Saturday, August 14, 2010

Blogging To Online Success!

Blogging has been popular on the internet for several years now, and has evolved into one of the most powerful marketing tools one can use in your effective marketing strategies. It is estimated that every second of every day, someone starts a new blog. The big challenge for most individuals and companies is, they go into this aspect of marketing with little, to no knowledge, of the basic fundamentals on how to use this form of marketing to become a successful venture.

If you're not familiar with what blogging is all about, and how to work through the process of creation, optimization and managing a blog correctly, then you need to secure the services of a professional SEO organization. By securing the services of a reputable SEO group, you can save a lot of time and money in your implementation of this process into your present marketing strategies. Gaining the knowledge, and leveraging the experience, and knowledge of a professional will help your earn Top Positions on Google, Yahoo and Bing, much quicker than trying to learn strictly by trial and error.

For those who don't know what blogging is all about, I think we need to address the question of exactly what a blog is and its functions. A blog is actually a website that allows an individual, business or webmaster to create, publish and manage relevant information about your business opportunity or information you wish to share online. There is little to no expertise to set up a blog, and post your information of interest you want to share with the masses on the internet.

An excellent comparison between a website and a blog would be as follows. Many times a website is designed, built and posted, one time only and the average person expects the site to immediately be visible for all to see online. If your site is not frequently updated with new information, you will probably never see any movement on your page rankings with the search engines. The search engines likes blogs because you are posting to your blog with new content on a frequent basis. The more new relevant content you can put in a blog the quicker your blog will move up in page rankings.

If you would do a Google search for blogging systems, you will find there are literally hundreds of blogging formats that you can participate in. Some of these blogs are free, and many of them you will find charges from maybe a dollar or so to post, to some outlandish fees to other companies, claiming to be the biggest and best on the market. There are a couple of ways you can get involved in this process. You can host a blog on your own website or you may choose to host your blog with a blogging system provider.

Some of the most popular systems are Blogger, WordPress, TypePad and LiveJournal. There are numerous add-ons that you can incorporate in your blog which may appeal to you. One important factor here should be considered and that is don't put a lot of junk add-ons on your blog and distract from what your real purpose is for having the blog in the first place. Setting up an adequate blog can be done in a matter of a few minutes, even if you're a novice in this type of process.

There's over 70 million blogs online today and statistics show that over 30% of users are involved in some way with blogging. By reviewing these numbers, it's easy to understand why blogging is becoming an important element for promoting your business opportunity. If you're not going to blog on your website blog, then don't set it up as a part of your website. With no activity in your blog, the search engines will probably penalize you and reduce your page rankings. The search engines love new content, and much of their algorithms weight, is on how much new relevant content is added and how frequently you update your site. If done correctly, blogging can be a tremendous boost to your overall online success.

If you don't consistently update your blog and website your site will become stagnant to the user and the search engines and they, will quit coming back to view your site. No traffic coming to your web site will equal, no sales, and with no sales your site will soon fail. The reader can quickly see if there is new content being added because, the blogs are displayed chronologically , so the newest post will always appear at the top. How frequently you post is totally up to you. It's good to write everyday if at all possible, however, if your schedule is fractured every day, you may only be able to post once every week. Whichever schedule you choose, make sure you do it consistently. You will soon build a following of loyal users that may become your next best customer.

If all of this information is a little overwhelming to you, not a problem. The eBiz Solutions Team is standing by to assist you in your online blogging experience. Call today, for your free 30 minute, "no obligation" consultation.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller, SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
Skype: larrylmiller 121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!

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