Sunday, February 21, 2010

Target Keywords for Your Web Site!

Target Keywords for Your Web Site!

Everyone who has sat down and designed a web site and tried to optimize the site runs into the same challenges with Keywords and Keyword Phrases. What keywords or keyword phrases should I use and how popular are those keywords in any given category are questions we all ask. Without the use of relative keywords in your source code and content of your site, you probably won't get to far with trying to obtain good page ranks with the search engines. You probably won't get ranked at all. Relative keywords and keyword phrases are imperative if you want to succeed online.

There are certain recommendations that apply here for choosing the right keywords or phrases for you to accomplish a successful marketing campaign. Getting the right keywords is probably one of the most crucial parts of any campaign you may be involved in. To perform this function effectively, you will spend hours or even a couple of days searching for the right words, putting them in a priority list, using other research sources, figuring out what your competition is using for their good page rank and more. However, without this step of the process being very precise in it's final format, you may spend an incredible amount of time later on. It's better to spend the time up front than trying to repair the problem later on.

After you've made a long and detailed list of the keywords you feel best describes your business opportunity, then start narrowing that list down to the most targeted keywords that apply to what your web site is all about. The goal here is to laser focus your keywords to best describe your site and gain top page ranks with the top search engines. If doesn't make a difference whether you like Google, Yahoo or MSN, the keywords will be what each of these engines are looking at.

If you have several competitors that uses some of the keywords you've chosen, your journey to top position with the search engines may be difficult to achieve. Don't get discouraged here, even though you may have to work a bit harder you can still accomplish your goals if you try hard enough. There is only one top position on any search term you look for, however, getting a ranking on page one is fantastic, page two being good, or page three just fair, you can possibly get some better positions with less popular keywords or keyword phrases. Remember, keywords are critical for success and the end result is well worth the efforts put forth in this vital part of the search engine optimization process.

Many sites with lower page ranks can get high traffic from the search engines. Like anything else....the higher you rank the farther you can fall. Sure I love the page one, position one with the search engines, but I have learned to be content with a lower page ranking and by working hard, keeping a presence on page one with maybe two or three positions on the first page.

To give you an example...this morning like every other morning I checked to see where I stand on Google for a particular keyword phrases I started promoting about 4 months ago. It is a very competitive keyword phrase. Out of 375 million listing primary business site was NOT #1....Bummer Right? Not necessarily....because one of my 3rd level domain sites was Page #1...position #1 on position #5 was an article I wrote a couple of months ago and in position # 8 was one of my blogs I post to everyday.....What? Three page ranks for my opportunity on page #1 of Google! All of these page #l ranking positions was pointing to my primary business with links from each of these sites. I think you're beginning to see the point here. I got a Gold...a Silver...and a Bronze Medal, all in the same day. Sure a #1 position with my primary business would have been great, but tell me which scenario will give me the most online exposure when promoting my business opportunity. I think the answer is obvious.

The key here is to be persistent. Every single day I write at least one article linking to my primary business opportunity. I post that article on numerous blogs, hand index the URLs to the search engines and promote the my information in various other venues using the intenet as my only source of promoting. Folks, I'm just a retired country boy that does the same process over and over everyday with new keyword rich content in articles sharing information about how to promote an online business. If I can be successful online, so can you if your put forth the effort to learn the process and be willing to do whatever it takes to do it right.

Learning how to search for the best keywords and taking the time to use those keywords in my writings has been a never ending challenge but well worth the rewards that it affords. You to can earn "Top Positions in Google" and other search engines by following the process we've been talking about here today. If you don't know how to do this process, then buckle down and do some research about this crucial process of finding the right keywords before you just throw something out there on the internet regarding your opportunity.

If you have any questions or need some personal mentoring, the eBiz Solutions Team is standing by to assist you in your online marketing journey. Call today for your free 30 minute consultation.

"Let's Build Your Online Business Together"

Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
Skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!

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