Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Tips on Building a Website!!

Tips on Building a Website!!

If your considering building a new website or reworking your old site, you need to find the right keywords or keyword phrases to make this project effective. We've discussed in previous articles the importance of using the right tools for compiling a list of keywords that you may want to use. We suggest in some of those articles that you look at the Google Keywords Tool to help you in this research. Don't be hasty in choosing your keywords and keyword phrases. Sometimes I will spends several hours over a couple of days before I narrow the search down to my final choices. I try to use any where from 20 to 25 powerful keywords in this process.

As you build your website it will take on new meaning and possibly a total different appearance than you had originally planned. The looks of your site must be appealing to the general public with images, attractive color harmony and most of all good keyword rich content. Search engines only look at well written, keyword rich content in their reviews.

You will start your building of your site by choosing a site title. The title should include several of your keywords, your name (if you have used your name as a keyword), and should be held to a length of about sixty characters.

Use as many of the keywords as you can in a very well written keyword rich text for your first paragraph of your website. This paragraph should be easily understood, explaining exactly what your website is all about.

Use of keywords within the rest of your home page will help you earn better rankings if you spread the keywords throughout your content. Don't use the same keyword or phrases over and over again. Use the rule of thumb...don't use the same keyword more that 5 times in your website content. The keyword density should not be more than 5-7% of your total content. If you use these guidelines you shouldn't get in trouble with the search engine keyword density rules.

You may want to make a list of your keywords and keyword phrases and put that list at the bottom of the page. That's OK. This is for the benefit of the search engines.

There are three elements that will help you gain popularity with the search engines. In the source code of your site make sure you use a good title (about 60 characters), make a brief meta description of (about 160 characters), and use your keywords and phrases that apply to your site (about 500-600 characters). Some SEO Consultant may tell you up to 1,000 characters. That's OK. I prefer 500-600 characters which allows me to add some different keywords later on when I think of them and rewrite some of my content for more effectiveness. That way I don't go over the 1,000 character limit. Once I have a keyword in my published list, I don't like to take a keyword out because the search engines has possibly already indexed that keyword. I prefer just adding to the published list. That comment is a personal opinion only.

Links and Back Linking is important in your website. If you have other sites on line, it is advisable to post those links in your new web page. I read an article recently which stated that most of the search engines don't like more than about 15 links in your website. In those 15 links you can have an untold number of links on those other sites which the search engine spider will pick up when they send the robot spiders to your site. Again this was some information I read, so I can't verify how accurate that information is. I have had several sites that had considerably more than 15 links and the site gained page one of the search engines. Use your own good judgment here.

Many individuals ask, "how long will it take me to get results and make money?" I don't know!! If any one tell you they can guarantee you top rankings in a given time, I would be rather skeptical of that company or individual. To gain organic popularity with the search engines, it take a lot of time, patience and hard work. One site I promoted took me almost a year to gain the popularity I expected...Don't set a time limit...just do what is necessary to optimize you site, publish article to directories, post to blogs, post to ezines, send out email etc. and the results will come when you have met the search engines criteria. Not a minute sooner.

There are indeed methods you can implement into your marketing strategies that will accelerate your popularity with the search engines. For faster growth and recognition you will pay for programs plus the payment for services of professional marketing firms. Use extreme caution here when committing to a paid service or marketing campaign.

If you have additional questions or need some personal mentoring, you can contact the eBiz Solutions Team for a free 30 minutes no obligation consultation.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
Skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!

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