Monday, January 18, 2010

Hand Index Your URL's to the Search Engines!

Hand Index Your URL's to the Search Engines!

In some of our recent articles we've mentioned you should hand index your URL's to the search engines for quicker recognition rather than just waiting for the search engines to pick up your URL on their regular search.

The question is often ask; "how do I hand index my sites to the search engines"? You must understand that each search engine has a different format to follow to accomplish this process. We will only deal with the top three search engines since most search inquiries are made to the big three and many other search engines pull their information from Google, Yahoo and Bing.

Index to Google:

If you want to hand index your URL to Google you simply type in the Google search bar "add url Google" ....there you will find the submission link to click on. When you get into the site there is a detailed description on what you need to be done next. Google adds and updates new sites to their index each time they crawl the web. They do not add every submitted URL to their index, nor will they make any predictions or guarantees regarding whether or not your site will appear.

You must enter the full URL including the http:// prefix. As an option you can add comments or keywords you want to emphasis about your website. What you put in this area does not affect how your page is indexed by Google.

Only submit the URL for your top-level page. The Google crawler, better known as Googlebot, will find the rest of what it needs to index your site accordingly. Google updates it index on a regular basis. It's not necessary to include updated or outdated link submissions. Dead links will go away the next time Google updates their entire index.

Index to MSN (Bing):

Hand indexing your URL's to the MSN (Bing) can be done by going to Google and searching for the term "submit url Bing". You will find their site by clicking on the (Bing URL Submission) header. You may find the process with Bing is simpler to use than the Google submission. All you have to do on the Bing submission is the put your URL and click the submit button.

Index to Yahoo:

To find the path to hand index your URL to Yahoo can be done with the same kind of search method we used above. Type in the Google search bar; "submit URL Yahoo". You will find the "submit a site" header....just click on that link and follow the prompts. The Yahoo provides one extra feature where you can "submit site feed"....If you are going to use this function you should review how it works and understand exactly what the purpose of this function of the tool is designed to do. To begin with be content with using the submit URL portion of their service.

Work with these three submission services....and use them often. By pursuing these simple step you will see some quick results in your exposure and page rank by the search engines. You can do the same process as we've explained above on other popular search engines and you will find the benefits will be well worth the time you may spend indexing your URL's by hand to them also.

The suggestions made in this article are by no means the only things you need to do to get your name and business opportunity recognized online. In the next few articles we will be talking about a number of different activities that will help you increase your online exposure. By combining all of these suggestions together, you will see some very positive results in your marketing quest.

If you have additional questions, or need some personal mentoring you can give the eBiz Solutions Team with BLM Traders a call. The professionals are standing by to assist you in your online endeavors.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-405
Skype: larrylmiller 121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!

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