Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Building Back Links!

Building Back Links!

We've touched on backlinks in some of recent articles. In todays writing we want to pursue the benefits of backlinks a bit more and discuss how quality backlinks are important to your online success. We've all heard how important quality backlinks are to any successful search engine optimization strategies when promoting our business opportunity, but most of us hasn't taken the time to learn the very basics of what linking and backlinking is all about.

Since backlinks are created from another web site and points to your site you may or may not have any control of where those links came from or the quality of the backlinks. If you know the webmaster of the other site, it would be possible to contact that individual and construct the links and backlinks to benefit both sites. This scenario is an exception rather that the rule.

Most people believe that the more backlinks they have pointing to their site the better it is for their popularity. This again may or may not be the case. Sites with similar topics to your site are the most valuable kind of backlinks. This is especially true if the anchor text contains your keywords.

There are many different ways to build backlinks the natural way. To name just a few, getting listed in directories, participating in blogs and forums and of course posting in article directories. A word of caution here....inter-linking from one site to another site owned by the same business for the purpose of spam linking is a with the search engines. Any kind of illegal content is a Purchasing links in bulk or linking to link farms is not acceptable. Use extreme caution here to avoid search engine sanctions for participation in questionable practices.

Do some research and find a place you can generate quality backlinks. Many webmasters use a backlink builder tool that will give you a list of sites by simply entering one of your prime keywords and the tool will give you a list of sites where you can post to articles, message boards forums etc.. Once you acquire this information, this is where your work begins. You must visit each of the suggested sites and post your content with a backlink to your site in their own information format. This author does not suggest or endorse any particular backlink builder tool. This is just a suggested method of finding places to generate backlinks. Do your research and see if this type of system may work for you.

It is important to generate backlinks by getting listed in web directories like, DMOZ, Yahoo just to name a couple. This will get you some free quality backlinks which will get you noticed by the search engines as well as the general public. This is not going to be an immediate process, it's going to take time. Some of these ideas will take weeks or maybe even months for the search directories to index you in their recommended categories. Just be will happen in due time....if you followed their guidelines for inclusion into their program.

If you find a forum or blog that you enjoy, you may want to participate in posting to this type of opportunity. Often search engines will index forums and blogs that continually provide quality content. Having a Google blog of your own is an excellent way to get accustom to blogging. This is time well spent for creating links and backlinks. With forums your post can be very short, however, posting to directories will take some time and a thought process when writing your information. Writing and posting articles is a rewarding method of building a following of search engines and potential clients.

Using RSS feeds is a good way for people to link to your site or blog just to keep up with the quality information you present. These contacts can become loyal customers in a relatively short time. When other sites publish your RSS feed, you will acquire a backlink from that site and your popularity base has just expanded considerably.

If you have something newsworthy you can do a press release and get some good results this way. If a person views your press release and likes what they see, they may want to offer a reciprocal link to your site. This is an excellent way to gain popularity with the search engines as well as with other sites with similar content.

Avoid linking to any type of suspicious or questionable site. Linking in any fashion to such sites is a disaster waiting to happen. Getting a lot of links in a short period of time will look suspicious to the search engines so build good quality links and avoid a large quantity of questionable links for now.

There are a few practices that should be avoided here. Avoid link exchanges. Some webmasters may offer a barter put a link on my site and I'll put a link on your site. Be aware of the ratio between outbound and inbound links. Avoid link farms...the search engines frown on link farms. Your site could be banned from the internet just by being involved with one forbidden activity. Use good common sense here, and you should be OK.

By properly cultivating the various ways of generating quality links and backlinks and avoiding the areas we pointed out above, you should be able to build an effective linking and backlinking systems that will adhere to the search engine guidelines and get the recognition you deserve to have a quality search engine optimized site that will draw potential customers to your site like a huge magnet.

If you have additional questions or need some personal mentoring you can contact a member of the eBiz Solutions Team for assistance at the contact information below.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
Skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link of the Internet!

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