Saturday, January 9, 2010

New Year's Resolution vs. New Year's Commitment!

New Year's Resolution vs. New Year's Commitment!

"If you want to make the most out of your life, you must make a commitment to success rather than just making a New Years Resolution for change."

New Years Resolutions:

We've all made New Year's Resolutions....but how many times in your life have you really made a New Year's Commitment about something? We all have our own ideas of what the difference between a resolution and a commitment may be. Whenever I'm writing any article, I like to refer to Wikipedia the free encyclopedia for a definitive answer. I think Wikipedia, says it best in the fewest words.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

" A New Year's Resolution is a commitment that an individual makes to a project or a habit, often a lifestyle change that is generally interpreted as advantageous. The name comes from the fact that these commitments normally go into effect on New Year's Day and remain until fulfilled."


"Commitment means to duty or pledge to some thing or someone, and can refer to: Personal commitment, interaction dominated by obligations. These obligations may be mutual, or self-imposed, or explicitly stated, or may not. Distinction is often made between commitment as a member of an organisation (such as a sporting team, a religion, or as an employee). A personal commitment is a pledge or promise to ones' self for personal growth."


I have made a New Year's Resolution more times than I can remember and the result is always the same. Most of us can relate to that. It has come to be a tradition in our American culture. Most people make their resolution and say "I'm going to loose weight!" You can probably count on one hand the people you have known in your life that really and truly followed through with that resolution. We are all guilty of such frivolous words. How many of us have really made a commitment and sincerely put forth the efforts to accomplish what we said we would do? You can make all the resolutions you want but until you are committed to your words, your efforts are in vain.


In the year of 2010, there are certain things you need to commit to in your personal life as well as in your business life. Many people take the commitment to their business less important than their personal life. This is something that each of us must place the priority of personal versus business in the proper order. Sure we must all be committed to our family, our friends, our faith, our time, our education and the list goes on. Only you can decide which is the most important aspects of your commitment. If you are sincere and done your part up to now, many of these commitment will already be in place. Minor adjustments can be made as a problem presents its self. The same must be true in your business.


When discussing your business, your Commitment should be exactly as described above in the Wikipedia description. "Personal commitment, interaction dominated by obligations". Your business commitment has to be outlined by you personally and then followed through until additional features are required to accomplish your goals. Don't be afraid to add or take away from your plan to help you succeed quicker and more effectively. In the beginning, you need to establish some serious facts that your venture is legitimate and then establish what you must do to accomplish your objectives in your endevor!! Ask these important questions. Is it ligitimate? Is it reasonable? Is it realistic? Is it attainable?

Change of Mindset:

In a recent meeting I was privileged to attend, Butch Hamilton, SEO Master stated, "Whatever your thinking right probably right". We've talked about mindset in some of our recent articles, and we have repeated over and over about one critical issue, and that is, you must be willing to change your mindset, before expecting positive results in any new beginning. This may be the one key ingredient you must change before anything can happen in your life. Try having a one on one discussion with yourself and commit to what changes must be done to make positive changes in your mindset. Why follow a path of doing what you've been doing over and over and coming up with the same disappointing results? If you continue to do the same things that caused you to fail, the results will be the same. You have perfectly followed the formula for failure.


Let me recommend to devote some time right now, and have that long talk with yourself and see if you are making a New Years Resolution or are you making a Commitment that will change your life forever.

If you have additional questions about your business commitment or need personal mentoring, you can contact me at the contact information below. The eBiz Solutions Team with BLM Traders is standing by to assist in your choices. Have a wonderful 2010 in both your personal and business commitments.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
skype: larrylmiller121

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