internet, I always like to refer to the Free Encyclopedia of the internet.....Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia for some of the most accepted meanings on a particular subject, as written by numerous professionals.

Wikipedia states......"Marketing is a societal process that is needed to discern consumers' wants; focusing on a product/service to those wants, and to mold the consumers toward the products/services. Marketing is fundamental to any businesses growth. The marketing teams (Marketers) have the task to create the consumer awareness of the products/services through marketing techniques; unless it pays due attention to its products/services and consumers' demographics and desires, a business will not usually prosper long-term. Marketing tends to be seen as a creative industry, which includes advertising, distribution and selling. It is also concerned with anticipating the customers' future needs and wants, often through market research.

Essentially, marketing is the process of creating or reorganizing an organization to be successful in selling a product or service that people not only desire, but are willing to buy.

Therefore good Marketing must be able to create a "proposition" or set of benefits for the end Consumer, Shopper or Customer, that delivers value through products of services. This value will be made up of benefit/cost."

To achieve marketing success, one must take into consideration the potential clients need for your product or service. If the product is a far out gizmo, then only a selected few will respond to your opportunity.....then the chance of a positive outcome on you marketing campaign is kind of a waste of your time, efforts and money.

Consumers today want information. With truthful, up to date content in your description of your product or service, you will see a remarkable better response than if you try to hype, oversell or sometimes just be so obvious your trying to sell your item. The potential customer become suspicious of your advertisement and will immediately go to the next item of interest. We must all get out of the mindset to sell our product or service in our advertisement. Instead, give the reader precise, truthful information and today's customer will make up their mind quickly. Consumers purchase a product or service because they have a need. Sometimes a want becomes a need and thus the purchase is made.

Trying to convince the masses of how good your latest gadget may be can be extremely expensive, and will probably end up as a complete disaster. Proper marketing tools will assist you in your "quest for success" when you are trying to market your latest offering on the internet.

On the internet you can find numerous companies claiming to be the biggest and the best markteter on the web.  However, hype just doesn't cut it anymore. Individuals are interested in precise facts about any product or service they are searching for.

There is now affordable, effective marketing online programs available with marketing portals, covering everything from the basic marketing programs to advanced SEM/SEO training. There is one marketing system that I feel stands heads and shoulders above any other marketing programs on the internet today. You can review some of my sites to get a better idea of what I'm talking about. Study these sites thoroughly and see how this type of marketing can help you in your marketing efforts, and push your websites to Top Positions on Google, MSN, Yahoo, Ask and other outstanding search engines. Position in the search engines is vital to the growth of your business opportunity.  If you're not near the top on the search engines you probably won't be seen on line because most people won't search deeper than page one or two.  Earn the right to be seen on line with the help of the professionals.  

If you have additional questions, or need personal mentoring you can contact me at the contact information below. Thank you in advance for your interest in quality marketing solutions. Let the professionals of the eBiz Solutions Team with BLM Traders help you fulfill your marketing dreams.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller  SEM/SEO Consultant

Private Line: 321-594-4405
skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!




Wednesday, December 23, 2009

What Is The Meaning of Internet Marketing?

What Is The Meaning of Internet Marketing?

For the last few articles, we've discussed leads, lead generation and how to achieve great results by generating sales leads in your own marketing system. Today I want to take it one step further and reflect on how this process can meld into your internet marketing strategies.

As you know by now, I like to get the business meaning of any subject regarding marketing by referring to Wikipedia, the online free encyclopedia. I find it quite interesting regarding what Wikipedia has to say about Internet Marketing. Basic things we all know, and have used in the past. With knowledge and proper marketing tools, you can make it happen quicker than you ever thought imaginable.

INTERNET MARKETING  (Quote from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

"Internet marketing, also referred to as online marketing or Emarketing, is the marketing of products or services over the Internet. The Internet has brought many unique benefits to marketing including low costs in distributing information and media to a global audience. The interactive nature of Internet marketing, both in terms of instant response and in eliciting response, are unique qualities of the medium.

Internet marketing ties together creative and technical aspects of the internet, including design, development, advertising and sales. Internet marketing methods include search engine marketing, display advertising, e-mail marketing, affiliate marketing, interactive advertising, online reputation management and also Social Media Marketing Methods such as blog marketing, and viral marketing.

Internet marketing is the process of growing and promoting an organization using online media. Internet marketing does not simply mean 'building a website' or 'promoting a website'. Somewhere behind that website is a real organization with real goals.

An Internet marketing strategy includes all aspects of online advertising online activity that promotes a company online, including websites, blog sites, article and press releases, online market research, email marketing, and advertising (ppc / banners etc.)"

It's quite obvious, after reviewing the definition of the meaning of internet marketing, that Internet Marketing is not just about having a website. Sure, having a website to convey your information about your business or service is important, however, just having an attractive website is not enough. Having a flashy website may appeal to some people, but not everyone is impressed with flash. Most people want good relevant content explaining your opportunity.

The four elements discussed above, make a lot of sense. "Internet marketing ties together creative and technical aspects of the internet, including design, development, advertising and sales." By using any one of these elements by it's self will not produce expected results. Design, is vital for eye appeal, however, one must construct your website to be search engine friendly. We will discuss that part of the equation in later articles.

Development is an ongoing process. Your original design and content may look good in the beginning, however, you will need to pay close attention to the results your getting and quite possibly change your content and approach to your target market from time to time. Be flexible to change. With proper tracking of where your responses are coming from, you may be able to make minor changes and see some definite increases in potential clients.

Advertising has always been a key ingredient with any successful business. Look at some of the leaders in retail, and that will confirm what we are discussing here. Fresh, quality, approachable sales leads will help you accomplish your internet marketing goals. The various types of advertising each have a distinct function. Test the market and see which of these advertising methods best fits your needs.

Last but not least is the sale. This is what marketing is all about. Whether in a retail store or on the internet, the closing of the sale is our bottom line concern. The AIDA theory is explained below in a nutshell. A=Attention, I=Interest, D=Desire and A=Action. Your website must capture your potential clients attention. The attention must be developed quickly to get the potential clients interest in your product or service. The interest you just created must trigger a desire for your prospect customer to participate in your opportunity, and last but not least is the action of the client to make the decision of become your customer by purchasing your product or service.

There is no big secret to this formula, however, as a hot shot salesperson we all like to think we are, the basics for a successful sale is always the same. When your sales goes down, always go back to the basics.

There are Marketing systems that will help you to incorporate all these elements into reality with the right marketing tools, free online training and support. Visit....some of my websites and see what simple, yet precise target marketing is all about. No hype....just quality information, that will help you get your opportunity to Top Positions on Google, Yahoo, MSM, Ask and many other outstanding search engines. With top positions, your marketing efforts and goals will become a reality.

With hard work, proper training and quality marketing tools, I can help you make it happen. If you have additional questions, or need personal mentoring, you can contact me at the following contact information.  Let the eBiz Solutions Team at BLM Traders help you with your marketing needs.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller  SEM/SEO Consultant

Private Line: 321-594-4405
skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!


Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Tools Of The Trade That's Necessary For Online Success!

Tools Of The Trade That's  Necessary For Online Success!

In yesterdays article, we discussed some important elements listed in Wikipedia's definitions of internet marketing. The four elements we talked about was "design, development, advertising and sales".

There is an incredible amount of information on the internet regarding just about anything you want to know. Much of that information is quite accurate and can assist an individual in choices what otherwise might have been unavailable just a few years ago.

Many companies as well as individuals, have switched their marketing efforts exclusively to the internet. Why? Very elementary, it reduces the need for an active sales team. This one element has saved countless companies a ton of money, making their bottom line profit picture acceptable. With this tremendous savings, many companies have been able to take their product or service to a global market, rather than just a local, state or federal level. Regardless of what market you may be pursuing, good business ethics is as important today as it was in times past.

There are numerous ways of promoting on the internet, however, unless you know where your responses are coming from, you can't target market your opportunity effectively! One important tool that we all must use is some form of tracking system. Each marketing campaign you do should be tracked, analyzed, and tested over and over again if you want to fine tune your marketing efforts effectively.

For example; if you are focusing on a particular age group such as the under 30's market, you wouldn't do a general marketing campaign. You would find ways to focus on that particular market, and then hit it hard with their lingo, terminologies, slang phrases and anything else that would help you to reach that age group of potential clients.

Internet marketing is much more than just building a website, publishing it to the internet and then just sitting back and waiting for the masses to flood you with orders. You must utilize many forms of services in your efforts to accomplish any type of successful outcome when marketing. Blogging has become very popular in recent months. Forums definitely has it's place in your marketing strategies. Display advertising has been a very popular marketing tool for years. You can join any number of affiliate programs which will also be to your advantage. Never settle for just one of these services, and expect to become a success in your marketing efforts. A well balanced use of any combination of these programs should help you achieve success in your marketing endeavors.

In summary, internet marketing doesn't end by simply building a website, posting it to the internet and then sitting back and watch your business grow. The best looking website ever designed in itself will not get you to Top Positions on Google and the major search engines. You must promote that website with effective marketing tools, such as blogs, press releases, email campaigns, advertising and tracking your progress with a quality tracking system. Don't hesitate to make adjustments in your marketing flexible and adaptable to new and exciting programs that will help you accomplish your ultimate marketing goals.

I invite you to visit some of my personal sites regarding marketing tools and powerful marketing solutions.  My Sites is an array of effective, affordable marketing tools that will enhance your marketing experience without breaking your advertising budget.

After your careful review of my personal websites, you may have additional questions. Maybe you need some personal mentoring to get your marketing campaign up and running strong....I can help. You can contact me at the following contact information.

 Whether you're new to the internet or a maybe a seasoned professional marketer....there is always something new that will enhance your marketing campaign results.  The eBiz Solutions Team at BLM Traders is here to assist you in what ever your marketing needs may be.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller  SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!




Monday, December 21, 2009

Utilize The Latest Communication Trends To Help Build Your Business!!

Utilize The Latest Communication Trends To Help Build Your Business!!

Today I want to discuss the advantaged of email, campaigns and some of the attributes of this remarkable media of communication. In the mid 1990's when email was opened up to the general public, it was perceived as the best thing since sliced bread. However, unscrupulous individuals and questionable companies took advantage of a virtually unregulated new trend. E-mail spam became rampant, and individuals were being swamped with unsolicited commercial emails. Some of these unwanted emails were offensive and nothing but filth and smut.

Today there are spam filters, one can implement in their own system to handle a substantial amount of these unwanted, unsolicited and perverted solicitations. At one time it was estimated that 80 to 85% of all emails were spam. Thank God these figures have changed. In today's market email advertising can be used to your own advantage for the small home based business. I want to share with you some of the outstanding advantages of using emails to present your business opportunity for the world to see.

In the mid 80's, I did a lot of snail mail advertising. At the time, everyone was doing it and in my particular situation direct mail was a very lucrative way to advertise my insurance business. Sometimes the potential client would receive my mail the next day and sometimes it seemed to take weeks for the mail to get there. Thus, the term snail mail. The advantage of email advertising is a very quick delivery. It happens within a matter of micro seconds or maybe minutes.

Email permits the advertiser to convey their business opportunity to literally millions and even billions in seconds. What a tremendous advantage this is for the small business, because you can advertise today and tomorrow start working the leads your advertising campaign has just generated. This sure beats the idea of opening a business down on main street and waiting for customers to come in.

Another great advantage to emails is the fact that you can track your advertising efforts. With a good tracking system you can track your efforts in the form of actual figures of who, when and where your marketing efforts has reached.

With emails you can generate business reasonably and automatically. By using a opt in method of advertising you can target market your potential clients effectively and still keep your advertising budget in check.

Email is a popular method of communication. Over 50% of the people who use the internet.....send or receive emails on a daily basis. Doing business on the net is now an acceptable method of doing business or communication. With the recent push of everything going Green, the paper free convenience of doing business on line has become the method of choice for a great percentage of people and businesses alike.

How can the small home based business entrepreneur take advantage of this internet craze? By getting involved in a legitimate marketing program that is effective, easy to use and affordable. For the last couple of years, I have been using an incredible system for all of my online marketing efforts. What a difference a quality marketing program makes in your marketing efforts. This system is everything the small business owner wants and needs for effective, affordable marketing. This marketing system is 100% spam free.

This regularly updated system has a data base with Billions of double and triple opt-in leads that you can blast your opportunity to as often as you like. Talk about value! This system offers a unique tracking system, free web page software and free hosting for your web page. Make as many new webpages as you charge. There are over 50 marketing portals within this system for your use, covering everything from the newbie programs to the seasoned SEM/SEO marketers. You can check out some of my personal portals and see exactly how this system works.  Visit as long as you like and contact me if you have additional questions.

If you need to build your business....we can help! If you need tracking systems....we can help! If you need to get your business opportunity on the internet....we can help! This is our one and only business. We are here to help you succeed in your marketing endeavors.

After your careful review of my may still have some questions. Maybe you need some personal mentoring. You can contact me at the following contact information.  The eBiz Solutions Team of BLM Traders is here to help you accomplish your marketing goals.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller  SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!


Sunday, December 20, 2009

Planning...Marketing Tools...and Commitment equals Online Success!!

Planning...Marketing Tools...and Commitment equals Online Success!!

Building a business on line is no different than building anything else you've dreamed about. It takes 1) planning, 2) acquiring the proper building materials, 3) acquiring the proper tools, and last but not least the commitment to "give of yourself" with maybe blood, sweat and tears, plus an incredible amount of hard work. We've all heard the saying...."Rome was not built in a day!"

The same is true with building a successful business on line or building a business in a brick and mortar store in you're local home town. You must have a dream of your goals. It is best to write those dreams down somewhere and refer to your goals often. At least once a day, you should work to accomplish your goals, even if it's just a few minutes a day. The old saying...."the harder you work....the luckier you get", is definitely true when building a business. Plan to your venture, and you will automatically see results quicker than you ever thought imaginable. Remember it takes planning. Just having a plan is not enough in must aggressively pursue you goal(s) with vigor.

It requires your invest in the materials necessary to accomplish your goals. If you're not willing to make a commitment to acquire the proper materials you might as well hang up your plans, and send your computer back to the manufacturer. Don't waste your time or anyone else time if your not willing to make the commitment and sacrifices....that may be necessary to build your business.

Acquiring the proper tools is critical to your success. If you were going to build a house, you wouldn't start your project with only a hammer! You may need a saw....a ruler....a may have to acquire some nails to get the job done. No single item in itself will get the job done, however, without one of those ingredients you may never see your dreams come true. What ever the tools you need to accomplish your goals, you must be committed early in the process to acquire those items. Maybe some of these tools can be upgraded later, however, you must be totally committed to spend the time and the money to purchase these tools and then learn how to use those tools. If you have the best tools money can buy, and don't know how to use them, you will never....I repeat NEVER....see the success in your business opportunity you deserve. Only you can make that happen.

Last but definitely not least is the amount of time, blood, sweat, tears, confusion, staying up late and committing to get the job done. If anyone tells you....just sign up and you will become a millionaire within a short time....don't believe it. Sure we all like to think we've found that magic button....the easy button....wealth in a flash or whatever those scammers develop and hype to for you to participate in. If it was that easy....don't you think there would be room for you in such a program? NOT!! The promoters family....friends....and a limited few would be able to take advantage of such a lucrative offer. Don't you think the scammers (spammers) would want to hire a hundred or even thousands to work for them and keep all the profit, rather than offer you a piece of the someone they don't even know. Don't fall for this type of "opportunity" won't make a cent. That's why only less than 5% of all the people on the internet make money!

I hope I haven't painted a dark picture here....or discouraged you away from your dreams. That's not my intent! However, there is a way your can start small and work your way to success in your business dreams....without spend a fortune. Some time ago, I stumbled into a program that I thought in the beginning was what we just got through talking about. With my experience as a retired investment broker....I had learned over the years to do a "due diligence research" on anything that I look at that requires money. Man, was I ever surprised. This is what I had been looking for for over 5 years. A marketing program that was easy to understand....affordable to own....and most of all they had professional trainers....that was successful by using this remarkable marketing program. The training was free! How much better could it get? I jumped in with both feet and started to use the methods I was being taught to promote a product that I had bought on a whim at a trade show. Within a matter of hours....I was getting less than a week I was getting orders. All I was doing was following what I was being taught by the professionals. Now I'm privileged to be one of those successful on line marketers....and I now teach the things I have learned to the new people that join this incredible marketing program. By applying the marketing tools....that I learned in the free training sessions, I have been able to take my business opportunities and my SEM/SEO clients to Top Positions on Google. Isn't that what marketing is all about?

Take a look at some of my websites and see for yourself what proper marketing techniques, properly applied can make in your marketing dreams. Review the sites at your leisure....stay as long as you like. Then vision in your mind how I can help make your dreams a reality. If you have the desire....we can help you make it happen together. I've made the NO HYPE offer to show you what can happen if you're committed to your plan to become one of the 5% of money makers on the internet. The rest is up to you. If you make the choice to join me and my marketing team....that's cool, however, if you choose not to get involved....that's OK to. It your future....make your choices wisely.

In summary: With the BLM Traders Marketing system we can help you plan your future. If you need some personal mentoring to get a plan started....I can help. You can see some of the building materials by reviewing the sites I suggested above. You can check out the marketing tools....before you spend a nickel. The only thing I can't do for you is to make your commitment for you. The commitment is something you and only you can make.

If you have additional questions, or need some personal mentoring, you can contact me at the following contact information. Allow the eBiz Solutions Marketing Team with BLM Traders to help you in your quest for online success.

Larry L. Miller  SEO/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!



Saturday, December 19, 2009

Target Market For Potential Customers!!

Target Market For Potential Customers!!

One of the most important aspects of any business, is the ability to generate leads....follow-up on those leads and convert those leads to sales. This should be your ultimate goal. To keep a business in business, or see any growth of your business, you need to keep the fresh quality sales leads flowing into your marketing system on a daily basis.

Many businesses have an exceptional location, great products, a modern facility, great management, well trained sales staff, yet never see the growth in their business one would normally expect. The bottom line here is that the people who need your product doesn't even know you are in business without a well defined advertising and lead generation program.

Many companies sell what they call "leads". However, if those "so called leads" are not relative to your particular business, the lead you purchased, just became a name or email address only. You can pull names from the phone book if that's all you're going to do in the form of advertising and lead generation. How can you change this scenario? The answer is rather simple. Generate sales leads in your own marketing system.

By generating sales leads in your own marketing system you can target market the selected type of clients you need to contact to make your business grow. Make a commitment right now....."never buy leads again". Why pay for addresses....that has been obtained by random surveys that isn't even in the same business category you're trying to market your business or service to. Focus on target marketing to the specific category that your trying to promote your opportunity to.

There are companies that makes this process of generating leads in your own system an affordable reality. Programs that are designed with target their only goal. Within their marketing system there are portals covering every aspect of marketing and lead generation, where you can focus on the specific market that your are trying to reach. Major names in the business world are using this exact programming to create thousands of leads, and even the major companies are seeing their bottom line profits soar to new and exciting heights. Many programs was designed with the little guy in mind, to help you succeed in business, without breaking your advertising bank. These programs are precise, simple to use, affordable and will help you obtain Top Positions On Google and other major search engines.

 The Lead Generation system that really caught my eye was very afforable, effective and simple to use program. This is a program that has multi millions of web addresses in their database, covering individuals, businesses, ffa sites, message boards, forums and more. By using such an enormous data base you can select the category that represents your business opportunity. Talk about target marketing!! Within this program, you and only you receive any leads from your advertising campaign. You can then focus on the follow-up with each individual lead in your own effective follow-up methods. If you don't have a follow-up plan, there are free online classes within this system that will help you hone your follow-up skills. The positive response to your follow-up is accepted because the lead has responded to information you presented in your advertisement. How much more targeted can you get? You're can't get anymore focused than that.

 Feel free to visit my personal websites and see for yourself the quality of programming you can enjoy in your own marketing, lead generation system. Browse as long as you like. If you have additional questions, or need some personal mentoring, you can contact me at the following contact information.
 The eBiz Solutions Team at BLM Traders is here to help you in your endeavors of online marketing.

 "Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller  SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!




Friday, December 18, 2009

Effective Marketing Made Easier With The Pro's !!

Effective Marketing Made Easier With The Pro's !!

Use of proper marketing tools, get the proper training, and apply the applications of what you learn....can make a difference in your "quest for success" on the internet. This is a process that you must learn at some time in your marketing why not do it now and be ahead of the rest of your competition!

Today we want to talk about some of the ways you can accelerate your efforts and obtain internet presence. By using the proper marketing tools, your journey to successful internet marketing will be achieved much quicker than using the traditional methods of marketing we've all used in the past. Times and methods have changed substantially in the last couple of years. We must all be open minded and be willing to have a change of mindset in order to make the most of this journey to successful internet marketing.

One thing I must stress......"never purchase leads again". Generate your own sales in your own marketing system.

You may question......what methods are the latest, most effective, affordable programs being offered today. You could spend the next few weeks researching some of the new methods being offered on the internet today. However, you would probably be more confused than when you begin your search. I have personally been through the situation I can relate to what confusion can be encountered when searching for the right combinations of marketing tools.

"I've been there....done that". Without some guidance you may choose the wrong program(s) based on hype. Maybe you make your choices on the cost of the program. Based on price alone may not be the best way to make a choice.  Don't just purchase a program based on either hype or price. Review your particular goals, budget your advertising dollars, plus be very concerned about the training you can receive with any program you participate in. There is no substitute for live training.

In my research for quality, effective, affordable programs, there is one set of programs I always recommend to all of my SEM/SEO  clients. This is a company that hates hype, spam and unethical internet marketing practices. They provide well designed marketing programs that does the job. Makes no difference if you're a person who is brand new to internet marketing.....or a seasoned professional, this is a marketing system that will work effectively for you.

I invite you to take a close look at some of my personal website within this system and see exactly what "value marketing" is all about. You can review each of my sites and stay as long as you like. I will not contact you unless you request additional help with any questions you may have. I'm not trying to sell you anything.....I make my money on website building, SEM/SEO Consulting, website analysis, website development and other affordable marketing services. I am offering you this insight to my personal inner circle to help you see what proper marketing programs and marketing tools can do for you. I've already spent the time looking for the most effective and affordable programs. My time that I've spent in researching this subject will save you an incredible amount of time. "Time is money" that valuable time, so you can move ahead of your competition.

I made a comment earlier in this article....."never buy leads again". With a quality lead program you can generate sales leads in your own marketing system. "How cool is that?" By participating in this program you will have millions and millions of websites, ffa sites, message boards, search engines and more that you can blast your business opportunity to. This database is growing everyday and you can submit your offering as often as you like. There are some free features in this program that will help you achieve Top Positions on Google, MSN, Yahoo, Ask and many other aggressive search engines. Striving to get your position within the top 10 on these major search engines will substantially help you get recognized as a viable business entity. 

BLM Traders help you "earn while you learn". They offer live online classes with successful marketing individuals, who started just like you. These instructors share with you their knowledge of successful, proven methods of marketing, each of which have experienced in their journey to success on the internet.

In summary.....consider only quality, no hype, realistic, affordable programs to get you started on the right track on your "marketing quest". Commit to learning the proper ways to accomplish your marketing goals. Be committed to changing your mindset to try new and exciting programs that the big boys use to make money on the internet. Attend the free online training classes.  Don't try to do it alone!!   Draw on the knowledge of people who have paid their dues with hard work and determination, and have succeeded in their marketing efforts.

If you have additional questions, or need some personal mentoring, you can contact me at the following contact information.  Let the eBiz Solutions Team of BLM Traders help you in your marketing endeavors.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!


Thursday, December 17, 2009

Will Lead Generation Affect Your Online Business? That Depends!!

Will Lead Generation Affect Your Online Business?  That Depends!!

Our focus today is on the process of getting fresh, quality sales leads coming into your own marketing system everyday. There are literally thousands of ways you could find on the internet to generate leads, however, your focus should not be on how many leads you can buy, but your focus should be on generating quality approachable sales leads in your own marketing system.

Many companies on the internet give you a song an dance about how many leads their company can provide for just a few dollars.  The questions I would ask is "What kind of a lead are we talking about here?" it just a name and a phone number, or maybe an email address?  Probably so...those leads probably have been sold to hundreds of other individuals and business who are also trying to market a product or service.  Why purchase a used lead?  What do you think will happen when you call to introduce yourself to one of those so called leads?  Your more than likely going to be yelled at, sworn at, hung up on and who knows what else.  Why not just generate your own sales leads in your own marketing system?

You can spend literally spend thousands of hours trying to find that magic button that we've all heard about on TV and we all would like to find such a wonderful devise. It's not going to happen my friend. The process of lead generation is an ongoing process that will continue as long you're in business. There are no shortcuts you can take to accomplish success on the internet. You must pursue your advertising campaign each and every day of your life. If you're not committed to spending the time necessary to become a success, then you should stop wasting your time on the internet, and devote your time to playing games or chatting to your online friends. I'm not trying to be nasty or cute here about this issue, but I think it necessary to help you see that this is a road that must be properly plotted and then following with vigor.....if you want to be a success on the internet.

I can help you save countless hours of research.....I have already done the research, to find the best lead generation system on the internet.  With over 50 marketing portals in this marketing system covering every aspect of marketing from the beginner to the seasoned professional, this program will make the difference from being average to the ultimate lead generation system. This system has been proclaimed by the professional time and time again to be the best on the internet.

There are several free sites that will help you in your marketing quest. You can visit some of my sites and see first hand the type of marketing I'm talking about.  Once you've had an opportunity to take a look at some these working websites, you can then make an intelligent decision about your future. You can use this same type of  marketing sites to help you build your business. If you have additional questions, or need personal mentoring, you can contact me at the following contact information.

The eBiz Solutions Team of BLM Traders is here to help you in your internet marketing journey.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller  SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!



Wednesday, December 16, 2009

SEM/SEO Services.....Web Site Services

SEM/SEO Services.....Web Site Services

Let the experts help you in your online marketing efforts....using quality marketing support after the initial visit...will help you get maximum results when promoting your business opportunity.

When considering a new ad campaign, what is your strategy to accomplish a positive response to your product or services? I'm sure your mind races through the process of how to go about generating responsive people to purchase your business opportunity. The bottom line is, you have a need for quality, approachable sales leads. Just how you construct your advertisement for your business offering, may sometimes be rather crude, because of lack of knowledge or preparation. You must sit down an review the features and benefits of your offering and then make sure you put that critical information in a simple format for the potential customers to read. Being keyword specific is vitally important in your explanation about your product or service.

Never try to hype your product or service. The average person can pick up on any inaccurate information, and will be turned off before you every get started. If you can't write good content for your article, then contact someone who can write for you. These are called ghost writers. There is nothing wrong with having a professional do this job. Finding the right individual to do this task may seem like an impossibility, however, they can be found by searching Google.

If you need help locating a qualified person to help you with this task you can contact me at the following contact information. If you like my approach, you can utilize my expertise to help you with this never ending chore. You may have the best product or service on the planet, however, it you can't get that information in print for the potential client to read and understand, your efforts are in vain. Let a professional help in this critical part of your advertising campaign.

If you are totally lost on how to proceed with your marketing endeavors, you can utilize my services to help you accomplish your marketing goals. My services include website services, website analysis, website construction, website promotions, website development, lead generation, applying latest marketing strategies and SEM/SEO Services. I can help you get your business opportunity to Top Positions On Google. This is what I specialize in. Quality affordable prices. If you don't have the time or expertise to pursue an effective ad campaign, then permit me to assist you in your marketing efforts.

When promoting any website.....I will always use a quality marketing system to promote any business opportunity. Makes no difference whether it my personal sites or for a client.....I will only use quality, effective marketing tools offered by the leader in the industry for marketing programs. This program is designed to get results. Isn't that what it's all about? Bottom line is getting good quality contacts for you to follow-up with.....and allowing you to attempt to close the sale for your product or services. If you don't know how to do this task effectively, then permit me to assist you in your "quest for success".

SEM/SEO services does not just happen by accident. Promoting your business opportunity has become a science, especially if you want the most out of your marketing efforts.  What a waste of your time and money, to approach this critical part of your ad campaign without the proper marketing tools and expertise to make it happen. It's like any other part of your life, you must make a plan and pursue that plan with vigor, to see the results you deserve and expect. If you don't know how to make it someone who has that expertise to make it happen. That's our one and only business. Promoting businesses. Taking your unique product or service, and promoting that product or service to Top Positions on Google, Yahoo, MSN, Ask and other recognized search engine. We get your presence promoted on the internet.  Visit some of my sites to see what true marketing is all about.

If you have any questions about our services, you can contact me at the following contact information.  The eBiz SolutionsTeam of BLM Traders is here to assist you in your online marketing endeavors.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller  SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!


Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Time...Money...Education...Dedication!! Equals Online Success!

Time...Money...Education...Dedication!! Equals Online Success!

Often times we try to take some shortcuts when attempting to build our business. If you have been following my articles recently, you have seen me say it over and over, there are no shortcuts, "there is no magic buttons". If you want to successfully build an online business it take a commitment on your part to make it happen. It may take a complete change in how you visualize what marketing is all about.

Just building a website and putting it on the internet isn't enough. You must promote that website in a well defined way in order for you to achieve your marketing goals. It just doesn't must make it happen. If your a novice to internet are probably overwhelmed with all the emails you get everyday, stating you will become rich without making a phone call, or sending out advertisements, not sending any emails....and a ton of other false promises. Let's get real. The old saying "if it sounds to good to be probably isn't true". This is so true when it comes to many of the internet scams you read about everyday. However, there are companies out there that will do exactly what they say.

It's going to take a commitment on your part to devote the necessary time, money, education and dedication for you to succeed on the internet.

Let's talk about these issues one at a time.

1) Time....Are you willing to a commitment of time to see your business grow? Spending countless hours doing it until you do it right? If you not willing to make a commitment of your might as well give it up now.

2) Money....Anything of value is going to cost you money. Free is not always the cheapest way to go.  There is no need to waste a lot of money on worthless programs. However, there are certain marketing programs that will enhance our efforts....without costing you an arm and a leg. Be willing to invest some money in the beginning and then add to your arsenal of marketing tools as you can afford it. I will share with you a good place to start in just a moment.

3) Education....If your going to succeed online, you must get the education for you to be effective in the areas that's going to affect your business. Be willing to spend the time necessary to get the education you need to succeed. There are marketing systems that will simplify your learning curve. Take advantage of the free training from the professional, who have been there and done that.

4)  Dedication....Are you willing to pursue your goal even if you don't see results in a day, a week, or maybe even a month or more. Focus on the end prize....your success on the internet. Less than 5% of people on the internet make money. You can be one of the chosen few, that can accomplish this remarkable journey.

These four simple yet necessary aspects are what internet marketing is all about. There is a system that has been declared the "Ultimate Marketing Program" on the internet today. Use a number of their free marketing tools that will help you get off to a quick start. Check out my sites and see how simple you can start promoting your business opportunity. Their classified ad and linking programs are the first systems you should consider in generating sales leads and getting your name to Top Positions On Google, Yahoo, MSN, Ask and other fine search engines. This program is designed to get results.

In summary: You must make the commitment of your time, money, education and dedication, then let the system work for you in your "quest for success."

If you have additional questions, or need personal mentoring, you can contact me at the following contact information.

The eBiz Solutions Team of BLM Traders is here to assist in anyway they can to help you achieve your marketing goals.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller   SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!


Monday, December 14, 2009

Four Simple Steps To Your Online Success!

Four Simple Steps To Your Online Success!

Personal the main ingredient to accomplishing your goals for internet success!

When considering a future on the internet, there are certain steps you must take into consideration in order to have a chance of ever succeeding in your business. Today in this article I want to share with you some basics you must consider to become a successful marketer.

Most of us must change our mindset to become a success on the internet. You must have an open mind for change and be willing to make those changes. Forget about traditional ways you've used in the past. Most of those ideas and procedures are outdated and may work to some degree, however, in todays marketing arena new marketing solutions are being introduced each and every day.

A Personal Commitment is vitally important for you to consider. Without a commitment you'll never get past first base in your marketing efforts. You must commit your time, your money, your willingness to learn and have determination to be successful on the internet. We touched briefly on these issues in yesterdays article, however, I felt it necessary to expound on these points in more detail.

Let's look at the commitment of your time. Obviously if you were to spend 18-20 hours a day promoting your product or service, you would see better results than if you only spent a couple hours a day. If you put this in perspective, and relate to the hours you spend in your regular job, it makes a lot more sense, the more you work the more you make. The harder you work the luckier you get. Determine the amount of time you're willing to devote to your new venture. If you put 2 hours a day in your promotion of your opportunity, that's how much results your going to get back. Never put a time frame on your online success. This is an ongoing process that will take an incredible amount of time and work to make success happen in your life. If you're not willing to make such a commitment of probably won't succeed on the internet. Maybe this is why only 5% of the people on the internet today make money. You and only you can change the outcome of your life. Choose wisely!

Next, let's talk about the money you will spend on your new venture. Being on a fixed retirement income myself, I can relate to the issue about not wanting to spend a lot of money on worthless programs. You will personally have to do some due diligence when it comes to what programs you need to help accomplish your marketing goals. I can help you in that process. I did it the hard way when I got into internet marketing. I literally spent countless hours and thousands of dollars on junk. I was looking for that magic button that would rocket me to success. There is NO "Magic Button" like you see on TV.  Let me inform you right here and now, there is no shortcuts in succeeding on the internet. You are going to have to spend some money, but do it wisely. Again, I can help you, by pointing you in the right direction for acquiring the necessary programs without breaking your advertising budget.

Your willingness to learn is a vital part of this process. When you get my age, sometimes your learning curve seems straight up. Especially when you're new to a venture you're about to pursue. Let me tell you my friend, if I can do it anyone can. Education on the proper ways to market your business opportunity is crucial to your future success. I will share with you later, the most affordable, comprehensive marketing programs on the market today. This company offer free online training in every aspect of marketing from the beginner to the advanced internet professional. I'll share that information in just a moment.

Your determination to become successful on the internet is the final thing we must address. If you have no will to be a success, then your journey on the internet will result in a disastrous ending. We talked about mindset earlier. If you are unwilling to learn new ideas or if you are not determined to follow the leadership of professional then you might as well put your computer back in the box in came in and send it back to the manufacture. You must have the determination to succeed at any cost.

If you lack the commitment of your time....not willing to spend a reasonable amount of money on your success for proper marketing programs....not willing to learn.... lack the determination to follow your dreams, then you're doomed for failure.

If you are willing to make the commitments we've just discussed, then I would recommend you click on one of the following links and get started. I will help you in your journey, and point you in the right directions when needed, however, the choice is yours. There are successful marketers teaching you the elements of successful marketing within this system. These sessions are FREE and are live right there in the comfort of your own computer. If you are willing to make the commitments we've discussed, then we will help you succeed in your "quest for success". We'll also show you how to generate sales leads without spending a fortune. You will generate sales leads in your own marketing system and so much more.

Feel free to check out some of my personal sites to see the quality of marketing programs that I'm talking about. After your careful review, you may still have some questions, or maybe you need some personal mentoring, you can contact me at the contact information below. God bless you in your marketing journey.

The eBiz Solutions Team with BLM Traders is standing by to assist you in whatever your marketing needs may be.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller  SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!



Sunday, December 13, 2009

Promote Your Business Opportunity With The Help Of the Professionals!

Promote Your Business Opportunity With The Help Of the Professionals!

Success in your business, don't just happen. There is always a definite business plan behind any successful business. Makes no difference whether that business is online or down at the corner store on Main Street in your own town, things don't just happen. You must be willing to devote time, money, educate yourself and be determined in your mindset to succeed. There are no shortcuts. No easy button. Only you can make the difference between your success and failure when it come to the challenges of marketing.

You can build a tremendous website with all kinds of graphics, flash, with content that goes on for days, however, if you have not followed the proper steps to get that business opportunity recognized on the internet, then all of your efforts are in vain. Training with the professionals can help you in your "quest for success."

We have stated in our past articles, the importance of sales leads. If fact leads are the backbone of any business. Generating leads is an art form that few people have really conquered. I'm not talking about purchasing leads. Purchasing leads is a waste of time and money. You must generate leads in your own marketing system to be effective. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. "NEVER BUY LEADS AGAIN". Why purchase names or email addresses that have been sold to other marketers over and over again? Why should you be rejected....when you follow-up on a lead, because someone else called your prospect with some kind of scam before you had an opportunity to followup? By generating leads in your own system you can target you advertising campaign to a specific segment of the web market. When you follow-up, your phone call will be receptive to your follow-up because they opted-in to your system, responding to your good content in your business opportunity.

Knowing how to prospect and what programs to use in your marketing strategy is critical. I am a SEM/SEO Consultant, and I recommend to all my clients the effective program offered by a Marketing System that has been proven to work effectively.  This is not just a lead system, it is also a tremendous backlink builder. This is a automated system that you can submit to millions and millions of websites, ffa site, message boards, forums, search engines and the list goes on and on and you can promote with this program as often as you like. Blast to hundreds of the premier search engines with this automated system. Check your keywords and keyword phrases with the built in keyword popularity checker. 

With this remarkable marketing system, you can generate sales leads, build list, and build a data base of quality names specific to your own business opportunity and much more. Learn the process from the pro's and become successful quicker than you thought imaginable.

This is the first step I recommend, to get started on your road to effective marketing. Build your marketing system one step at a time. Many of these portals are absolutely free. There are over 50 portals within this marketing system that will help you succeed in your marketing endeavors. You owe it to yourself to visit some of my personal websites, and see for yourself what true marketing is all about. Your chances are little to none, if you don't learn the correct ways to market on the internet. Let the pro's assist you in this remarkable online marketing venture.

As we stated in the beginning of this article, "good business practices don't just happen", neither does generating sales leads. These critical ingredients are an art form that you must develop over a period of weeks, months or maybe even longer. You may need to attend online instruction classes to appreciate the full impact of quality training. With the free online training offered, you can build your business opportunity much quicker than doing it on your own. Successful internet marketers will teach you how to become successful using their techniques in this marketing system.

Why continue to struggle in your marketing efforts....when you can take advantage of the professional training you can receive for FREE? It's your choice....continue to struggle....or join the professional who can help you in your "quest for success".

After your careful review of the marketing programs referred to above, you may still have some questions. If you have questions, or need some personal mentoring, you can contact me at the following contact information.

The eBiz Solutions Team with BLM Traders is here to help.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller  SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!


Saturday, December 12, 2009

Build Your Business...One Block At A Time!

Build Your Business...One Block At A Time!

When building a business, it requires time on your part. There's more complicated than putting a flashy website on the internet and then sitting back and expecting people to flood to your site with orders for your product or services. You must be willing to devote a set time everyday, writing good keyword specific articles regarding your business opportunity. Never place a time frame on your success. Many people will work a plan for a few days and then say "it's not working" and then quite. Don't give up....your time is being well spent. Remember you're building a business and building your future.

It also take some real effort on your part, to make it happen. You can't just set back and expect your business to grow without putting forth a reasonable effort. Many individuals get discouraged, and give up on promoting their business just before they see the success of their efforts. Never give up. Have a goal and focus on that goal, until you see the results you visualized when you started this project. This is a key ingredient in visualization marketing.

You must develop the correct mindset in order to accomplish your marketing goals. Forget about trying to hype your business or services and give potential prospects good quality, relevant information about your business opportunity. If you don't change your mindset from traditional promoting techniques, you will not become a success in your endeavor. The art of marketing has changed in recent months and continue to change daily. You must be willing to adapt those changes into your own service that you are promoting.

Develop patience in your advertising campaigns. Patience is a virtue. Be consist in your efforts, and you will see results you never thought possible. The key here is to be consistent and persistent.

You must be concerned about having the proper marketing tools in your arsenal of marketing tools. Marketing tools and knowing how to use those tools is critical for your success. Get the necessary training to accomplish your dreams of internet success. If you are not motivated, then get some motivational tapes, and listen to those tapes over and over again until you are totally motivated and inspired to pursue your marketing goals. Learn the art and process of successful marketing. Study until you think you can't study anymore. Then study some more. The art of success must be developed and fine tuned by you to realize the meaning of success as it applies to you and your business opportunity.

The question that always comes up at this point is....."where do I find the help I need to accomplish my goals"? In my efforts to become a successful SEM/SEO Consultant....I have found a Marketing system that is the most comprehensive, affordable, easy to use program that I have found on the internet.  Quite spending your hard earned money on purchasing junk marketing programs. Quite buying leads. Never purchase another lead. Generate sales leads in your own marketing system with the help of the professionals.

Visit some of my sites and see what true internet marketing is all about. Spend as much time as you like when you visit these sites, and get the feel of how these programs can help you build your business. Take advantage of the free online training offered by  professional, successful marketers that share their personal success techniques with you which will help you become a successful internet marketer quicker than trying to learn all the important aspects of marketing on your own. Let the professionals help. You'll be glad you did. Always keep in mind that lead generation is the backbone of your business. Without fresh quality sales leads your doomed to fail in your marketing efforts. 

If you have additional questions, or need personal mentoring, you can contact me at the following contact information.

The eBiz Solutions Team with BLM Traders is here to help.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller  SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!


Friday, December 11, 2009

Acquire The Knowledge Of How To Market Your Business Opportunity Correctly!!

Acquire The Knowledge Of How To Market Your Business Opportunity Correctly!!

For the last few weeks we've written about the importance of Lead Generation as it applies to your online success.  Lead Generation is only one the ingredients to successful marketing.  Without good quality sales leads, your business will not grow and likely will die very quickly. Obtaining leads doesn't just happen, lead generation is an art. An art that must be practiced, each and every day of your marketing career.

Finding and obtaining leads require the best lead generation tools you can find. This is not just my opinion, but this is the consensus of every leading marketers on the internet. You wouldn't expect to build a house with just a hammer. You need additional tools to accomplish the various aspects of construstion to complete the job.  What you need is a complete system with all the tools to complete your marketing objectives.

Not only do you need proper marketing tools to accomplish your goals, you will need the proper training to use those tools to utilize the full spectrum of the features and benefits of those programs. By using the proper tools and using those tools in the right way you can enhance your efforts for successful high rankings on Google. Other search engines such as Yahoo, MSM, Ask and many other good search engines will also pick up on your business opportunity quicker. You to can obtain "Top Positions on Google."

Be prepared to devote the time necessary to become proficient in using the tools, getting the knowledge on how to use those tools, but never forget to devote the time necessary to accomplish your marketing goals. You can have the best tools possible, however, if those tools just set on the shelf, what good are they? Those tools that could help you to accomplish your goals, just became worthless. Time is money, so use your time wisely. Commit to devote a given amount of time everyday. Set a realistic time element, and regiment yourself to follow that time element to accomplish your marketing goals. However, never set a time frame on your success.  With some individuals they may have more experience than you and will be able to accomplish realistic goal quicker than you do.  Don't get discouraged, keep on keeping on and you will see results quicker than you ever thought imaginable.

Visualize your success.....start with very realistic goals and add to your ultimate goal on a consistent basis. Your success will not happen over may take weeks, months or even longer for you to see the results of your hard work. Don't give up.....the light will appear at the end of the tunnel by pushing just a little farther. Never say you can't do it......don't even have the term quit in your vocabulary. Make a plan, then put that plan in motion.....update your plan, and see how building your future one step at a time will be the most effective way to accomplish your goals. If I can do it, anyone can do it.  I was totally computer challenged when I started this journey, but with devotion, determination and just plain hard work, I now make a very good living on line.

If you have to change your it. Many traditional methods of marketing may still work, however, there are new ways to market on the internet that will make your journey of marketing simpler and much faster.

Only you have the control over your thought process, and only you can make the effective change to enjoy a positive outcome for all your efforts. The whole picture here is about....being consistent in your efforts and the rewards for your efforts will become an automatic part of your everyday life.

You will need to get the education on how to use the proper marketing tools to get on the fast track. I found a marketing system that makes this whole process of successful marketing happen quicker. This system offers free live online marketing training plus recorded sessions which will help you succeed in your learning cycle. There are trained successful marketing instructors who devote their time to help you learn how to market correctly. Use the knowledge you learn and promote your business opportunity. Less than 5% of the people on the internet make money, so why not join this elite group and build your career the right way.

This whole process we've been discussing is all about you and your future. Use your time wisely, make a plan, work that plan, get the education you need for correctly pursuing your goals in marketing, and then you will see results you never thought were possible. Visit some of my personal sites and see what true internet marketing is all about. If you have additional questions, or need personal mentoring, you can contact me at the contact information below.

The eBiz Solutions Team with BLM Traders is here to help.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller  SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!