Sunday, January 24, 2010

Blog Your Way to Better PageRanks!


Blog Your Way to Better PageRanks!

You can blog about almost anything on the internet. Some people enjoy just blogging about nonsense because it's something to do. Have you ever considered blogging about your products and services and making money online by blogging?

You can blog about your new business opportunity and tell the world about your new product or service. You can use a blog you've written and create an email campaign with that information. There are untold ideas out there about how to use a blog to promote just about anything you can imagine. Blogging will help you earn better page ranks with the search engines and "Top Positions on Google".

You can Blog about new content to your website regarding your products or services. Other webmasters or individuals may follow your site on a regular basis by subscribing to your RSS feed and follow your writing as new content is posted. Links and backlinks generated by blogging are powerful with the search engines.

Offline promotions can be made more profitable by including your company information on every kind of promotional material you generate. When doing your offline promotions, make sure you include your blog URL on your business cards, letterheads, envelopes, posters, recurring newsletters along with information regarding your company URL. Make sure you include all of this same information on any email campaigns you're involved in.

You can use your blogs in any type of marketing: one example includes social media sites. This type of site is built around the concept of interaction and sharing of information. This makes it easier to match up like minded groups of individuals with relevant content about your business opportunity.

You can write a blog in the form of an article and then post that blog to a number of article directories. There are lots of article directories that will pick up your articles and populate the internet with your articles and blogs for free.

There are certain things you must avoid in your blogging and promoting of your blog.

Avoid blogging about each small addition to your website. It is however, advisable to promote any major addition that will affected the customer perception of your site or the search engines assesment of your site. It is recommended to hand index your site URL with all new content to add to your website.

Avoid questionable blogging and permitting your website to be involved in any type of unethical or untruthful scheme where the content is artificially promoted to higher search engine positions regarding your products or services. Always be truthful and upfront with all aspects of your online offering regarding your business opportunity.

When blogging be cautious about using copy and paste techniques with information you've copied from other sites. You can use other peoples material if you put the information in "quotes" and give the original writer the credit they deserve for that part of the information you included in your blog or article. Giving the name of the original author is not going to hurt your reputation, in fact people with respect you for your honesty. So always.....give credit where credit is due.

I have found it to be very useful to contact the individuals that I want to copy the material from. Develop a good relationship with individuals in the related business community you work in. As an SEM/SEO Consultant, I will contact my competition and even have lunch with them if possible. I always gain some valuable information in these contacts that I can use in my marketing campaigns.

Be very cautious about only sending link requests out to all related sites regarging your topic area or category. If you even think that something might be spam...don't even consider using such information in any type of writing or promoting.

Blogging can be very profitable if done correctly. Blogging and writing articles will help you learn more about your product or service because of the research you must do about your opportunity to write about that product effectively. The more you know about your opportunity the better you will become about writing about your business. If you don't know how to write, start writing. You will learn to write by writing. Write as you talk, don't try to put on a front. Alway be truthful about everything you write. Individuals as well as the search engines will pick upon this scheme very quickly and you will be penalized for your questionable content by both.

If you need additional information regarding blogging or marketing, the eBiz Solutions Team is standing by to assist you in your marketing journey on the internet. Call today for your free 30 minute consultation.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
Skype: larrylmiller121

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