Sunday, December 6, 2009

Learn to Write Effectively.....By Writing!

Learn to Write Effectively.....By Writing! 

Name recognition of your company or yourself can be accomplished by writing good relative content in articles!....Learn to writing! Write from the heart....put your text in simple paragraphs....write good relevant content in the same style as you would normally talk!  Don't try to make your reader believe you're something that your not. 

Writing articles with good relevant content is imperative if you want to get your name and your business opportunity out on the internet. Most people think they can't write....don't worry about that.....just write.  All you have to do is write like you talk. We all have our own way of speaking.....thus we all have our own way of writing. Sit down for a moment and think of a subject that interest you. Now start talking and as you talk...take some notes. When you have talked for about two or three minutes.....then stop talking and refer back to your notes. Each point that you thought was important enough to write down while you were talking is more than likely a keyword or keyword phrase. Your article does NOT have to be lengthy....sometimes two or three paragraphs is all you need to get your point across. 

Now look at the words or keyword phrases in your up your favorite text editor like notepad....start writing what ever you are thinking about. When you get done you will probably have 300 words or more in the little article you just wrote. Check your spelling with the spell-check in your system. Read and re-read what you just wrote....make any changes that you feel would make your article more understandable ....then prepare to publish your article on the internet.

Give your article a title after you have written your article. Never choose a title and then try to write regarding the title. Write first....then give your article a title. You may never win a Pulitzer prize for your problem. If you don't expect a Pulitzer prize....then you won't be disappointed. The purpose of writing is to get your name and your business opportunity out there on the internet and position yourself or opportunity high in the rankings with Google and other search engines. If you have a favorite blog or forum you enjoy reading.....then sign up in one of them and post what you just wrote to that blog or forum.

Google is an excellent blog for you to build and post in. It's easy to get started takes only about 5 minutes and you have just published your first article in your blog. Blogging is extremely effective when promoting your name or your business opportunity on the internet. Make sure you hand index your blog to Google and other search engines every time you write a new article or change content on your website. You too can earn "Top Positions on Google".  It's not going to happen overnight....just be consistant and post a new article everyday.
Regardless of how busy I may be on any given day, I will always write at least one article per day about something. I write a great deal about leads and lead generation. We must all have leads in our business to survive. I will post that article to six or eight five or six forums or more every day. I will always make sure my name and my business opportunity is mentioned in the article somewhere. I don't try to sell my product or service at all.....I merely share relative content about the features and benefits of what I am trying to promote. I always make sure my name, title, phone number, fax number, email, URL of my website and any other pertinent information is included in my closing tag. I want people to be able to get hold of me for any additional information they may have. Get away from the mindset that you have to advertise..... you don't have to advertise. People are bombarded with all kind of advertising junk mail and false promises every day....if you are like me, I'm tired of the junk. Give the interested individual good quality information and then let them decide if your particular product or opportunity is for them. Statistics show that an individual will look at information about a product on the average of seven times before they make a commitment to purchase. Good information is what potential clients want to read.

BLM Traders Marketing system has been a tremendous boost in changing my mindset from the advertising mentality to providing good relative information. Advertising on the internet doesn't does work. There is a tremendous difference between the two. Many individuals feel threatened by the terms of marketing....don't be intimidated by the internet or how to market. Learn to market the proper way with the help of the eBiz Solutions Team of BLM Traders Marketing Systems. You can take a look at some of my personal websites and see the low key approach I personally tons of information on marketing. If you have any questions, or need personal mentoring, you can contact me at the following contact information.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L. Miller  SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
Fax: 801-937-2795
skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!



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